Jesus appeared to the Disciples
The next morning, after this happened, Jesus [appeared] again appeared to His disciples.
They said to him: "Master, Where is you have to go and what to do when you have you forsaken us?"
Jesus said to them, "I have to go to a holy and glorious generation of others."
His disciples said to Him, "Lord, where is that generation, a higher and more holy than us, that does not exist today in areas of the world?"
When Jesus heard this, he was disappointed and said to them, "Why do you think in your heart about the generation of a holy and powerful? [ 37 ] Truly [ I ] say to you, no one is born of the aeons (= area of the divine) is which will see the [ generation ], and there is no set of angels of the stars of any generation that will govern it, and no person who is born who can die, may be associated with it, because that generation did not come from [ ... ] which has become [ ... ]. generation of people among [ you ] come from generations of humanity [ ... ] power, which [... the ] other powers [ ... ] via [where] you govern. "
At that time the disciples [ his ] heard this, they each wrestled in spirit. They can not even say a word.
On one other day, Jesus' coming to [ them ].They said to [ him ], "Master, we have seen you in a [ vision ], because we have experienced [the dreams] big [ ... ] night [ ... ].
[ He said ],"Why do [ you ] have [ ... when ] [ you ]go into hiding?" [ 38 ]
Seeing pupils Temple Talk
Seeing pupils Temple Talk
They [ said, "We have seen ] a [ home ] big [with a] great altar [ in it, and ] twelve men - they are, we can say, is the priests - and a name, and the crowd while waiting for at that altar, [ until ] the faith that the [...and receive] the offerings.[But]we kept waiting. "
[ Jesus said ], 'What[the priests]it? "
They [ said, "Some ...]two weeks; [ some ] sacrifice their own children, others their wives, in praise [ and ] humility with each other; laiki some people sleep with men; some involved in [the murder]; some doing double sins and unlawful acts. And those who stand [before] the altar call [ name ] Thy, [ 39 ] and in all their actions deprived ( the divine light ), the sacrifices brought to the completeness [... ]."
After they said this, they remain silent, because they were hit by turmoil.
Jesus Proposing an allegorical interpretation of the vision about the temple
Jesus said to them, "why is your heart hard? Verily I say unto you, all the priests who stood before the altar was called by my name. Again I say unto you, my name was written on top of generations [ ... ] stars through the human generations.[And they]had planted trees without fruit, in my name, with a shameful manner.
Jesus said to them, "Those people who have you seen receiving the offerings at the altar it --- it is your own. It is God that you serve, and you are the twelve men you have seen. Animals have you see brought to sacrifice a lot of people that you've astray [ 40 ] in front of the altar. [ ... ] will stand up and put my name in this way, and the generations of the pious will remain loyal to him. After he , other people will stand there from among [the fornicators], and another one[will]stand there from the killers of children, and another one from among people who sleep with men, and those who abstain, and the rest of the people who are impure, and that is not according to the law and who make mistakes, and those who say, 'We are like angels'; they are the stars that bring everything to the end. For to generations of humans have been say, 'See, God has accepted your offerings from the hands of a priest' --- namely, a waitress mistakes. But it is the Lord, God of the universe, who gave the command,' On the last day they will be humiliated.'"[41]
Jesus said [ to them ],"Stop giving [ offering ] that you have [ ... ] over the altar, because they are above the stars and your angels and has come to end there. So let them [captivated] in front of you, and let them go [ --- approximately 15 lines missing --- ] generations [ ... ]. A baker can not feed all creation [ 42 ] under [ sky ]. And to them [ ... ] and [ ... ] to [ ... ]. Yesus we told them, "Stop struggling with me. Each of you has his own star, and every [ person --- approximately 17 lines missing --- ] [ 43 ] in which [...] has come [ ...spring ] for the trees [ ... ] of this aeon [ ... ] for a moment [ ... ] but he has come to irrigate the garden of God, and the [ generation ] that will last, because [he] will not defame [ way of life of ] that generation, but [ ... ] forever.
Ask Judas to Jesus regarding the generation and generations That Man
Judas said to [him], "Teacher, what type of fruit produced by this generation?"
Jesus said, "The souls of every human generation will die. But when these people have completed the time they leave the kingdom and the spirit, their bodies will die but their spirits will remain alive, and they will be removed."
Judas said, "And what will be done by the residual human generations"?
Jesus said, "It is not possible [ 44 ] to sow seed in the [ rock ] and harvest its fruit.[ It ] is also a [ ... ] has done a generation that [defiled] is [...] and Sophia can [ ... ] broken hand that has created man, so that their souls onto the conserved areas up there. [Indeed] I say unto you, [ ... ] the power of angels will be [ ... ] see that this matters to whom generations of holy [ ... ] ,"
Having said this, He also went."
Ask Judas to Jesus regarding the generation and generations That Man
Judas said to [him], "Teacher, what type of fruit produced by this generation?"
Jesus said, "The souls of every human generation will die. But when these people have completed the time they leave the kingdom and the spirit, their bodies will die but their spirits will remain alive, and they will be removed."
Judas said, "And what will be done by the residual human generations"?
Jesus said, "It is not possible [ 44 ] to sow seed in the [ rock ] and harvest its fruit.[ It ] is also a [ ... ] has done a generation that [defiled] is [...] and Sophia can [ ... ] broken hand that has created man, so that their souls onto the conserved areas up there. [Indeed] I say unto you, [ ... ] the power of angels will be [ ... ] see that this matters to whom generations of holy [ ... ] ,"
Having said this, He also went."
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