We can’t deny or doubt that every place has people who are categorized as poor (poor communities, underdeveloped and below the feasibility of life). Most people are able, affluent wealthy even have hope and good faith to help these poor people. We also must thus, have a desire to help, alleviate and provide a way out for the reality of poverty that exists around us. Poverty is something that has a lot of category or classification, there are materially poor but rich in good deeds, there is rich materially but poor in doing good or even have a materially poor but also poor in terms of doing good. Section shall be discussed in this paper is how our attitudes to poverty which we meet and encounter in which we live, and work activities. We often have a concept or a particular view about poverty and the poor.
In our concept often we are always trapped only on the terms or words used to poverty, without more, we understand and examine what is contained and the reality of what lies behind the poverty. In the Indonesian language known three terms which are defined as poor, including: first: people who are not located, the second: less people are or are not capable and third person: someone who does not have (people who do not have in English mentioned the word"the have-not").
The three words above are directly or indirectly, we describe and interpret as poverty. We look at the first term: people are not located. The first word of this actually means that people who do not do any work, so it does not have anything to sustain life. So that we realize it or not, we often categorize the poor as people who are not included in our calculations. Many people just give aid and encouragement to the poor, but are less involved or are directly with them. In other words, what we do for people in poverty are only rarely move far away (not involved directly and do not understand the reality of poverty directly). Often we have hope that is not fair to the poor, that is our hope that poor people do not indulge or show themselves in front of us. Poor people are asked much of us. We often put in our environment, but poor people are asked distant or outside of our environment. The second term is not capable.
This second term directly refine our thinking about poverty concept that "people who can’t afford" is a person who can’t buy something for himself and what more for others. The ability or inability of a person is not a measuring tool to assess the humanitarian one. But as they say at the beginning of this paper that the man has many talents and gifts given by the Creator of them, human beings have gifts and talents to work, the gifts and talents to do good and ability to think and so forth.
The third term is "People who do not have." We often give the conclusion that this third term are the ones who do not have the materials owned by us. The material is not also as a measure of the value of a person of humanity. People who can’t afford too we often categorize as the people who do not have confidence, have no initiative, does not have the courage to convey something of opinion, have no ideals, no oomph, and so forth. It is clear that the concept of our thinking about poverty and poor people are less and not taken into account, this concept in my opinion is a mistake. Both inside and outside the church we often determine a person to become a leader is measured by the degree that is poor or rich. In other words, poor people are rarely selected for a post office.
Though we do not realize that poor people or not is a life force in the state and in church services. In the book of Ecclesiastes 9:16 says: "... the wisdom of the poor and despised his words are not heard." This article would explain to us that since the time of Ecclesiastes reality of poverty is a reality that is not taken into account. Do we forget that the value and the price of mankind or a believer in God's eyes God is the same. God does not sort out which ones where the rich and the poor. In the biblical witness that God also appreciate and love the poor. There are poor people among us, because they must exist in the hearts, minds and our inner. We must accept them and do not isolate them, in other words, we accept them as this part of our lives and our churches and even our country.
Jesus said: "The poor are always there with you ...,". They are present in our lives. Are they as dirty scene in front of us?, And how can we understand their existence?. Stand tall and sit at the same low with them (the poor) because Jesus Christ Himself also places like them in his day.
So nice of you for sharing this post.
Great blog, good job!!!
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