Friday, October 22, 2010

Prayer and Addictions

weird yellow jacket
     Addiction is one of the dark side for in a man who had become addicted to something. Addiction is something that most cruel, because he deceived us cruelly and without mercy. Addiction that comes to us like a figure of a friend who promised to give a pleasure to us. Addictions often convince us that we must wear them for survival. Addictions come to us and kissed our cheeks, like Judas, kiss the cheek of the Lord Jesus Christ. Addictions steal our treasure and we rent out to the enemy with a cheap price. 
     Even something that is very alarming, that does not count anymore so many people trapped in addiction. It is even from the family of faith, have concluded that they had no hope to overcome the "beast" (addiction) that this unyielding. The number of failures that are not counted, many believers accept the defeat of his life as something inevitable dab wait independence will only come from heaven. No matter whether YOU addicted to the object or behavior, be assured that God can liberate you. 
     What does God want from YOU is "time, trust and cooperation." Authorization terrible because addiction is something that is rare even can not be solved in a day. But know, that God has so many things that he wanted to teach as much is he going to show you. God can show His power directly and free of all our passions fort. However, sometimes God chooses to teach the process for us to walk with Him and depend on Him from day to day. When He delivered us directly, then we only see His greatness once and then we will not forget, after that we'll be back to take the risk to return to the addiction. Conversely, if we accept the teaching of the Lord God in Christ Jesus from day to day, our lives are in constant awareness of the greatness of Him and His sufficiency. 
     The lesson the hard lessons of value usually is eternal. Do not forget that God is wanting us to know the Liberator of the only just released. Realize us that, we need not doubt that God's will is your freedom from the yoke addiction. We can not forget or we still remember how King David, who formerly as a shepherd of sheep to defeat the Philistine Goliath (1 Samuel 17:38-40). God may have used a method to free a person who may not be effective for you. Perhaps the success of others does not add anything other than increasing despair and self hatred. Do not let the enemy play mind games with you. 
     We know that the power of God is designed consistent with our weaknesses. Solution or way out of all this bondage is that if we truly believe in God, then seek God and ask Him to remember to show you the way to victory. Wear appropriate prayer word of God is according to His plan prepared for you. 
     Ask God how He wants to pray according to God's word is used in the course of your life headed in a truth. Prayer in accordance with God's word can also lead us to a liberty. Say the prayers to Him, then we will see the exit of each struggle, hardship and addiction that often handcuff us.
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Senior Debutante said...

Prayer, a solemn one, is the power that pulls everything together in the right perspective that leads you to overcome the bad, like this addiction as specified in this blog. We pray for deliverance from the evil that addiction brings. Thanks.

Kath(MFS) said...

Addiction is a terrible thing, but only through God can we overcome it and then learn and grow to be a better person from it!

Great site! Keep it up!

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Derrick Choy said...

Amen, we do not want to be controlled or bound by anything/anyone. Lord we commit our life to You alone. We believe and know that You are our solution.

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