Are you a Christian, never heard of the Gospel of Judas and do you know about the content of this gospel?. Here are about to review a little about this gospel which is not in the Bible Scriptures.
Introduction: incipit
This is the secret of Jesus' statement that God has to say in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week three days before the Passover. When Jesus appeared on earth, He did miracles and great wonders for human safety. And because they some people [running] in the path of righteousness, while others are walking in the violations, then the twelve disciples were called.
He began talking with them about the secrets outside world and what will happen in the end. Often he did not appear to his disciples as himself, but he found among them as a child.
SCENE 1: Jesus dialogues with his disciples: Prayer or Eucharist
One day he was together with his disciples in Judea, he found they were gathered together and sat down to with devout worshipers. At the time he [approached] his disciples, (34) while they were together and sit together and offered a prayer of gratitude for their bread, [he] laughed.
The disciples said to [him], "Teacher, why did you laugh at the prayer of thanksgiving [us]? We are already doing what is right".
He answered and said unto them, 'I'm not laughing at you not doing this because you own will but because through it God is you [will] be praised ".
They said," Teacher you are the [...] the children of our God.
Jesus said to them, "How do you know me? Truly [I] say to you, there is no human generation of you will know me".
When his disciples heard this, they were goaded into anger and rage and began to blaspheme Him in their hearts.
When Jesus saw that they did not have [understanding, he also said] to them, "Why this agitation has made you angry? God you guys are there in your heart [...] [35] had provoked the anger [within] the soul -your soul. Whoever among you is [strong enough] among human beings [should] he showed humanity the perfect and capable of standing in front of my face.They all said, "We have power."
But their souls do not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He is able to stand before Him, but he could not look him right in his eyes, and he turned his face.
Judas [said] to him, "I recognize who you are and where you've come. Barbelo you come from areas that can not perish. And I do not deserve the name of him who sent thee.
Jesus Speaking to a Personal Judas
Knowing that Judas while contemplating something so tinggu and noble, Jesus said to him, "Get away from the others and I will tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is possible for you to achieve it, but you will both extraordinary. [36] For someone else will cover for you, so that the twelve [disciples] may be a complete back with their God.
Judas said to him, "When will you be saying these things to me, and [when is] a big bright day will come for this generation?.
(Source: inserts Forum Biblical number 20 in the open forum Popular Scientific Journals Biblical number. 20-2006, published by the Indonesian Bible Institute)
note: read more on the Judas Gospel scenes 2 and 3.
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