Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Faith" and "Believe"

Brooklyn Museum - The Birth of Our Lord Jesus ...
     Until now we always say the word "Faith" and the word "Believe". Without us realizing that what is actually contained in those words. Therefore in this paper I want to give the picture a bit about the word "Faith" and "Believe". The word "Believe" is a verb of the word "Faith". Both these words often appear in the Bible in both Old Testament and New Testament. Basically, these two words always describe the relationship between race, man or someone with the Almighty (God). In particular, the word "Faith" and the word "Believe" will be studied from the viewpoint of the New Testament in the Bible. 
     The word "Faith" is used in the New Testament is a translation of the word (Greek: Πίστης), while the word believe is the translation of the word (Greek: πιστεύουν). These words have also been used in the Septuagint, the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) the Greek translation of the word "secure", defined as a condition or situation that is true and can be trusted or reliable. In the Old Testament these words are also often used in order to want to express my trust in God and believe in His word. Belief in God is interpreted to include something that God is true and reliable, people always entrust ourselves to Him to be obedient and faithful to Him as the living God, strong, powerful and loving. 
     Thus, it can be concluded that the term "Faith" and "Believe" in the Bible both Old Testament and New Testament often support some things like: 
1. Believe and understand that something is true and acceptable. 
2. Rely on and trust yourself. 
3. Show loyalty and obedience. 
     In particular in the New Testament the word "Faith" is addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ, that we humans believe in Him and all His words that He is Lord and Savior of the world. Besides, we entrust ourselves to Him and accept the truth of the gospel who has the Lord Jesus says about. Here are several passages in the Bible New Testament which reveals the word "Faith" and "Believe", among other things: 
1. Matthew 9:22
"Your faith has saved you!" 
2. Mark 1:15 
"Repent and believe the gospel!" 
3. Galatians 2:16 
"We also have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ." 
4. Romans 10:9
"That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him ..." 
5. John 2:24 
"But Jesus did not entrust himself to them". 
6. Romans 12:6 
"If the gift it is to prophesy let us do so in accordance with our faith." 
7. Ephesians 4:5
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism." 
8. Jude 3 
"You're still struggling to maintain faith that has been delivered to the saints."
     Finally it can be drawn an understanding that the word "Faith" and the word "Believe" is to trust the word of the Lord Jesus Christ as the gospel and the word is correct. Because believing in the Lord Jesus Christ then we are justified. The word "Faith" and "Believe" also should be coupled with real deeds. This is because both "Faith" and "Trust" must be demonstrated by ability as a gift or talent that God has given. 
Faith and trust also point to the religious life. It is with the phrase that "people believe it means religious people" and "religious people it means a believer.” Trust yourself, life and your faith on something that is fitting or appropriate should you believe in and trust.


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