Thursday, June 03, 2010

Enabling the People of God Him Overcome Any Problem (I Corinthians 6:1-7)

My brothers ...
    As long has the money and can afford to pay something, definitely will get what they want. So that the impact many people trapped in the court and make some people a negative view of world justice. Therefore Paul says if any one of you who disagree with others, so do not find a solution to people who are not true, but look for the saints to complete. What is meant by the people who are not true here are the people whose lives have not been faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, not immoral and did not do good, but often not wise to insult and oppress Christians. Even denying the power of the Lord Jesus and His presence will sue and prosecute human. My brothers ...  
    In fact that people who live only selfish, family, hobby itself, the work itself, etc.. What if the ends contemplated only lead to pleasure themselves and for themselves so that there are matters such as disputes, fights, physical fights, quarrels regarded as common. But in paragraph 3 says that should not affirm ordinary matters in our daily lives, which meant in this verse that the lives of believers (church) in Corinth faced with a matter of life where the church has become damaged due to the atmosphere of strife, sue-sue each other. More severe problems that occurred in the church instead diverted to the settlement of outsiders who have not believed. 
My brothers ...  
Currently we are competing with advances in technology and science so that we are often dealing with the logic that often conflict with the Word of God. Human wisdom through science and technology is often controlled the decision, even a sad there are people who dragged the greatness and praise yourself, so forget the Lord God in making decisions. "Is there not one among you is wise who can take care of matters from his brother?". Apparently the Corinthian brothers who believe in seeking justice because there are some people who are still influenced by their habit, they boast of their spiritual and material. So in worship frequent noise, because they expect as Christians will be free from slavery and in their worship as a fellow who wanted to be treated equal, but in fact not the case, that's because conflict. 
My brothers .... 
From time to time until the modern era even today many ways people treat the followers of the Lord Jesus is by: humiliate, tortured, humiliated, persecuted, even killed, but the world view that this is something that is mediocre. In many countries not a few people who are victims of injustice because of faith in God Jesus. They are willing to live a life in prison, suffered disability because of being tortured, children who have lost their parents due to be killed, etc.. The Apostle Paul said, "Why do you not like to suffer injustice?", "Why do ye not rather suffer?" the point why you do not want to sacrifice for the Church of Jesus Christ goodness ?. Loyalty someone to the Lord Jesus and the purity faith will prove where the person is willing to be faithful to the end of his life. Requires faith and belief to do anything to defend the faith and belief. It must be realized that there is no belief that just as surely as belief in the Lord Jesus and no expectations equal to the beauty of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. So do not hesitate because there is no certainty of life.  
My brothers ...
      We must remember that: 
1. Denial of the power of the Lord Jesus and His presence as a fair judge is a sin. Therefore came to the saints in the sense of people who believe in the Lord Jesus, who was given wisdom so that they may solve persolan with the wise and prudent. Because it is not always success must be paid by way of compromise with sin.  
2. Paul reminds the saints to not be easily deceived and jatu in sin. Because it was necessary sincerity and cooperation among Christian friends. No time anymore for every Christian selfish. Thus we also present, if a job-any job in order to service, that work was not possible to be alone, so need help and a loving helping hand from fellow brethren.
3. Christians who have the wisdom and knowledge must not be lost and there will be no conflict would even be happy because all decisions in life comes from Him. 
4. Currently we are the ones who survive and be faithful until death, we will be blessed with the crown of life. So do not be afraid to lose their lives because the Lord Jesus, because we'll get it back, let alone suffer from injustice. Only the Lord Jesus the true source of justice and only He is the real victory. God always keep and bless us. Amen


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