Recent years found that the church was experiencing difficulties, misery and destroyed because of the disunity caused by the misdirection. Many of deviations of faith and truth of Christianity occurred here and there, so the Christian community must be more vigilant and careful about doctrines and dogmas of the false and heretical. In other words, Christians must continue to make the Bible as the main guide. The emergence of heresies or false is not just lately, but since the early Christian community. In other words, the emergence of heresy or false is not something new or something that was born without us knowing it, but the false teachings and false at any time to prey on us. If we pull way back, the conflict between Judaism that began in Antioch, which encourages the Apostle Paul to struggle a variety of hazards that can be experienced by church and fellowship. Disagreement about the "resurrection of the dead" (see 1 Corinthians 15:12 ), some Christian communities at the time said that there is no resurrection of the dead or they deny the existence of bodily resurrection after death (something that is less important). But for the Apostle Paul that "the resurrection of the dead" The most fundamental is the core of the Christianfaith.
If we read in Acts 20:29-30 that there are deceivers, deceivers will come to deliver and preach the false testimony and even attract students to follow them. In a letter to Timothy and Titus, the Apostle Paul gives affirmation to the truth of biblical doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1). For Paul, the church will be able to experience deterioration of trust in which the church will no longer accept sound teaching , but the teachings of which only satisfy the ear, the church would turn away from the truth to the tale (2 Timothy 4:3-4). This assumption comes from the Apostle Paul's first century, even this can we feel today. Christians should be sensitive to see where the sound doctrine and where false teaching. Fellowship of the church not to be entered by the heretical teachings that are not something with the teachings of Christ. Christians must remain pure in keeping the faith and exhort, and rebuke when there are teachers who preach the Bible is not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We always hear that "the Church is not a determinant for the believers go to heaven or salvation." Indeed this expression is correct, because the determinant of a trust obtain salvation is Jesus Christ. Church is just an introduction to the Jewish people to God the Father. But the church should clean and free of heresies or false, this is because if the church astray and preach what is false then its members will become members of a misguided and false. The fact of Christianity is now in-country Asian countries especially in Indonesia, many churches were born with the basic teaching is "in accordance with the teachings of the Old Testament or New Testament, in accordance with the Way of Christ or other principal who focuses on the proper safety when they follow the church".
The presence of churches with various excuses and principal teachings lead to the break in each of the bodies of the church (old church and new church). There was a breakaway from the church because the question of origin : Baptism is not true, lawful and unlawful, the law and not a matter of law and piety. This situation is so many evangelists feel tender and tasty ransacked churches (Christianity as a majority ) in a place, rather than carrying out evangelistic work in a place which has little or no Christian community (Christians as minorities).
For the Christian community who read this paper, I invite let us keep the promise and uphold our commitment as a people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is witnessed in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), let us not go in and stuck to things astray or false teacher (reporter-herald) false and false.
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