Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Water Healer Magic (series 1 ) : Rubbing Body With Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol into the patient by using their bare hands .
1. Stimulate blood vessel.
2. Lowering body temperature.
3. Reducing perspiration.
4. Keeping the body not cold.
5. Refreshing the patient if he had not bathed .
6. Protecting the blood of the oppressed with the effect of downsizing on the skin.
1. A bottle of alcohol ( 50-70 % ) .
2. bath towels .
3. Sheeting or blankets to cover the patient.
1. Open the patient's clothing and cover him with a cloth or blangket .
2. Open the side arm and place a towel underneath.
3. Pour alcohol into the palm of the hand curved to prevent the patient in order not to cold.
4. Rub alcohol on the arm from the bottom up , then returned with sweep around to cover the entire surface . Repeat as necessary .
5. Use both hands to rub her arm gently until dry .
6. For soothing , use short strokes back and forth to help the evaporation of alcohol . Complete with three gentle strokes from the shoulders hand , using both hands to reach out entirely . Check the patient's body. Whether it is dry .
7. Do the same way on the arm and the next pour .
8. For the chest : Rub alcohols with one long sweep . Starting from the shoulders up to the middle of the chest around the chest with last strokes on the edge of the chest.
9. Repeat the same strokes on the chest as much as three to five times or until all alcohol has evaporated .
10. To the abdomen : Use rotating brush , starting from the line the middle part of the stomach , then down to the bottom covering the entire section . Flex your knees to relax the abdominal muscles. Repeat sweep was necessary .
11. To back :
1. Help the patient to turn around in a prone position or italics , and the lower chest and abdomen propped with a pillow .
2. Rub alcohol from buttocks to shoulder with the second hand . Rub with a rotating brush buttocks , ribs , scapula and the hard shoulder . Repeat as necessary .
3. Complete with a gentle sweep from the shoulder to the buttocks with use both hands to cover the surface . bone rub the back of the neck to the buttocks with a switch - hand turns. 12 . Help the patient to wear the clothes and let him sleep resting.
1. Do not pour alcohol on the table or on top of a painted lacquer furniture .
2. Close bottle after use .
3. Make a strong move but gently and not rush .
4. Take care not to hurt the skin .
5. Remember that the patient was a private one , open only the parts body that will be rubbed with alcohol .

( source : Water Magic Healing : De Herminia de Guzman - Ladion )


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