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The first step is found by the defection limit Kee (1990:43-44) in Acts 6. In churches which are all Judeo-Christian, there are differences in language and culture, ie between those who speak Hebrew and Greek (the Hellenized). Disputes arise because of the unequal distribution of food to the poor of the Hellenic minority. The problem was answered not by insidential but by organizing the division of responsibilities: the seven deacons chosen all have a Greek name (Acts 6:5). Redistribution of responsibilities that will impact this far, not only for food issues, but also to preaching the gospel to the Hellenistic world (cf 11:19-21).
It was immediately clear from the speech of Stephen in Acts 7 (Kee, 1990:44-46). The main point is that the location or a particular place is not the basis of God's relationship with his people, as the understanding of Judaism is oriented in the temple of God and tried to defend Palestinian land and culture. Abraham's relationship with God has begun in Mesopotamia (7:2), and after arriving to the promised land, Abraham had given no inheritance. Pathway did not (paragraph 5). Conversely Abaraham descent "into newcomers in a foreign country" (paragraph 6). Joseph sold into Egypt, he was accompanied by God. Then he saves Jacob and his descendants in there too (verse 19). In the desert Sinailah God revealed himself to Moses, and the signs of His power-His are shown in the Red Sea (paragraph 30.36). Throughout the history of ancient Israel, the tabernacle as a sign of God's presence among his people to move around in the wilderness and in the country. Only then David decided to give him a permanent place in Jerusalem, Solomon built a house for God (verse 45). Right in the part, Stephen decided her story by quoting Isaiah 66:1-2, the prophecy that challenges the idea that the Supreme Being silent in the temple made by human hands (Acts 7:48). Quote Isaiah was preaching a presence as well as the universal rule of God. Stephen was murdered, but his colleagues will bring the news to the other side, while overcoming various obstacles geographic, ethnic, cultural, and religious. Pembangian responsibilities among the Hebrews and the Hellenists in Acts 6 is something for the actual state of our congregations are generally multi-cultural (cultural pluralism). The extent to which our church jumble of material that divides not only fairly, but also share responsibility in proportion between the various cultural groups, in the belief that such division will extend the reach and impact of our preaching?.
Stephen is opposing efforts to dominate prophetic presence of God in a particular residence. To what extent is this criticism for wearing appreciation of our religion in Indonesia?. Many Christians, particularly Catholics excessive sponsor certain places (the church building, a place of pilgrimage, the holy land) or time-period (Day Sunday worship, Novena, a lucky day), either as a sign of identity that distinguishes them from people who are considered less superior; or as a place / time refugee from the middle of a world that valued the dark, or as a kind of alibi or even a means of deception in the eyes of a professional life lived without God and without conscience. Monopoly where / when the sacred is not only alienating people of other beliefs, but also to exclude God from our world. If in our society into an increasingly secular, God has not witnessed and were found everywhere and anytime, in the end he did not aka tone at all.
(Main sources: Biblical Forum Popular Scientific Journals, writings of Martin Aaron "Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture: Review and Reflections on Acts)
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