Friday, October 22, 2010

Prayer and Addictions

weird yellow jacket
     Addiction is one of the dark side for in a man who had become addicted to something. Addiction is something that most cruel, because he deceived us cruelly and without mercy. Addiction that comes to us like a figure of a friend who promised to give a pleasure to us. Addictions often convince us that we must wear them for survival. Addictions come to us and kissed our cheeks, like Judas, kiss the cheek of the Lord Jesus Christ. Addictions steal our treasure and we rent out to the enemy with a cheap price. 
     Even something that is very alarming, that does not count anymore so many people trapped in addiction. It is even from the family of faith, have concluded that they had no hope to overcome the "beast" (addiction) that this unyielding. The number of failures that are not counted, many believers accept the defeat of his life as something inevitable dab wait independence will only come from heaven. No matter whether YOU addicted to the object or behavior, be assured that God can liberate you. 
     What does God want from YOU is "time, trust and cooperation." Authorization terrible because addiction is something that is rare even can not be solved in a day. But know, that God has so many things that he wanted to teach as much is he going to show you. God can show His power directly and free of all our passions fort. However, sometimes God chooses to teach the process for us to walk with Him and depend on Him from day to day. When He delivered us directly, then we only see His greatness once and then we will not forget, after that we'll be back to take the risk to return to the addiction. Conversely, if we accept the teaching of the Lord God in Christ Jesus from day to day, our lives are in constant awareness of the greatness of Him and His sufficiency. 
     The lesson the hard lessons of value usually is eternal. Do not forget that God is wanting us to know the Liberator of the only just released. Realize us that, we need not doubt that God's will is your freedom from the yoke addiction. We can not forget or we still remember how King David, who formerly as a shepherd of sheep to defeat the Philistine Goliath (1 Samuel 17:38-40). God may have used a method to free a person who may not be effective for you. Perhaps the success of others does not add anything other than increasing despair and self hatred. Do not let the enemy play mind games with you. 
     We know that the power of God is designed consistent with our weaknesses. Solution or way out of all this bondage is that if we truly believe in God, then seek God and ask Him to remember to show you the way to victory. Wear appropriate prayer word of God is according to His plan prepared for you. 
     Ask God how He wants to pray according to God's word is used in the course of your life headed in a truth. Prayer in accordance with God's word can also lead us to a liberty. Say the prayers to Him, then we will see the exit of each struggle, hardship and addiction that often handcuff us.
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The family of Reverend Savrison Manembu-Lantang

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Humanity's sin and God's Love

Postcard - Christian Death - Sex And Drugs And...
Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 
     Sin is not something foreign to us as human beings. Sin is a term that is inherent in mankind. Even the word "sin" is a term that describes the nature of man, that man is imperfect because of sin. Sin is not something pleasant to talk about let alone to be done. But in reality there are people who like to sin and it is difficult to get away from the power and bondage of sin. Why do we believe people should try to avoid it? Sin is the transgression and rebellion of mankind against the will, wishes and commands of God. Violations of human beings against God that man is sinful, is to consciously and deliberately. If we read and look at the phrase King David in the Book of Psalms chapter 51 verse 6 which says: "Against you, you alone have I sinned and done what you think is evil ...." While the Apostle Paul explains that sin as enmity between God and man, it tells the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 8 verse 7 which says: "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God's will ,....” 
     Sin is not merely an evil act against the will of God, but sin as the fact that the whole life of mankind has lost the glory of God. The Apostle Paul also said in the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 23 that: "For all have sinned and have lost the glory of God." Context, situation and even the human reality is human sin that separated himself from God and man who gave herself to the powers beyond the power of God that is the power of darkness (evil). Human alienation from God, so that human beings live in various situations, including: 
1. Humans live in isolation from one another and their environment, so it is not uncommon humans live in envy, revenge, quarrels, disputes and even kill each other. 
2. Human life becomes damaged. Man seeks his own to find and meet every need. 
3. Because of human sin death. Because sin always produces damage, destruction, strife and even destruction. 
     As a Christian community which certainly believe in the power and love of God, we really know the background of the sin. One important question for us to ponder is: "Does God love sinners? Sin causes the termination of the relationship between man with God and with fellow human beings. Because of sin, and consequently, so that people living in misery, pain, fights, wars, famine, natural disasters and social injustice as well as various aspects of life in society. In the end, because of sin so that man to death and eternal death. Whether because of this sin, humans still have a way out or a chance to make peace with God? 
     Although the power of sin is death, but the grace of God, in the Lord Jesus Christ was more powerful than sin. The Apostle Paul said in the Book of Romans chapter 6 verse 23 that: "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The grace of God this happened because human beings are capable of up to God and receive salvation from God to the business or his own effort. The grace of God is answering every human effort to return to God through faith which is always a failure. This is because in the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 10, the Apostle Paul said: "No one is really to get to the truth of God." 
     Road safety is provided only by God and the origin of God, through His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ, who has come down from heaven into the world. This is confirmed in the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16, that: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. With the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the world, then dismantled and destroyed the power of sin. Humans are given time and opportunity to exit from sin for salvation and eternal life."
"Go for your faith has saved thee and sin no more."
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God who cares for all His creation

A Tanach
     Christians recognize and believe that God the Father Almighty as the Creator of heaven and earth. This belief is contained in the "Apostles' Creed" The first part states that: "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth." In recognition of this is contained within the meaning of a confession, that the world was created by God. In other words, God created this world and everything in it is because the purpose and plan of his own. Hence also, the universe in which human living environment is very important because it is in God's plan. 
     Christians also believe that the world and everything in it is owned by and belongs to God. On the other hand, because the world and everything in it belongs to God has been delivered to all mankind to be preserved, managed and cultivated properly and responsibly. In the Book of Genesis 1:26-31 reminds us again of mankind, that the handover to mankind, to be managed and cultivated human being does not mean arbitrarily make or act as they pleased against nature. Mankind who manipulate the universe by casually or with as they pleased was the style and attitude of people who do not believe in or responsible. In other words, this attitude is an attitude that does not appreciate that the Lord God is the creator of this universe. In Psalm 24:1-2 says: "God who owns the earth and everything in it and the world and contained. For he who based it upon the seas and enforce it upon the rivers." 
     It can be said, humans are destroying the universe is the human attitude that does not respect the duties and responsibilities entrusted to God to man to preserve, maintain and cultivate it properly and responsibly. We have heard even know the meaning of the word "exploitation", this word in it contains the meaning of the earth as the source of everything. In other words, the earth and everything made by human beings as objects to satisfy their needs. Efforts to meet this need by humans is that through the efforts of both traditional and modern and there is through manual and technology. The exploitation of natural resources that are not responsible can result in environmental pollution and damage to the total of God's creation of this nature. Environmental damage caused by the attitude of mankind is not responsible, then the age of this world will be shorter. "Global Warning" is a warning that must be addressed and observed by all mankind, since if a warning was not taken with a genuine concern, then the consequence is disaster-related natural disasters will befall human life. Therefore the spirit of conservation, processing or environmental management is good, loving environment and care about the environment should always be inherent in the self and human life every day. Man as God's representative on earth, was given the responsibility to cultivate the earth and everything in it as a creation and gift of God. As a gift of God's creation and the earth and all its contents must be maintained and managed well. Man should be a good manager and stylist, for the sake of continuity of life that exist in his creation of this nature. 
Man must make use of all natural resources wisely, well, moral and responsible.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Not Peace but the opposition (Luke 12:49-53)

Christogram with Jesus Prayer in Romanian: Lor...
     In Bible translation Indonesian version Everyday this section is entitled: "Not peace but resistance." and the New Living Translation Version of the Bible, first edition, in 1974 this section is entitled: "Jesus took the separation." In the New Living Translation Version of the Bible clearly mention who the cause of the quarrel, and not to be expanded into: "Jesus causing quarrels among people". It is not clear to us in the context of what Jesus was saying the words like the ones in this passage. 
     From verse 51 to be felt that his words here addressed to the disciples or his followers. In verse 54, gives the impression that the start of verse 54, Jesus' switch shows his words to the crowd. In this passage, narrated that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ leads to a conflicting atmosphere among humans. People are challenged to make a decision to follow or opposing (against) him. In verse 49 says: "I came to cast fire upon the earth and how if I had expected, the fire had been lit! (Bible New Living Translation version), and the Bible Indonesian version of Daily said:" I came to cause fires on earth this. 
     It would be nice if the fire is already lit! The phrase, "I came to cast fire upon the earth", a literal translation from the Greek word is, "Fire is what I came to throw them to the earth." In the original Greek shows that the word "fire" is placed in the sentence, to show that the word that is emphasized, and it is opposed to "peace", as contained in paragraph 51. 
     "Fire": Given the context, the "fire" here symbolize the strife as the opposite of the word "peace" (verse 51). In order to understand this meaning, the word "dispute" can be added behind the word "fire", so that it becomes: "flames" or "fire fighting". Should the word or picture of the "fire" is, will be retained in the translation. But let the reader can understand the meaning, then it can be diverted into a "Like" or "For instance". In verse 50, we find the word "Baptism". Jesus used the word "Baptism" as a metaphor to describe the suffering that is very heavy. 
     As one who was baptized at that time must be entered completely into the water, so also the Lord Jesus Christ must have suffered an extraordinary heavy and painful. In the Indonesian version of the Bible Everyday here is not consistent with the previous paragraph, and just translate it to mean "great suffering." We recommend that translators use the word as used in paragraph 49, which both use the word figuratively. The phrase "How Was My hard heart until it is accomplished!": This indicates there is a time Jesus will experience the suffering that is so heavy, Jesus was troubled and he wanted to make things happen and it quickly passed. There is also the phrase "Bringing peace on earth", "bring peace" here means eliminating disputes or stop the fight. Peace in the Bible, illustrated with a number of situations, including: a state of harmonious society, peaceful and quite in needs, in harmony and mutual respect. Coming of the Lord Jesus did to bring peace between man and God, and between human beings with each other. 
     But also his coming at the same time bring the split between those who believe and receive Him by those who do not believe and who reject Him. So Jesus said that "I reiterate that I brought not peace but conflict." In paragraph 52 there is the word "opposition", said this would explain that contradiction is not just happening in the midst of society, but also can occur within a family. This can only happen because there are family members who accepted Jesus, while others do not. Up to in paragraph 53 of kinship relations within the family highlighted, that the conflict or dispute can happen and can threaten family relationships within the family itself. 
Main Source: "Guide to Biblical Interpretation," Gospel of Luke, Jakarta 2005 by the publisher "Indonesian Bible Institute".
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christmas Gifts

A Danish Christmas tree illuminated with burni...
     There was a gentleman named Mr. Josh. Dad was always present just before Christmas. No one who knew or knew his full name. So people wondering and whispering: Is the name of the father? This man always comes and comes after hours of eating. Her presence was always busy when suddenly it hit stores. The people with different preoccupations in and out of the store to buy various goods and other necessities for Christmas. Both mothers and fathers and children crowded into the store. The mothers find the price of clothing with a sale price, the gentlemen who traveled to see a handkerchief or clothing in which sold at low prices due to cut a percentage and the children find a variety of games related to Christmas celebrations. Mr. Josh this saying: "Oh, how beautiful children thanks to the Divine." 
     In the heart of this father said: "Their eyes are rounded and radiant are seeing so many beautiful things in the store." Mr. Josh, so pay attention to the behavior and movements of these children. There are children who come without parents, there are children who dress simply and there are children holding little money for the bus ride home town. Mr. Josh with saliva that dries at the threshold of his lips and with eyes full of charm, beauty staring at many games in the store that is not possible they (the children) to buy or possess. 
     Mr. Josh, so careful attention to what is happening around him, both shoppers and children. Then quietly he signed to one clerk on duty next to them. The man was taking the goods being admired the child. Child's eyes suddenly shed tears because of sadness, disappointment and heartache. Things have taken those dreams. Clerk is then wrapped and handed to Mr. Josh. Expression which is reflected in the faces of children, it is difficult told with words. Surprised, confused and do not believe ,..... even sing like a dream in the day. 
     Mr. Josh settle all accounts. This man does not know the boy, on the contrary the kids do not know or have a relationship with him. But this father of the children were happy, the kids are for life they never received a Christmas gift. Every Christmas, Christmas gifts circulating here and there. 
     Did we give Christmas gifts to those in need? Or even give us eat and drink until we drunk even forget themselves, much less to the rich and honorable? Human life is not just a meal or drink, but what and how to act and our actions, when we saw our neighbors who desperately need our help. 
Lord Jesus Christ never take His sacrifice for the whole world and mankind, but the Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for the salvation of mankind with love, earnestness and sincerity.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An understanding of God in Process Philosophy of Alfred N. Whitehead. (Part One)

The Book of Kells is one of the most famous ar...
     Theology is a reflection on the experience of faith that can’t be released from the various models of certain understandings about God. Therefore, this topic would serve as well as offering a unique model of understanding about God. In various themes and theological studies called Process Theology or the relevance of Whitehead's process philosophy to theology certainly broader than just pointing and parse some theological implications of his views about God. However, a theology that process would be developed based on Whitehead's thinking will not be separated from the central position on the views and understanding of God. In order to demonstrate an understanding of God's uniqueness model understanding of God offered in the thinking process philosophy of "Alfred N. Whitehead", following the review Ian G. Barbour, in this paper will first discuss four modelsfor the understanding of God that had been used in the new tradition of Christianity and discussed some basic features of the model according to the thought process of understanding. 
Four Models Understanding About God in Christian Tradition. 
When we look at models of understanding of God which until now contained in the Christian tradition, it can be distinguished in four models, namely model of monarchy, deistic model, model-actor model of dialogue and action. 
1. Model monarchy.
In this model, God is described as an absolute monarch ruling over the whole territory of his kingdom. These figures are systematically developed both in the Jewish tradition (God as Lord and King of the Worlds) and in the Christian tradition, in Christian thought in the Middle Ages, the omnipotence of God is emphasized in the Reformed Christian thought (particularly Calvinism), the sovereignty of God over all His creation also strongly emphasized. God can do anything according to His desire. This model is also seen that God's direct intervention contributed to the events experienced by humans. 
2. Model Deistic. 
In this model, God is described as a handyman at the divine and the created world is a clock that once made with certain settings can walk alone, mechanically. With the development of science in the 17th century, nature was increasingly viewed as the engine that runs on a regular basis based on specific knowledge applicable for certain. God only play at first in building or creating a system that can work alone again mechanically without any intervention from his party. This model also provides an illustration of impersonal about God and their relationship with humans. This picture is ultimately unsatisfactory, since it is incompatible with the feelings and religious experiences of the faithful in general. The picture was also not in accordance with the experience of the faithful, as depicted in Scripture. 
3. Model Dialog. 
In this model described the relationship of God with man as a personal relationship. Model inter-personal relationships as a picture of the relationship between God and His people. This is especially prominent in the description contained in the Christian Scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament. This model is in an atmosphere of love always give the space of freedom to the dialogue partner or friend. The weakness of this model is a very strict separation between humans and the natural environment, a separation which to date is not acceptable. The attitude of respect and maintain the attitude and preserving the natural environment that also has a basis in the Bible tends to be ignored. Finally realizing that it is necessary to develop a theology that can develop a natural theology. 
4. Model-action actors. 
This model gives a place on the relationship between God and nature. God is seen as the perpetrators of acts against the movement and change in nature. If all events and events in nature and history understood as a form of expression of a tendency to act of God, the role of each human being as a subject-action actors are absorbed in the role of God as the subject of single-action actors thoroughly. Each man in the sense that it becomes nothing more than the dolls or puppets in the hands of "The Eternal puppeteer." Although the model of God as an actor acts, God does not need to be understood as the subject of a powerful absolute monarchy, as depicted in the model, but as the sole perpetrators of cosmic action. God can be said as a responsible overall, the relation with the existence of evil and suffering in the world problematic. 
To model "Understanding the Process", will be presented immediately to the next article.
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Friday, October 08, 2010

Living faith and dead faith

Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen & Yet Believe
     This sermon begins with a brief illustration of the "Life in a rural church", a story like the following illustration: "One time at a church in the hinterland far from the bustle of the city came a new evangelist. In this remote place of the evangelist saw that the spiritual life the church suffered a setback or nearly dead. The days turned into months turned into months, days or even the evangelists are seeing that the congregation in church life and worship has been minimal or lack of care, in other words the evangelists are seeing that only a few people who attended and gave themselves in fellowship of the church. 
     The evangelist asked himself: Why does this happen in our church even though statistically this church has enough members? View and look at reality in this congregation, then the evangelists are doing and apply their knowledge of the most powerful. With full of brilliant intellect that the evangelist is to make an ad that appeared in newspapers and other electronic media. The contents of advertisements published by the evangelist is no sorrow or death event in these congregations, in hopes that all members of the congregation will be present. 
     Apparently the ad was effective and serious attention of all members of the congregation. On the next day all the churches that read, see and hear these ads come in droves to the church. Previously, the evangelist has prepared a coffin equipped funeral wreath is placed in front of the church pulpit. After all the church members present at the church, then the evangelist was directly in charge of the worship service. After finishing the service, What happened? The evangelist was with great courage and convinced to give opportunity to the entire congregation to see the body as a last greeting. One by one the congregation stepped forward toward the casket. Apparently the brothers, after all members of the congregation to see what's in the coffin, they go home with a heavy heart and deep shame. Why is that? 
     It turned out the contents of the coffin is not a body, but a large mirror. Through bold actions and type of the evangelists, then he realized what he had just done. But the church also became aware that what they see in the mirror it is themselves that they have been likened to that faith is dead. Effort and hard work of the evangelist, then this church back to life.” 
     What is the meaning and significance of the illustrations of this spiritual? Sometimes our faith is in decline even near death due to our attitude which sometimes do not open up even refused to work the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our faith will remain alive in us, if we want to live with faith. But our faith will die, if we ourselves do not want to live with faith. 
For the Christian community with this illustration it can be interpreted that: the Lord Jesus Christ who is the symbol of faith that will always live in your heart and your life, when you want to live with him. Lord Jesus Christ will always accept you, if you receive Him. But you will be rejected if you own shut down even reject Him.
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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Sacred Text Written in Blood Ink

cartoon again violence
     You agree when some people hear the phrase about the Bible (Christian Scriptures) that: "The Bible is a book full of violence?” Perhaps this assumption is true or probably false. Violence is figured openly in the Bible, also foreshadowed the violent backdrop of history and biblical interpretation. Even today it still coloring or violence experienced by the faithful when they wanted to preach or to apply the contents of the Bible is the reality of life every day. In other words violence befall believers whether traditional or evangelical church when applying the contents of the Bible. This is a piece of experience and history of the Christian community experienced when applying the Bible. Why is that?
     The question is "How do we account for the sacred texts in the Bible we are in fact many are written with red ink." The point is that violence and other violent incidents color the human life history revealed in the Bible and biblical history coloring violence itself. What is meant by "violence" that? Violence is a phenomenon that has many characteristics, there is physical violence, natural, social, gender, structural, political / policy and so forth. Where violence has created a painful fact of life, worrying and sad. These phenomena were studied and studied until now, but the violence was still accompany us every day life from the perspective of our faith experience every day. 
     Violence is a phenomenon that can be studied and researched, but violence also as the eternal mystery that until now could not be measured or contemplated. Human beings also are people who associate ourselves with negativity, that any face shape, temperament and character, always trying to go beyond it. Therefore, as human beings endowed with reason and common sense have to break the roots of violence itself. There is something very dangerous thing in man is man who often have views and perceptions that his neighbor is an enemy or a stranger who must be eliminated or destroyed. 
     Views or perceptions it holds a variety of human characters, so many efforts and attempts were made or mobilized to eradicate or destroy another human being. There is also another character from men who regard the other as a threat to humans, who consider each other to cause panic and fear, it must be exterminated or destroyed. But violence also can occur due to social factors. These social factors can lead to violence, where the condition of the people who make other people isolated, loss of meaning in life, alienated from her community and economically marginalized. The way that social factors are always taken for this is the solution to violence. Moreover, will continue to occur if the umbrella or protected by a 'community' such as, among others: religion, religious denominations, parties, organizations of civil society, mass and so forth. 
     It can’t be denied that the Christian community who preach holy verses in the Bible, often faced with many obstacles, challenges and obstacles that threaten not only themselves but also the sacrifice of lives. Some argue or assume that a Christian community is a threat and as an enemy that must be eradicated or destroyed. This is a view and opinion which of course is not true, this is because the Christian community until recently undergone and do fill the Word of God as the Lord Jesus commanded that is a matter of love for each other. 
     Christian communities that do not run the command the Lord Jesus to love others is not a true Christian. Never again add red ink in the journey of life experiences and that faith, but make gold ink as a testimony for many people. 
     End of this writing, once again I want to assert that 
"Christians are not a threat to other communities and make ink GOLD in life experience and your faith journey because it means to love our neighbor we love ourselves." 
God Bless.
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Piece of Word to save the world (Efforts theology)

The canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke &...
     Any person from time to time until now, consciously or unconscious and intentional or unintentional conduct an act of theology. In other words that everyone until now theology. One simple example that when a phrase or the spoken life to bring change for the better or generate a blessing to other people then that's theology. Theology is not simply take from the Bible, but lifestyle, speech, thought and action both for themselves and other people's theology. Various sections of the community include: educated, uneducated, rich, poor, civilian, officer, not the theology or theology, children up to adults and so forth have the opportunity to theology. 
     Theology is not just certain circles within the Church, nor only those who have formal theological education, not only those who have theological literature, not only owned by a church or church leader and which is more dangerous that the theology of the church is not forordinary citizens. Some of it may have the truth, when theology is seen only as science. The term "theology" comes from two Greek words are: "THEOS" and "LOGOS", which means: "the human words about God." Theology can also be interpreted as the human effort to speak about God. As a human endeavor, it is natural that one day or the future of theology is to serve as a science subject scientifically, deliberate, critical and logical. 
     Theology is nothing more than an effort to learn the man himself. There is also a theology interprets as a human effort to give direction and basic provisions of the Lord according to his faith., As long as people can accept and understand it. Theology as a human effort to understanding the how the role of God in human life, but also how the role of human to another human being in accordance with his faith in God. The phrase "human effort in doing theology", gives us an understanding that humans are referred to in this expression is a universal human. In the theology of human effort can’t be restricted in terms of position, status, social status, gender, culture, language and others. 
     Theology is the human effort in terms of faith to understand and do God's will in the context of human life itself. Thus also be said that the effort does not belong to theology or theology, or specifically for the clergy or a formal theological background only. But as the efforts of the believers in Allah in order to receive, understand and practice the word of the Lord in the context of human life itself. All the actors are the faithful efforts of theology (church people). 
     When a person tells experience of life and faith to others, then this is where he has been carrying out a theology of work or effort. Endowed with reason and the human mind to express his faith experience as an effort to theology. The experience of faith as part of efforts to theology, can be described by way of writing and expression. With these efforts of others will also do the same thing as part of a theology of work and effort. 
Happy to be a blessing to others around you or that there is much with you as part of efforts to theology.
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Friday, October 01, 2010

Breast and Gynecology

A mother breastfeeding a child at Zanzibar
     Who are human beings who exist under heaven who does not know about women breasts and her womb?. Both men and women are very familiar with and to know both these organs. We know together also that before a man born on this earth, he was conceived in the womb of a mother. Then after a man was born for one to two years he was nursing her mother through an organ is the breast. 
     This paper is not discussed at length about his sexuality, but want to examine what lies behind so that a woman at the time of the Lord Jesus said to the Lord Jesus that: "Blessed are mothers who had conceived you and milk that has been feeding you" (read in Luke 11:27.) Speech by a woman in the Lord Jesus who witnessed this in Luke 11:27, spoken or shouted out in a crowd. Readers and gentlemen, there is one question that: what is the animating this greeting?. Does this woman have a sense of wonder in the Lord Jesus Christ or whether the utterance is expressed only by coincidence or something that is not intentional?. Women who say it sits in the middle of the crowd who heard the sermon of the Lord Jesus. Apparently the people who heard the speech delivered by the Lord Jesus Christ through his preaching make many people amazed, pleased and proud of the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
     People are amazed by the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ that is still young, capable and authoritative. They were also amazed about how his sermon delivered in clear, firm and touching. They also impressed upon the power possessed by the Lord Jesus Christ who can perform miracles and make the surprise the people at that time. In the Gospel of Luke 11:14 says: "And the multitudes marveled." Similarly, the woman who was fascinated with the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that the spontaneously exclaimed: "Blessed are mothers who had conceived you and milk that has been feeding you." This woman also indirectly not only admire the Lord Jesus Christ, but also other people he admired. 
     Who is the other person?. Another person who was admired by this lady is the mother of Jesus: Mary. In this woman's heart as if to say: "incredible that this young rabbi." This woman was as if asking: "Who is his mother?." For this woman would be happy if a mother has a child like this. This woman-owned admiration is something natural. 
     We also would agree to say that the success of a child, the kindness and competence is very much determined by the upbringing of a mother, a parent or level of education held the child. The woman who was admiring the Lord Jesus Christ so that say who say this is hard so many people even heard of the Lord Jesus. What opinions and reactions of the Lord Jesus Christ to hear this woman saying?. Usually when we hear a compliment then we will respond with the phrase: "thanks for the compliment.” But the Lord Jesus respond to this woman's speech by saying: "The blessed are those who hear the word of God and who maintain it" (verse 28). What does it mean these words the Lord Jesus Christ?. It turns out women or women who threw his admiration for the Lord Jesus also imagine dignity itself. What a happy woman who has a child like this. It is also possible to imagine that this woman: "really happy if I have a child like this." 
      Without realizing it he was narrowing her female identity, namely as a pregnant and breastfeeding. More narrow again when the size of a woman's happiness is measured from the case when she had children. The concept or idea of this woman is contrary to the concept of the Lord Jesus Christ that: "The blessed are those who hear the word of God and who maintain it." So we're happy not to have offspring, but if we hear and keep the word of God. We always focus on the aspects of our identity. 
     The focus is on the matter of gender or sex. We will be proud if we as a male or female. The man would be proud that he is male or female champion and would be proud if she was as feminine or life feminism. Measuring happiness is not located on the gender or sex. Measuring happiness is not because we are masculine or feminine, nor being married or not, have children or not. But the measure of happiness is if we do good and be a blessing to others as proof that we hear, conduct and preserve the word of God. 
"The blessed are those who hear the word of God and who maintain it." 
(Luke 11:27)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kingdom of God

Woodcut for "Die Bibel in Bildern", ...
     The core of the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ is the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven according to testimony in the Gospel of Matthew. Main teaching or preaching about the Kingdom of God in the biblical witness is always voiced by the evangelists, the apostles and the preachers of today. What does the Lord Jesus Christ meant about the phrase or the phrase "kingdom of God"?. If we look at the Jewish community a place where the Lord Jesus grew up, that there are some assumptions and opinions concerning the Kingdom of God itself. The term in Aramaic word "kingdom of God" which means king's reign. 
     This term is used to describe an authority or act in a dynamic sense and not referring to a place or region in terms of static. We often have the notion that the kingdom of God it is something that illustrates the power of God is not limited by anything. In addition we also assume that the Kingdom of God as the fruit of obedience to God's people, this example is written in Deuteronomy 6:4 that: Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the Lord is one!. 
     Our assumption also that the kingdom of God as a hope, faith or the final goal of the faith, as stated in Isaiah 52:7 that: "What a Beautiful visible from the top of the hills coming news bearer, who described the news of peace and preach the good news, who proclaim the news congratulations and saying to Zion: "God is King!". Is the opinion of the Lord Jesusin the synoptic Gospels of the Kingdom of God? In the synoptic Gospels, Jesus emphasized that the Kingdom of God has been started or have started there. To his disciples Jesus said, "Tell Me has been given the secret of the kingdom of God ..." (Mark 4:11). To the Pharisees He said, "... the kingdom of God is with you" (Luke 17:21). Lord Jesus also taught in Luke 6:20 that: "Blessed are you who are poor, because you're the one who owns the kingdom of God." 
     According to the Lord Jesus Christ that the kingdom of God is not a mood or hope in the future, but an act of God in the entire history of human life. Kingdom of God is something that is not yet visible, but already there and are working in every people and the world as a whole. Testimony in Luke 11:20 that: "But if I cast out demons by the power of God, then actually the Kingdom of God is come unto you." This testimony provided evidence to us that the Lord Jesus Christ is the proof of the presence of God's kingdom. 
     One question for us is: if indeed the kingdom of God is already come, Why did the Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to pray: "Our Father which art in heaven ... your kingdom come ..."(Matthew 6:9 - 10)?. To discuss this we see more of the following: 
1. Kingdom of God has already begun, but has not been fulfilled or have expanded existing, but not yet complete. 
2. Authority to make or bring the Kingdom of God rather than our humanity, but the heavenly Father. Kingdom of God not because of achievement of our faith, but as a gift of God or grace of the heavenly Father. In other words God himself would be present or manifest the kingdom of God and not us humans. 
3. Kingdom of God is a gift or a gift for us who believe in humanity, therefore we are invited to respond with great humility and openness in the form of begging the Kingdom of God. 
     So, the point is the kingdom of God is not a church or fellowship of believers, for the kingdom of God can’t be characterized by the presence of people. Kingdom of God is also not a person's mood, for the kingdom of God or God's rule is not dependent on the human condition. In other words, the Kingdom of God is not a human product or this world, but the product of the heavenly Father. 
     We must also underlines that the kingdom of God is not an afterlife or life after death, for the kingdom of God in the beginning and till now on this earth. Kingdom of God is also manifested by the Lord Jesus Christ in his gait and work. For the apostles that the Lord Jesus Christ that the kingdom of God. The early church until today no longer bear witness about the Kingdom of God, but immediately gave testimony about the Kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Hence also the kingdom of God is identical with Christ. We always ask in prayer that: "... Thy kingdom come", meaning we always ask "came the reign of Christ."
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The divisions and Peace October 31

Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach the Elder, pain...
     We all know that on 31 October is the date or day of the split between the Catholic and Protestant Churches. This date also is the date the peace between the two large churches. On 31 October, which took place in Augsburg, Germany, the Catholic Church and Protestant Church signed an agreement on the most disputed teachings or the source of dissension that caused the split in the two churches since 1517. Basic doctrine is a doctrine of justification. This issue is of course extremely complicated resulting in schism or separation from the Catholic Church as the Mother Church. 
     The doctrine of justification from crowded discussed and questioned in the 1500s. In this year, especially in Europe began to identify and implement some kind of charitable practices, is good deeds are believed to bring rewards and blessings from God. The act or practice has led to an impression that this practice is too excessive. It is with some notion that friendship with God can make and justify our God is pleased. These practices lead to unrest, particularly troubling heart of Martin Luther, a priest, seminary teacher and head of the monastery in the town of Wittenberg, Germany. 
     So on October 31, Martin Luther's 95 Theses pressed at the gates of Wittenberg, which generally ninth-five propositions are protesting the wrong assumptions about the doctrine of justification. Initially, controversy or issue discussed in an academic discussion, but in its development will lead to strife, violence and condemn each other from both parties. As a result of such a divisive dispute that there was the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Especially the Protestant Church in its development through many struggles, so that there and here is the break in the Protestant Church. Context and reality because it is understood by the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches did not anticipate the possibilities of divisions that can occur in the future. In other words seated problems that lead to ignorance, misunderstanding and even split is not contemplated together to seek and find a solution or solutions. 
     The dispute between the Catholic and Protestant Church which has lasted so long, reunited in a deal which was inaugurated on 31 October 1999. So start date is the second large church was at peace. Peace is preceded by exploring the Bible in an honest and open. The agreement is also evidenced by the "Joint Statement of the Doctrine of Justification" which consists of 44 chapters. 
Now history has recorded about two church meetings and peace in the conflict of the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches on 31 October 1999.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Confidence among Religions and Denominations: "Do not impose our will."

Heart of Lord Jesus
     Before I reviewed at length about this topic, let us examine a bit "Why scientists find things that are beneficial to humans and publish it?". We know together that the discovery made by experts worked diligently and carefully. The work carried out diligently and carefully this, surely will produce something very useful for people and life. The discovery sought by experts should be accompanied by the publication or proclamation of something that's found it. Publications and preaching it as an attempt to introduce to the world about things that are found, so the world or the whole of humanity will find out the invention. 
     Each discovery is studied, analyzed and published to the public or the world at large is to convey that there are new discoveries that benefit mankind. We can imagine if the discovery of these experts are not published but hidden. Surely this useful invention will not be known by everyone. Examples of discoveries in the field of health or medicine, if the findings are not published so that new treatments will not be known to the world or humanity as a whole. But if the discovery by the experts proclaimed or published, then the world will see whether the invention is very beneficial to human life or not. 
     The experts who preach or publish their findings only as a business publication or proclamation and not as an attempt coercion. In other words, the experts did not urge or force their findings .. They only publish or preach, but it is accepted or rejected depending on the choice of the man himself. The experts only publish or announce the discovery. Some explanation of the above have in common is intrinsic to the publication or preaching in the religious field. Any belief or religion has the vision and mission of preaching or evangelism. Thus, every religion has the nature or character of the missionary or publication to the outside world or the public. However, the nature or character of the missionary is very dependent on the public or the outside world itself to accept or reject it. 
     A publication or proclamation is merely a proclamation and not be force of will. That is also the essence of an evangelical (gospel = good news). If we read and look at the Supreme command of the Lord Jesus Christ who witnessed in Matthew 28:19 and 20 which says that: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of time." 
     Supreme Command of the Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples is part of efforts to publication or proclamation, and not as a proclamation orders that impose the will to the people at that time even until the world today. Business or publication of this proclamation all depends on who hears and ultimately accept or reject the proclamation itself. Lord Jesus Christ is the symbol of the evangelism of that. Lord Jesus Christ would bring good news of salvation (New Life), a life to all mankind through His love. 
     That means evangelism preached by Lord Jesus Christ is a proclamation LOVE about the good news, but not a proclamation that will enforce. Because until now there is a trust, but also there are who do not believe in Him. That means that until now no preaching or evangelism who receive the Lord Jesus Christ, but also any who refused or did not receive Him. Until now, evangelism can be done with a variety of form or manner, in accordance with the circumstances of the object of preaching it. 
     There is a preaching or evangelism through song, paintings, plays, dances, books, sermons, behavior, pattern, friendship, movies and others. Proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not done or are urgent or compelling especially done in a way threatening. It is like that delivered by the Lord Jesus to the apostles in Matthew 10:14 that: "... if one does not accept you and not hear your words, get out and leave the house or town and shake off the dust from your feet." Evangelism is not proper if it contains elements of coercion, especially in terms of threatening one or more people. Evangelism should not be deceptive or accompanied by the lure (promise). 
     Evangelism that is part of the proclamation, nor can it be done in a way to scare or fool. Evangelism as part of the proclamation should respect the rights of every person who is the purpose of such preaching. That means in the evangelism of people should not be forced, pressured or threatened to believe in something. Instead the public also should appreciate the preachers or evangelists. During the Evangelists still upholds freedom among individuals, maintaining the relationship between religion and do not harass religious life, every religion or denomination right to proclaim his faith. 
     Proclaiming the Gospel also has the advantage to overcome the ignorance among adherents of different religions. In other words serve as a means to know each other and respect one religion or belief in religion or other beliefs. Once again in this paper, I want to stress that: 
1. Proclaiming a belief or religion can’t be done by vilify or insult any other religion or belief, 
2. Proclaiming a belief or religion can’t be done by force, urge, cajole or threaten people. 
3. Preaching should be done by way of mutual respect and appreciate one another. 
     If both these expectations materialize, it will create the atmosphere of evangelism or proclamation of mutual respect and appreciate the freedom of inter-religious life. 
Final words: 
"Let us not fight, judge, kill or violate human rights, only to impose our will especially about religion or belief".
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Faith" and "Believe"

Brooklyn Museum - The Birth of Our Lord Jesus ...
     Until now we always say the word "Faith" and the word "Believe". Without us realizing that what is actually contained in those words. Therefore in this paper I want to give the picture a bit about the word "Faith" and "Believe". The word "Believe" is a verb of the word "Faith". Both these words often appear in the Bible in both Old Testament and New Testament. Basically, these two words always describe the relationship between race, man or someone with the Almighty (God). In particular, the word "Faith" and the word "Believe" will be studied from the viewpoint of the New Testament in the Bible. 
     The word "Faith" is used in the New Testament is a translation of the word (Greek: Πίστης), while the word believe is the translation of the word (Greek: πιστεύουν). These words have also been used in the Septuagint, the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) the Greek translation of the word "secure", defined as a condition or situation that is true and can be trusted or reliable. In the Old Testament these words are also often used in order to want to express my trust in God and believe in His word. Belief in God is interpreted to include something that God is true and reliable, people always entrust ourselves to Him to be obedient and faithful to Him as the living God, strong, powerful and loving. 
     Thus, it can be concluded that the term "Faith" and "Believe" in the Bible both Old Testament and New Testament often support some things like: 
1. Believe and understand that something is true and acceptable. 
2. Rely on and trust yourself. 
3. Show loyalty and obedience. 
     In particular in the New Testament the word "Faith" is addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ, that we humans believe in Him and all His words that He is Lord and Savior of the world. Besides, we entrust ourselves to Him and accept the truth of the gospel who has the Lord Jesus says about. Here are several passages in the Bible New Testament which reveals the word "Faith" and "Believe", among other things: 
1. Matthew 9:22
"Your faith has saved you!" 
2. Mark 1:15 
"Repent and believe the gospel!" 
3. Galatians 2:16 
"We also have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ." 
4. Romans 10:9
"That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him ..." 
5. John 2:24 
"But Jesus did not entrust himself to them". 
6. Romans 12:6 
"If the gift it is to prophesy let us do so in accordance with our faith." 
7. Ephesians 4:5
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism." 
8. Jude 3 
"You're still struggling to maintain faith that has been delivered to the saints."
     Finally it can be drawn an understanding that the word "Faith" and the word "Believe" is to trust the word of the Lord Jesus Christ as the gospel and the word is correct. Because believing in the Lord Jesus Christ then we are justified. The word "Faith" and "Believe" also should be coupled with real deeds. This is because both "Faith" and "Trust" must be demonstrated by ability as a gift or talent that God has given. 
Faith and trust also point to the religious life. It is with the phrase that "people believe it means religious people" and "religious people it means a believer.” Trust yourself, life and your faith on something that is fitting or appropriate should you believe in and trust.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

What should we believe in the development of this nation? (A biblical critical studies to the realities of life in the national and state unity of the republic of Indonesia)

The Coat of Arms of Indonesia is called Garuda...
     Noble ideals of a nation that until now attempted is to bring about a just and prosperous society based on "Five Principles and the Basic Law in 1945." These lofty ideals must be placed as a solid foundation, thus creating a lasting relationship and bringing happiness to all its inhabitants. Noble aspirations are not only considered novelty, but rather the future. We firmly believe that the foundation of the nation as a lofty ideals can provide happiness, if this is really true. But if otherwise, then this nation will experience turbulence and discriminatory against the community or its inhabitants. 
     Struggle for the struggles faced by this nation, among them: the problem of corruption, collusion, nepotism, terrorism, the threat of discriminatory, poverty, deforestation and many more issues that until now no end. Until now there have been significant, efforts and government programs to achieve these lofty ideals. But until now the ideal has not been experienced by the entire community. Freedom of expression against something (for example: religious freedom, life and work) apparently others have not experienced freedom. In certain cities the word "freedom" is experiencing infertility, dead or not running. Here are some realities of real life in the frame of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. 
     In Christian beliefis to believe in the Bible there are writings that provide strong base and even encourages life together in achieving the noble ideals of the nation. But not only that, but collectively as a people of Indonesia for securing and protecting these lofty goals. Some Bible studies, among others: 
1. Of nature as God's creation. 
Humans were given the authority to process and maintain this natural as God's creation is good, true and responsible (Genesis 1:28,29). 
2. Man is a unity. 
Humans are social beings, in which he could not live without the other human. Body, soul and spirit in man can’t stand alone, but as a single entity to do good things for God in other words the human body and should devote his life to the glory of God (Romans 12:1 and 1 Corinthians 6:20) . 
3. Sin and Forgiveness. 
Humans are basically sinful people, but because of the love and grace of God, man obtain forgiveness. The forgiveness of this man was asked by God to make his body as weapons of righteousness (Romans 6:13). 
     Activity in the life of nation and state is an attempt to strengthen the national life itself. Christianity is not a threat or an enemy of the other party, but a property that can define and strengthen national life. I will continue to support this nation in the fight against discriminatory, terrorism and others that can threaten or destroy the unity of this nation. Some opinions and thoughts within the framework of our religious life in Indonesia, such as responsibility towards nature, as well as responsibility for the development of love relationships, will greatly affect the level of togetherness, freedom and tolerance that exist in this country. 
     This country will never cease in the face of struggles and problems, if we ourselves do not appreciate or betraying the lofty ideals of this nation. This country is a country that till now assume the noble ideals that mandated the "Five Principles and the Constitution of the year 1945". 
     That means this country is not a state of a particular religion, in which this country can’t be controlled and influenced by a particular religion, but the country is governed and controlled by the "Five Principles and the Constitution of the year 1945." 
     In this paper there is a parenthetical phrase that: "countries that either are countries that always guarantee freedom for its people." 
Indonesian nation continues to struggle. Me love you
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Way of peace or violence in the context of Indonesia

Cults and new religious movements in literatur...
     Every human being must have wanted a peace and not violence. For the peace that makes life haunted by humans without fear and anxiety. In other words, enjoying a life filled with peace is the dream and hope of all people. None of the people in this under heaven that does not like peace or none of the existing human being who wants or likes the violence that happened to him. Until now the relationship between countries always cultivated to keep the peace, it is because we are fully convinced that no single country in this world that affirm a violence. We need to know that peace will not be obtained through a force, but the violence will be defeated through love and mutual acceptance of living with each other. That violence will produce life that is not admirable or dishonorable. 
     There are views that might be a reason to achieve something with the street violence that is: "To master something through violence, then that's when peace was obtained." This is a view that is very wrong and inappropriate, because when the violence takes place, that moment of total peace of death. From the standpoint of Christianity that do not need to fight violence with violence. We see several examples in the Bible as the Gospel of Matthew 5:39-40 says: "Do you oppose those who do evil to you, but anyone who slaps your right cheek, give him also your left cheek. And if any man will sue thee because they covet your clothes, give your cloak as well. " 
     Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples to love their enemies. Order situation and the reality of life today that encourages and even forced a few people to do all the way even through the violence to achieve what is desired. Many also the reality and the present situation, where some people crying, wailing, grief and suffering experienced pressure or weight of a violence he had experienced. Perhaps the subject of violence would be proud, but the object of such violence will not be happy or proud of the facts and circumstances he has experienced. As a religious person who acknowledges that crime is not a way to achieve what is desired or to achieve a peace. But peace is the hope and dream alive every human being. 
     A harmonious environment, where human beings live, grow and work is determined by the peace. Peace will encourage mankind to continue to develop his senses, but the violence will diminish in using or developing the human senses. We also fully confident that there is not one of religion or belief that will say yes or justifies violence, but that every religion or belief in fighting crime and supporting the peace of it. Indonesia is a country that was inhabited by various tribes, religions, languages and different cultures. This country had hitherto struggled to continue to create peace for its residents. However there are certain people who do not want the hard struggle of this nation about a peaceful life. 
     On this occasion I would say that your religion is your religion and my religion is my religion, let us live peacefully and share together in love for the Indonesian nation which we love. We all have the same freedom to live, act and work for the progress of this nation. We're still working so that this nation will become a nation that smells good for other nations on this earth. 
     Differences for the sake of the differences existing in the country which we love, not as rivals or enemies to be destroyed, but the difference is the nation's wealth and power for the sake of progress together. Let us continue the fight against violence and struggle for peace without us differentiate from one another or with others. There is a proverb saying that: "Do not laugh at the suffering of your neighbor." But let us suffer in the midst of the suffering of our neighbors and let us rejoice in the joy of our neighbor.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

God works in the midst of disaster

The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1880)
     Human life is always faced with two options, namely the success and downfall. Not a single man under heaven who wants the suffering in this life, but want the joy and happiness. There is a story about a father who had suffered pain. The story is this: "In a small village there lived a humble family where a father in this family who is suffering ill family expectations, based on medical diagnosis he experienced pain" Heart ". In this village has no health facilities let alone a pharmacy or drug store, so that this child was ordered by the doctor who examined her father to go buy drugs in town. Then, without thinking of this child do what the doctor ordered for him. This child must pass through the plantations and several small forest to reach the city. When he arrived in town he bought medicine for her father. But the drug she'd taken mixed with other drugs where the drug would be toxic if consumed by her father. 
     Around three o'clock this child ran to return to the village, but in a forest when a child is running he fell and existing drugs in the bottle to treat his father fell and broke. This child is experiencing fear, disappointment and guilt over what he had just experienced. In the midst of these children fear to pray and ask the Father in heaven to cure his father. Around eight o'clock this child to his home, his face grim and fearful. The doctor asked the boy: "Where's the medicine that I ordered it?". This boy replied: "Sorry doctor drug fell and broke when I ran for home." The doctorreplied: "Let your father has been cured." Hearing the words of the doctor that her father has been recovering this child to be grateful and express thanks to God for His love that has been heard and answered her prayers when she fell in the middle of the jungle to bring drugs to his father. Humans are often confronted with the reality or the reality of life. 
     Does the fact it contains the success or failure, good or bad and even collapse. Fall may be in distress, disease or failure. Humans often think that God is only present in the midst of success. But God is also present in the fall of man. Why God is present in the middle of the Fall? God is present in the middle of the fall of man is to provide for the good of mankind, so God can bring good in the middle of the fall and human failure. Many people assume that the various realities and the reality of life in nature by humans is a destiny, in other words that it is wrong for us to assume that the fall had been destined by God. God works with us, when we work in him, but God will not work with us when we ourselves do not want to work in him. God did not ordained to us the downfall or disaster mankind. Fall is a consequence, the risk and the dynamics of everything we do. For Paul, that God can use the fall as one way for the good of our humanity. 
     It's wrong even if we assume that God only blesses those who experience success, prosperity and health. God also worked in the middle of the fall of man for the good of man himself. We as humans often only focus on the fall, without noticing that God is present in the middle of the fall of man. This situation is so that people mourned and wept over the fall which he naturally without thinking that God was good in the middle of designing the fall that happened to him. It is not easy for us to laugh in the middle of fall we are experiencing. Very long it takes to receive the collapse or failure. For me this is the mystery of human life, there is an understandable by humans but also there that can’t be understood by the human mind (Deuteronomy 29:29 says: "Things are hidden to the Lord, our God, but ..."). 
     Human life is a reality not a dream. Life is an adventure that can produce success or fall (failure). But we believe people should not fear and trembling that God is still present in the central reality of our lives. We always believe that God is always working with us. Hopefully this article useful to us and the Lord Jesus Christ bless.
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Meaning of life

Happy human Humanist logo, white and golden ve...
     Every person has their own definition of the meaning of life. It is very seldom we think and interpret or answer the "What's the meaning of life for us?". The most important thing for us is to live life day by day. Humans are often busy with activities and routines of life itself, so that humans do not have time to interpret and conclude what exactly is the meaning of life really is. We realize that human beings live their lives in extremely busy with a variety of thoughts and energy drain. State of a person's life is determined by actions and deeds that supports life itself. A person's life is not merely lead to himself, but to something beyond himself. The meaning of life is not measured from the long or short words, but from the content or meaning of the word "life" itself. Below I will describe some of the understanding associated with the word "life". 
1. Life is a gift of God 
Human life is not earned their own gain or through their own efforts, but life is a gift by the Almighty God the Father as creator of heaven and earth. God bestows human life to the free or grace that is because the love of God to mankind and the world of his creation. Therefore, humans must be grateful for his life as a gift of God. Human grateful to the various deeds and actions of God like or want. 
2. Life is a reality 
Humans live their lives in the real world is not in a dream or fantasy. Everything in his life lived by human beings are real, so human beings must undergo and receive all the facts of life that he met. Humans can not reject or alter the realities of life. 
3. Life is a gift 
Human life is a gift, because it should respect human life. People should not waste human life let alone playing his own life. The man who played his life means he does not appreciate life itself. Because life is not something to be toyed with, but something that must be lived with full seriousness and responsibility. 
4. Life is fun 
Humans should share all the joy he experienced in his life. Man shall not win his own when he was experiencing a joy. With joy we share, then we become a blessing for many people. Fun is also the grace that God gave to humans, then humans have to share that joy to other human. 
5. Life is an opportunity 
Life is an opportunity therefore humans must exploit the opportunities that she encountered in her life. People should not waste that opportunity, because opportunity only comes once in life. 
6. Another meaning of life. 
Life is a challenge, beauty, tragedy, chores, mystery, dreams, race, appointments, puzzles, travel, love, struggle, desire, responsibility, sacrifice, friendship / relationships, life is work, life and so too is worship (add according to your understanding about life).
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

The cross of Jesus Christ (the meaning and not just a symbol)

Groom, Texas
     Many people always use the symbol of the cross, if this is to show the identity of people who believe in Jesus Christ, as a lifestyle or simply as an ornamental (decorative). Many of us see people wearing a cross is used as necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets with the symbol of the cross, a watch with a symbol of the cross and so forth. But also the symbol of the cross used as decoration and home accessories. The question that should be pondered and answered is "Do we understand correctly and the cross?.” Is not something wrong or wrong if people wear the cross as a symbol of love, because Jesus Christ willingly on the cross because of His love to our humanity. Not mistaken also people wearing the cross as a symbol of safety significance, because for the cross of Jesus Christ we are forgiven and saved. Answers and some of these reasons in my opinion not very precise, because the cross is the symbol of self. The point is that the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself as a ransom for many. This is according to the Gospel of Mark 10:45 that: "The Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many." 
     There are people committing crimes, immoral and a variety of acts contrary to the faith of Jesus Christ by using the symbol of the cross. I think this is an act of denial and not very acceptable to God. Because the cross is a symbol of self-giving of all good deeds and not giving themselves against the evil that is not desired by God.Giving yourself does not mean we allow ourselves to be treated arbitrarily by the evil one or mastered. Let us not forget that the Lord Jesus Christ did not let himself be treated as such. People believe in the Lord Jesus had to show and distinguish what is right and wrong. Giving himself also does not mean providing challenging myself to death or to die or "dare to die." 
     People doing demonstrations by not eating and drinking or the person who hid a bomb in his jacket and blew himself up to martyrdom, is not giving himself as a noble act of suicide but to no avail. People who always have a tendency to want to die or to die is a psychological disorder rather than as a pure act out of conscience. In Christian religious belief is not justified its members do suicide for reasons of religious interests. Lord Jesus Christ just before his death did not choose this path (to die for nothing sis) to give Himself as a ransom for many people, but he felt scared and points his blood dripping onto the ground (read in Luke 22 : 44 and 42). Give yourself is to provide himself with sincere and earnest to do what is good for many people, willing to overcome self-interest for the sake of others. Self-giving way that has been show to the world of the Lord Jesus is the way of giving yourself without fringe benefits or expect something from the man and the world, it is the gift of himself is giving himself a sincere and earnest for the human race. It's like that spoken in the Letter of Philippians 2:6-8 that: "..., He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. " Give yourself is a form of self-sacrifice for many. This is the meaning of the symbol of the cross who actually sacrifice themselves to do good for many people. 
     Lifestyles we are often influenced by the nature of self-assertion than in others. Christianity is a lifestyle may be a folly by the general norm. For in the Christian ministry is a ministry of giving, we give time, give money, give thanks and give all the souls and our lives for the service; and we do not obtain any benefit as our services. But Christianity is a lifestyle as a force of people who always hear the call of God. Strength lies in the attitude to want to give myself doing things that are pleasing to God and not to the darkness or evil. 
     Serving God and others is a form of self-compliance and this is the real symbol of the cross. It is contradictory if the person wearing the symbol of the cross, but do not like giving myself to do good, it is ironic, too, if there are people who wear the symbol of the cross if you do not want to humble themselves, will not budge, did not want to sacrifice and do not want to give away but just want to win themselves and indifferent to the interests of others. Let us not use the cross symbol for a thing that is hated by the Lord Jesus Christ, but wear a symbol of the cross for the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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