Before I reviewed at length about this topic, let us examine a bit "Why scientists find things that are beneficial to humans and publish it?". We know together that the discovery made by experts worked diligently and carefully. The work carried out diligently and carefully this, surely will produce something very useful for people and life. The discovery sought by experts should be accompanied by the publication or proclamation of something that's found it. Publications and preaching it as an attempt to introduce to the world about things that are found, so the world or the whole of humanity will find out the invention.
Each discovery is studied, analyzed and published to the public or the world at large is to convey that there are new discoveries that benefit mankind. We can imagine if the discovery of these experts are not published but hidden. Surely this useful invention will not be known by everyone. Examples of discoveries in the field of health or medicine, if the findings are not published so that new treatments will not be known to the world or humanity as a whole. But if the discovery by the experts proclaimed or published, then the world will see whether the invention is very beneficial to human life or not.
The experts who preach or publish their findings only as a business publication or proclamation and not as an attempt coercion. In other words, the experts did not urge or force their findings .. They only publish or preach, but it is accepted or rejected depending on the choice of the man himself. The experts only publish or announce the discovery. Some explanation of the above have in common is intrinsic to the publication or preaching in the religious field. Any belief or religion has the vision and mission of preaching or evangelism. Thus, every religion has the nature or character of the missionary or publication to the outside world or the public. However, the nature or character of the missionary is very dependent on the public or the outside world itself to accept or reject it.
A publication or proclamation is merely a proclamation and not be force of will. That is also the essence of an evangelical (gospel = good news). If we read and look at the Supreme command of the Lord Jesus Christ who witnessed in Matthew 28:19 and 20 which says that: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of time."
Supreme Command of the Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples is part of efforts to publication or proclamation, and not as a proclamation orders that impose the will to the people at that time even until the world today. Business or publication of this proclamation all depends on who hears and ultimately accept or reject the proclamation itself. Lord Jesus Christ is the symbol of the evangelism of that. Lord Jesus Christ would bring good news of salvation (New Life), a life to all mankind through His love.
That means evangelism preached by Lord Jesus Christ is a proclamation LOVE about the good news, but not a proclamation that will enforce. Because until now there is a trust, but also there are who do not believe in Him. That means that until now no preaching or evangelism who receive the Lord Jesus Christ, but also any who refused or did not receive Him. Until now, evangelism can be done with a variety of form or manner, in accordance with the circumstances of the object of preaching it.
There is a preaching or evangelism through song, paintings, plays, dances, books, sermons, behavior, pattern, friendship, movies and others. Proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not done or are urgent or compelling especially done in a way threatening. It is like that delivered by the Lord Jesus to the apostles in Matthew 10:14 that: "... if one does not accept you and not hear your words, get out and leave the house or town and shake off the dust from your feet." Evangelism is not proper if it contains elements of coercion, especially in terms of threatening one or more people. Evangelism should not be deceptive or accompanied by the lure (promise).
Evangelism that is part of the proclamation, nor can it be done in a way to scare or fool. Evangelism as part of the proclamation should respect the rights of every person who is the purpose of such preaching. That means in the evangelism of people should not be forced, pressured or threatened to believe in something. Instead the public also should appreciate the preachers or evangelists. During the Evangelists still upholds freedom among individuals, maintaining the relationship between religion and do not harass religious life, every religion or denomination right to proclaim his faith.
Proclaiming the Gospel also has the advantage to overcome the ignorance among adherents of different religions. In other words serve as a means to know each other and respect one religion or belief in religion or other beliefs. Once again in this paper, I want to stress that:
1. Proclaiming a belief or religion can’t be done by vilify or insult any other religion or belief,
2. Proclaiming a belief or religion can’t be done by force, urge, cajole or threaten people.
3. Preaching should be done by way of mutual respect and appreciate one another.
If both these expectations materialize, it will create the atmosphere of evangelism or proclamation of mutual respect and appreciate the freedom of inter-religious life.
Final words:
"Let us not fight, judge, kill or violate human rights, only to impose our will especially about religion or belief".
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