Saturday, June 19, 2010

Gospel of Judas: Jesus with Judas and The Others Talk about destruction of the wicked

Gospel of Judas: 
Jesus with Judas and The Others Talk about destruction of the wicked 
Writing This is a continuation of: SCENE 3 "Judas tells a Jesus gave sight and Response. "

     "[...] The light [---almost two missing---] around [...] shall [...] spirit [meaning] in you live in the [meat] with Adam and to those who are with him , so that the kings of chaos and the world of the dead can not be ruled over them. 
     Judas said to Jesus, "Then what will be done the generations?" 
     Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, for all of them the stars bring all materials to fulness. At the time Saklas completing a term of life given to him, their first star will appear with the generations, and they would end what they have said they will end. Then they shall commit adultery in my name and kill their children [55] and they will [...] and [...] [--- approximately six and a half lines missing---] my name, and he will [...] star of the thirteenth aeon. 
     "After that Jesus [laughed].
     [Judas said], "Teacher, [why are you laughing at us]?"
     [Jesus] answered [and say], 'I'm not laughing at [you], but laugh at the mistakes of the stars, because these six stars wander aimlessly along the five attackers, and they would all be destroyed along with their creations.
Jesus People talk about the Baptized, and Delivery of Personal Jesus by Judas 
     Judas said to Jesus, "Look, what will be done by people who have been baptized in thy name is?" 
     Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say [to], this baptism [56] [...] by my name [--- about nine lines missing ---] unto me. Truly [I] say unto you, Judes , [they are] to give sacrifices for Saklas [...]  to God [--- about three lines missing ---] all things evil. " 
     "But you will to struggle for them all. For you will sacrifice those who wrapped  Me."

        Your horn has been appointed, 
          Anger has been kindled, 
     Has looked with shining star, 
     and your heart has [...][ 57] 

     "Truly the last of you [...] [...] become [--- about two and a half lines missing ---], because he will be destroyed. The picture of the generation of Adam will be glorified, because before there was heaven , earth, and the angels, that generation, which comes from the eternal nature, already exists. See, everything has been notified to you. Lift up your eyes and see the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. Star who led the front is the star. 
     "Judas lifted his eyes and saw clouds of glory, and he entered into it. Those who stood beneath heard a noise coming from the cloud, saying, [58] [...] [...] great generation ... the picture [...] [--- about five rows missing ---] 

Source: Journal of Biblical Forum Popular Science "Inserts Biblical Forum number. 20 published by: Indonesian Bible Institute, 2006


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