Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Servanthood Lifestyle

     There are about sixty parables told by Jesus. All the stories themed lifestyle kingdom of God or the Kingdom of God. Context of the parable differently. Some wore the context of slave and master. It should be noted that this parable is not about servant or employer , but rather about the relationship between servants with their employers. Or rather, about the lifestyle in the relationship between servant and employer. Lifestyle that could be called lifestyle servanthood.Here are ten aspects of servanthood lifestyle drawn from a number of parables. 
1. Know Yourself 
     In the parable in Matthew 13:24-30 there is a good servant to identify problems and propose solutions Retort . They alleged that her employer had infiltrated the fields of wheat grass , and then they want to pull the thistles. Apparently his employer prohibits . Employer the right to determine policy. The servants must know yourself. This land is not theirs. They never ought to act as the owner or ruler . Also in the parable in Luke 14:16-24 is told about the slave master to run commands 100 % according to the instruction even though the order was altered. total compliance is described here or placing themselves under the will of the employer. He did not identify themselves or overestimate from an employer . Jesus said , " ... Behold a servant is not greater than his master ... " (John 13:16 ). 
2. Routine 
     Routine absolutely does not mean boring or static . Means a fixed routine and regular activities . If someone feels bored with his job, which is not his job but his attitude toward the job. In the parable in Luke 17:7-10 is told about a servant who every morning plowing and herding cattle , and every evening to cook and serve food for the employer. That routine , day after day , throughout the weeks and months. Here too there are dimensions to fatigue . Morning plowing the fields , keeping livestock in the valley of the afternoon and evening in the kitchen cooking. Here too there is a odd dimensions : Hijack want to, want to keep livestock, and cooking too. Then Jesus said, " It is so ye . If you 've done everything that was assigned to you, ye shall say: We are servants who are not handy , we're just doing what we should do. " ( Luke 17:10 ). 
3. No Drowsiness 
     Jesus often depict an employer who "Needles Super " alias "is rarely at home, likes to go " . The term used is " traveling overseas . " ( Matthew 25:14 ) or " off to a distant country " ( Luke 19:12 ) . The servant left . The servants were encouraged to act independently . The servants asked to effective, ie they can produce the best possible time and resources with as little as possible . Jesus praised the efficiency . He says , " Blessed are the servant , who found his master to do his duty , when his master was come " ( Luke 12:43 ) . He slit acts "eat , drink and get drunk "them ( Luke 12:45 ) and labeled them " wicked and lazy " ( Matthew 25:26). Jesus repeatedly emphasized that the servants were asked not to be sleepy. He says, "Blessed are the servants who found his master on guard when he comes" ( Luke 12:37 ). The word vigil is the translation of " gregoroumtas "meaning alert, awake or sleepy. 
4. Respect 
     In the parable with a total of more than a servant of the dynamics are both negative and positive. In Luke 12 : 45 depicted slaves hitting. In Matthew 20:1-16 happen envy. Conversely there are also stories where the slaves were high-minded and can appreciate his partner . In Matthew 25:14-30 was not recorded the existence of envy among my five talented and talented two . The employers also value them as equals. Neither the servant nor the talented five talented two , he said, " ... Come " ( Matthew 25:21 and 23 ). 
5. Honest 
     In Luke 19:11-27 there who had received the money to be made a capital Mina trade. Apparently he succeeded and got a huge profit , which is ten -fold. Actually he has a chance to profiteer some of that advantage . It turns out the entire profit was transferred to the employer . Nothing is pocketed . Jesus praised the honesty of it . He said: " ... Well done , my good servant ... " ( Luke 19:17 ). 
6. Clever 
     In contrast , in Luke 16:1-8 no servants who defraud their employers. He was sacked and then he was not honest with the debtor. IOU one hundred and fifty measures of oil changed. This is clearly detrimental to the employer. But strange. Servant 's even commendable. It says : "then the master praised the dishonest steward , because he had acted shrewdly " ( Luke 16:8 ). Why did Jesus praise him? Sitting like this case. A parable emphasizes only one truth, that is cunning. Which was praised by Jesus is cleverness . See paragraph 8 in which Jesus told the children of light for no less astute than the children of the world . But what is meant by Jesus who is not clever cunning , because he also once said, " Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves " ( Matthew 10:16 ) . Not a smart home , but also sincere. Not true origin , but also smart. Ingenuity and heartfelt sincerity that clever. 
7. Commitment 
     This implies the parables of devotion. A servant is sensitive and responsive to the needs of employers, including small business though . No task is too low and insignificant in the eyes of a servant . Jesus said , " ... Well done , O my servant good and faithful servant , thou hast been faithful in small matters , I will give you a great responsibility in case ... " ( Matthew 25:21 ) . From a single servant also demanded loyalty . Jesus said , " A servant can not serve two masters ... " ( Luke 16:13 ). 
8. Fair and Empathy 
9. Not Right 
10. Look forward
(The main source: Andar Ismail " Good Growing " , 2006)
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

People of the Jewish calendar in the Context of the Old Testament

People of the Jewish calendar in the Context of the Old Testament 
     Actually there is no Hebrew word which means exactly the same with the Latin word calendarium , Indonesia ' calendar ' . Those parts of the Hebrew year mark by pointing to the months , seasons or celebrations of agricultural goods .
     a. Year ( Hebrew syana - so called because of seasonal changes or sequence ) is calculated first start with the autumn months ( the seventh ) , the month Tisyri ( Exodus 23:16 , 34:22 ) , also the beginning of the Sabbath ( Leviticus 25:8 -10 ) . When the Hebrews in Egypt, they probably receive in the sun , consisting of 12 months , 30 days each , plus five days , so 365 days ( Herodotus , 2.4) . If such changes become later and the ' beginning of the month 'or the first month of the year it was established in spring ( Exodus 12:2 , Deuteronomy 16:1,6 ) . After that year the West Semitic Hebrew calendar followed by one year consists of 12 months according to circulation of the month , instead of by circulation of the earth ( 1 Kings 4:7 , 1 Chronicles 27:1-15 ) . It is not certain whether the beginning of the year in the spring ( Nisan ) is only used for religious ceremonies , there are some guidelines that cater for the civil year , which is sometimes calculated from the month of spring, months Tisyri .
     b. Months ( see table calendar on the title " People of the Jewish calendar in the Context of the New Testament " ) . Hebrew year consisted of a few months . The calculation followed the circulation of the month , starting from the lowest levels since the first crescent appears after sunset . The first day of the new moon appears thus considered sacred ( * month). Month calendar ( Hebrew yerah , 'moon ') is computed 29/30 days. Because of that calculation is based on lunar approximately 11 days shorter than the year based on the circulation of the earth, then periodically didisipkan thirteenth month , so that day new year falling on the day before the spring of that year ( March to April ) . details are not yet known method used by the Hebrews to match the seasons of agriculture by the year based on lunar calculations . Maybe they put a month of Adar ( 12th month ) the second, or the month Elul ( 6th month ), the second of each 3,6,11,14,17 , or 19 years .
     Observed during the daytime and night time greeting one autumn day , ie on the ' end of the year ' ( 2 Chronicles 36:10 ) is important for setting the calendar, and thus also for setting holidays . So the year begins with new moon nearest the time of day and night are equal in spring , ie, if the sun was in Aries ( Jos , Ant ; 3,8,4 ) and Easter on the fourteenth day of Nisan coincided with the first full moon ( Exodus 12:2-6 ) . 
     The names used to refer to older months , perhaps sebuatn - term is local from the Palestinian people to refer to the seasons , which vary with the names of the months mentioned in the manuscript that came from Syria ( Ras Siambra , Alala , Mari ) . Abib , ' wheat yellowing ' ( Exodus 23:4 ) ; Ziv ( 1 Kings 6:1 , 37 ) ; Etanim ( 1 Kings 8:2 ) and arose ( 1 Kings 6:38 ), meaning can not be ascertained , is the origin of names from this era . At all times those months are usually referred to by numbers; first ( Exodus 12:2 ) ; second one ( Genesis 7:11 ), third ( Exodus 19:1 ), fourth ( 2 Kings 25:3 ) ; fifth ( Numbers 33:38 ), sixth ( 1Tawarikh 27:9 ) ; seventh ( Genesis 8:4 ) ; eighth ( Zechariah 1:1 ) ; ninth ( Ezrah 10:9 ), tenth (Genesis 8:5 ) ; eleventh ( Deuteronomy 1 : 3 ) ; twelve ( Esther 3:7 ) . In the days after the disposal of the names of the months of Babylon followed .
     c. Seasons and years of agriculture. Although the Hebrew calendar is based on using the months that follow the lunar calculation , but they , as farmers , tend to call the parts in the season than with the names or month numbers . Thus , the years in Palestine is divided roughly into the dry season ( April to September ) and rainy season ( October to March ) , in general can be subdivided into ' winter sowing ' ( November to December) and ' season ' ( April to June ; Genesis 8:22 ) . But the names are more specifically used by the local population , pointing to the exact month , for instance wheat harvest ( Genesis 30:14 ; Judges 15:1 ) , or the barley harvest ( 2 Samuel 21:9 ; Ruth 1 : 22 ) refers to the months of March to April ; ' harvest ' ( Exodus 34:21 ) should be in March ; and seasons ' upstream of the grapes ' ( Numbers 13:20 ) , the month of Tamuz (June to July ) . ' The rain started ' ( which is based on an ancient civil calendar began in Tisyri ) fell in September to October and the ' wet end ' in March to April. ' Summer Fruits ' ( qayits ) of August until September , giving his name on the season ' summer ' . Months of Tevet and Shevat is the months cool ' . 
     Old Testament references mentioned above can be compared with the agricultural calendar , which roughly written on a tablets , which perhaps is an inscription written by a student in the 10th century CE , found at Gezer in 1908 . Translation can not be ascertained the truth , but the inscription was recorded for the twelve -month implementation of agriculture that year starting from the autumn . ' Two months of storage. Two months for sowing . Two months for growth in the spring. One month revocation of hemp . One month of barley harvest . One month reap everything else. Two months of pruning ( grape vine ) . One month of summer fruits ' ( cf. DOTT , pages 201-203 ) . 
     d. Other ways to mention the time and the season is wearing common words for 'time' or special holidays (' iddan , Daniel 7:25 ; mo'ed , Daniel 12:7; Zeman , Ecclesiastes 3:1 , Nehemiah 2 : 6 ) , compare Psalm 104:27 , * Time . historical events are usually given a date by year - year reign of kings or a national event to remember , for instance Exodus ; while in Egypt ( Exodus 12:40 ) ; construction of the first Temple ( 1 Kings 6:17 ) or seventy -year captivity in Babylon ( Yeheskiel 33:21 ) ; or an earthquake during the reign of Uzziah ( Proverbs 1:1, Zechariah 14:5 ).
Main sources: the Bible Encyclopedia The present Volume I , July 2002.
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Friendship in the context of Job 4:1-21

Friendship in the context of Job 4:1-21 
     A good friend is someone who not only became friends in the happy situation , but also a sincere friend in an atmosphere of mourning . A good friend is someone who can not only hear the complaints his friend, but also who feel motivated to convey expressions that do not just entertain his friends, but also pushing for the purpose reawaken the hope which vanished. 
     Eliphaz ( 4:1-21 ) is a man who wanted to show his role as the friend of Job, and therefore offered to share their opinions of what is experienced by Job. According to the testimony of Eliphaz , Job , in his role as head of a family and a servant of God , he has shown exemplary in carrying out its functions , which he not only working and welfare families , but also have shown much less responsibility to serve every person residing in the scrimmage . He not only teaches , but also gave a boost in morale for those who struggle so they still have hope in God . Job not only serve those who are lucky and be glad , but also particularly those who load . 
     Observing that while the struggle experienced by Job, not the words that bring comfort and peace of mind that is conveyed by friends was Eliphaz . Eliphaz express a view and opinion that the appointment of his own understanding , which, in turn , think that just add to the burden on the struggles of Job. From one side of this argument is understandable , because God in His authority wants people to live holy before Him. But in the context of Job's experience was seen as an expression statement is judgmental and discredit Job 're struggling. 
     Lion of God's creation is the animal known as a wild beast, also known as the king of the jungle . By all appearances , the lion is also used as a symbol to illustrate the existence of a power , the power and authority. But have we ever heard the story about a cat fool a lion just to get food? Thus the illustration was also used to describe the strength and the limited human effort . Man can do whatever it takes to sustain life, but he can not surpass the power of God let alone power . Property , wealth and position is just the gift of God simply because people believe it should receive it in gratitude and respect only to God as the giver of blessing. In our lives , we often experience a variety of issues , struggles and suffering. 
     In these circumstances we desperately needed a collective effort to preserve the true friendship which can only be created from an effort to build communication with each other especially when someone is stricken with the burden of life. This awareness needs to always grow in understanding of the faithful, so that as human beings who distanced themselves on being arrogant , self-assertive and self-centered efforts . but as the man who was always conscious of his weakness he will always try to humble themselves before God while maintaining friendships with others in life that help one another and turn on one another.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Section End: Gospel of Judas

Section End : Gospel of Judas 

Jesus Judes Submit 
     [...] Great priests because they were whispering [He (Jesus),] has stepped into the room (= the space of the Last Supper) for prayer. But some scribes were closely monitoring the situation, because they want to arrest him when he was praying, because they are afraid of crowds, because he is seen by everyone as a prophet. 
     They approached Judas and said to him, "What are you doing here? Thee disciple of Jesus. 
     Judas answered them as they wish. And he received some money and handed him over to them. 

Source: Journal of Biblical Forum Popular Science "Inserts Biblical Forum no. 20 published by: Indonesian Bible Institute, 2006
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Gospel of Judas: Jesus with Judas and The Others Talk about destruction of the wicked

Gospel of Judas: 
Jesus with Judas and The Others Talk about destruction of the wicked 
Writing This is a continuation of: SCENE 3 "Judas tells a Jesus gave sight and Response. "

     "[...] The light [---almost two missing---] around [...] shall [...] spirit [meaning] in you live in the [meat] with Adam and to those who are with him , so that the kings of chaos and the world of the dead can not be ruled over them. 
     Judas said to Jesus, "Then what will be done the generations?" 
     Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, for all of them the stars bring all materials to fulness. At the time Saklas completing a term of life given to him, their first star will appear with the generations, and they would end what they have said they will end. Then they shall commit adultery in my name and kill their children [55] and they will [...] and [...] [--- approximately six and a half lines missing---] my name, and he will [...] star of the thirteenth aeon. 
     "After that Jesus [laughed].
     [Judas said], "Teacher, [why are you laughing at us]?"
     [Jesus] answered [and say], 'I'm not laughing at [you], but laugh at the mistakes of the stars, because these six stars wander aimlessly along the five attackers, and they would all be destroyed along with their creations.
Jesus People talk about the Baptized, and Delivery of Personal Jesus by Judas 
     Judas said to Jesus, "Look, what will be done by people who have been baptized in thy name is?" 
     Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say [to], this baptism [56] [...] by my name [--- about nine lines missing ---] unto me. Truly [I] say unto you, Judes , [they are] to give sacrifices for Saklas [...]  to God [--- about three lines missing ---] all things evil. " 
     "But you will to struggle for them all. For you will sacrifice those who wrapped  Me."

        Your horn has been appointed, 
          Anger has been kindled, 
     Has looked with shining star, 
     and your heart has [...][ 57] 

     "Truly the last of you [...] [...] become [--- about two and a half lines missing ---], because he will be destroyed. The picture of the generation of Adam will be glorified, because before there was heaven , earth, and the angels, that generation, which comes from the eternal nature, already exists. See, everything has been notified to you. Lift up your eyes and see the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. Star who led the front is the star. 
     "Judas lifted his eyes and saw clouds of glory, and he entered into it. Those who stood beneath heard a noise coming from the cloud, saying, [58] [...] [...] great generation ... the picture [...] [--- about five rows missing ---] 

Source: Journal of Biblical Forum Popular Science "Inserts Biblical Forum number. 20 published by: Indonesian Bible Institute, 2006
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Gospel of Judas: Jesus and Judas (Jesus Conversation Jude teaches about Cosmology: The Spirit and The Born-Own)

Gospel of Judas: Jesus and Judas
Jesus Conversation Jude teaches about Cosmology: The Spirit and The Born-Own 
This paper is a continuation of: SCENE 3 "Judas tells a vision and Jesus gives Feedback 

     "Jesus said, "[Come], that I may teach you about [secrets] that no one [has] never saw it. Because there is a large area and not limited to, the breadth has never been seen by generations of angels, [which in it] there is [a] [Spirit] The magnitude of the invisible,
     Who had never seen the eyes of an angel also, 
     What I never understood by the minds and hearts anyone, 
     And this is never called by a name of what too. 
     And a cloud then appeared there. He (the Spirit of them) said, 'Let the an angel is created as a helper. '"
     "A great angel, the divine enlightened, the Born-Own (autogenes), emerged from the cloud. Because of him, four other angels are created from a cloud of others, and they became helpers for Born-angel's Own. The Lair-Own said, [48] ' Let [...] created [...], and he also created [...]. And he [created] The first lights to rule over it. He said, 'Let the angels were created to serve [her] ', and a large number who do not created innumerable. He said, '[Let] an aeon who created enlightened ', and he also created. He creates lights that both [to] rule over it, along with a large number of angels countless, to provide services. That's how he create an enlightened aeon aeon-other. He made them reign upon them, and he creates for them a large number of angels that are not numberless, to help them. "

Adamas and lights 

     "Adamas was in the glory of the first cloud so that no angel has ever seen among all called 'God. " He [49] [...] [...] that [...] picture [...] and in the image from angel [these]. He made the [generation] that can not be damaged sets appear [...] The twelve [...] of twenty-four [...]. He made seventy-two lights appear in the incorruptible generation, in line with the will of the spirit. Seventy two lights themselves made three hundred and sixty lights appeared in an unbiased generation damaged, in line with the will of the Spirit , that the amount they each should be five. " 
     "The twelve aeons of the twelve lights their sire, with six heavens for each aeon, so that there heaven for seventy two seventy two objects torch, and for each [50] [of them five] horizon, [for the whole of] angels [who are incalculable amount], to the glory and worship, [and after that also] virgin spirits, for glory and [worship] for all aeon and the sky and horizon. 

Universe, Chaos, and the World of the Dead 
     "The large amount of creatures that are not biased is called the universe perish --- namely, eternal punishment after death --- by the Father and the seventy-two lights that are shared with The Born-Own and seventy-two aeons it. In it (in the universe) the first human appeared with power-power that can not be broken. And the aeon that appeared with his generation, the aeon in which there is a cloud knowledge (Coptic, from the Greek word gnosis) and the angels, called [51] El. [...] Aeon [...] after that [...] said, 'Let twelve angels created [for] to reign chaos and [the dead]. 'And look, it appears from a cloud [Angel] whose face was glittering with fire and the appearance desecrated by the blood. His name is Nebro, which means 'rebel'; the others named Yaldabaoth (= Child of chaos, or "child of the universe"). Another angel, Saklas, also has come out of the cloud. So Nebro thus created six angels ---Saklas also--- to be helpers, and this that require twelve angels in heaven, with each receive one share in heaven.

The Lords and Angels
     "The twelve rulers spoke to twelve angel: 'Let each ye [52] [...] and let them [...] generation [---one line missing---] the angels': 
     The first is [S] et, which is called Christ. 
     The [second] is Hamathoth, which is [...]. 
     The [third] is Gaul 
     The fourth is the Jubilee 
     The fifth [Are] Adonaios These are the five who ruled over the world people death, and first of all the chaos. 

Human Creation
     "Then Saklas said to his angels, 'Let us create a human likeness and image.' They had created Adam and his wife Eve, who is called, in a cloud, Zeo (= life). Because by this name all the generations seek a human, and each of them calls the woman by these names [...]. And the [Ruler] said to Adam, 'You will live a long time with your children."

Asked about the fate of Judas and the people of Adam Human 
     Judas said to Jesus, "[Are] the intent of length of time in which humans will live? " 
     Jesus replied, "Why are you wondering about this, namely, that Adam, with his generation, has undergone periods his life in a place where he had received his kingdom, with longevity together ruler? " 
     Judas said to Jesus, "Is the human spirit going to die? " 
     Jesus said, "This is why God has ordered Michael to give the human spirit to them as a debt, so they can provide services, but the Great ordered Gabriel to grant spirits to generation with great without ruling on it --- that is, giving spirit and soul. Therefore, spirits that [other] [54] [--- 1 line missing ---]. 

Source: Journal of Biblical Forum Popular Science "Inserts Biblical Forum no. 20 published by: Indonesian Bible Institute, 2006
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Gospel of Judas : Conversations of Jesus and Judas (Scene 3 of Judas tells a vision and Jesus gives Feedback)

Gospel of Judas : Conversations of Jesus and Judas
Scene 3 of Judas tells a vision and Jesus gives Feedback
     Judas said, "Teachers as You've heard them all, now hearing. Because I have seen a great vision. "
     When Jesus heard this, he laughed and told him, "You thirteenth spirit, why are you trying so hard? But speak, and I will bear it with you. 
     "Judas said to him, "In in the vision, I saw myself as the twelve disciples I was pelted with stones and [45] persecuting [me with cruel]. And I also came to the place where [...] after thee. I saw [a house ...], and my eyes could not [understand] size. Large crowd surrounded him, and the house (A) a roof covered with green trees, and in the middle of the house that is [---a crowd of two lines missing---], said, 'Master, take I'm with those guys. 
     "[Jesus] answered and said, "Judas, your star has been misleading you." He continued, "There is no one born of a decent human being who can die for entering the house that you've seen that, because it was reserved only for the holy. The sun or any months will not be in power there, as well as daylight, but the holy will stay there, in an eternal place in conjunction with the holy angels. Look, I have been explained to you the mysteries of the kingdom [46] and I have teaches you about the mistakes of the stars; and [...] sent [...] On the twelve aeons."

Jude asked about his own fate 
     Jude said, "Teacher, can my seed is under control of the rulers? "
     Jesus answered and said: to him, "Come, that I [--- 2 line missing---], but that you will grieve much when you see the kingdom and all generation."
     When he heard this, Judas said to him, "Is not how good I've received this? Because You have separated me for that generation."
     Jesus answered and said, "You have to be the thirteenth, and thou shalt be condemned by --- other generations, and thou shalt rule over them. On last days, they will condemn the ascension [47] to the [generation] the holy.

Source: Journal of Biblical Forum Popular Science "Inserts Biblical Forum no. 20 published by: Indonesian Bible Institute, 2006
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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Gospel of Judas [Scene 2]

Jesus appeared to the Disciples
     The next morning, after this happened, Jesus [appeared] again appeared to His disciples. 
     They said to him: "Master, Where is you have to go and what to do when you have you forsaken us?"
     Jesus said to them, "I have to go to a holy and glorious generation of others." 
     His disciples said to Him, "Lord, where is that generation, a higher and more holy than us, that does not exist today in areas of the world?" 
     When Jesus heard this, he was disappointed and said to them, "Why do you think in your heart about the generation of a holy and powerful? [ 37 ] Truly [ I ] say to you, no one is born of the aeons (= area of the divine) is which will see the [ generation ], and there is no set of angels of the stars of any generation that will govern it, and no person who is born who can die, may be associated with it, because that generation did not come from [ ... ] which has become [ ... ]. generation of people among [ you ] come from generations of humanity [ ... ] power, which [... the ] other powers [ ... ] via [where] you govern. "
     At that time the disciples [ his ] heard this, they each wrestled in spirit. They can not even say a word.
     On one other day, Jesus' coming to [ them ].They said to [ him ], "Master, we have seen you in a [ vision ], because we have experienced [the dreams] big  [ ... ] night [ ... ].
     [ He said ],"Why do [ you ] have [ ... when ] [ you ]go into hiding?" [ 38 ] 
Seeing pupils Temple Talk 
     They [ said, "We have seen ] a [ home ] big [with a] great altar [ in it, and ] twelve men - they are, we can say, is the priests - and a name, and the crowd while waiting for at that altar, [ until ] the faith that the [...and receive] the offerings.[But]we kept waiting. " 
     [ Jesus said ], 'What[the priests]it? " 
     They [ said, "Some ...]two weeks; [ some ] sacrifice their own children, others their wives, in praise [ and ] humility with each other; laiki some people sleep with men; some involved in [the murder]; some doing double sins and unlawful acts. And those who stand [before] the altar call [ name ] Thy, [ 39 ] and in all their actions deprived ( the divine light ), the sacrifices brought to the completeness [... ]."
     After they said this, they remain silent, because they were hit by turmoil.
Jesus Proposing an allegorical interpretation of the vision about the temple 
     Jesus said to them, "why is your heart hard? Verily I say unto you, all the priests who stood before the altar was called by my name. Again I say unto you, my name was written on top of generations [ ... ] stars through the human generations.[And they]had planted trees without fruit, in my name, with a shameful manner. 
     Jesus said to them, "Those people who have you seen receiving the offerings at the altar it --- it is your own. It is God that you serve, and you are the twelve men you have seen. Animals have you see brought to sacrifice a lot of people that you've astray [ 40 ] in front of the altar. [ ... ] will stand up and put my name in this way, and the generations of the pious will remain loyal to him. After he , other people will stand there from among [the fornicators], and another one[will]stand there from the killers of children, and another one from among people who sleep with men, and those who abstain, and the rest of the people who are impure, and that is not according to the law and who make mistakes, and those who say, 'We are like angels'; they are the stars that bring everything to the end. For to generations of humans have been say, 'See, God has accepted your offerings from the hands of a priest' --- namely, a waitress mistakes. But it is the Lord, God of the universe, who gave the command,' On the last day they will be humiliated.'"[41] 
     Jesus said [ to them ],"Stop giving [ offering ] that you have [ ... ] over the altar, because they are above the stars and your angels and has come to end there. So let them [captivated] in front of you, and let them go [ --- approximately 15 lines missing --- ] generations [ ... ]. A baker can not feed all creation [ 42 ] under [ sky ]. And to them [ ... ] and [ ... ] to [ ... ]. Yesus we told them, "Stop struggling with me. Each of you has his own star, and every [ person --- approximately 17 lines missing --- ] [ 43 ] in which [...] has come [ ...spring ] for the trees [ ... ] of this aeon [ ... ] for a moment [ ... ] but he has come to irrigate the garden of God, and the [ generation ] that will last, because [he] will not defame [ way of life of ] that generation, but [ ... ] forever. 
Ask Judas to Jesus regarding the generation and generations That Man 
     Judas said to [him], "Teacher, what type of fruit produced by this generation?" 
     Jesus said, "The souls of every human generation will die. But when these people have completed the time they leave the kingdom and the spirit, their bodies will die but their spirits will remain alive, and they will be removed." 
     Judas said, "And what will be done by the residual human generations"? 
     Jesus said, "It is not possible [ 44 ] to sow seed in the [ rock ] and harvest its fruit.[ It ] is also a [ ... ] has done a generation that [defiled] is [...] and Sophia can [ ... ] broken hand that has created man, so that their souls onto the conserved areas up there. [Indeed] I say unto you, [ ... ] the power of angels will be [ ... ] see that this matters to whom generations of holy [ ... ] ,"
     Having said this, He also went."
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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gospel of Judas: Never heard of the Gospel of Judas and do you know about the content of this gospel?

Are you a Christian, never heard of the Gospel of Judas and do you know about the content of this gospel?. Here are about to review a little about this gospel which is not in the Bible Scriptures. 
Introduction: incipit 
     This is the secret of Jesus' statement that God has to say in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week three days before the Passover. When Jesus appeared on earth, He did miracles and great wonders for human safety. And because they some people [running] in the path of righteousness, while others are walking in the violations, then the twelve disciples were called. 
     He began talking with them about the secrets outside world and what will happen in the end. Often he did not appear to his disciples as himself, but he found among them as a child.  
SCENE 1: Jesus dialogues with his disciples: Prayer or Eucharist
     One day he was together with his disciples in Judea, he found they were gathered together and sat down to with devout worshipers. At the time he [approached] his disciples, (34) while they were together and sit together and offered a prayer of gratitude for their bread, [he] laughed.
     The disciples said to [him], "Teacher, why did you laugh at the prayer of thanksgiving [us]? We are already doing what is right". 
     He answered and said unto them, 'I'm not laughing at you not doing this because you own will but because through it God is you [will] be praised ". 
     They said," Teacher you are the [...] the children of our God. 
     Jesus said to them, "How do you know me? Truly [I] say to you, there is no human generation of you will know me". 
     When his disciples heard this, they were goaded into anger and rage and began to blaspheme Him in their hearts.
     When Jesus saw that they did not have [understanding, he also said] to them, "Why this agitation has made you angry? God you guys are there in your heart [...] [35] had provoked the anger [within] the soul -your soul. Whoever among you is [strong enough] among human beings [should] he showed humanity the perfect and capable of standing in front of my face.They all said, "We have power."
     But their souls do not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He is able to stand before Him, but he could not look him right in his eyes, and he turned his face. 
     Judas [said] to him, "I recognize who you are and where you've come. Barbelo you come from areas that can not perish. And I do not deserve the name of him who sent thee.
Jesus Speaking to a Personal Judas
      Knowing that Judas while contemplating something so tinggu and noble, Jesus said to him, "Get away from the others and I will tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is possible for you to achieve it, but you will both extraordinary. [36] For someone else will cover for you, so that the twelve [disciples] may be a complete back with their God. Judas said to him, "When will you be saying these things to me, and [when is] a big bright day will come for this generation?. 
     (Source: inserts Forum Biblical number 20 in the open forum Popular Scientific Journals Biblical number. 20-2006, published by the Indonesian Bible Institute) note: read more on the Judas Gospel scenes 2 and 3.
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Light of Heaven or the power of darkness

Have you heard of a shaman who treat patients by using the Bible, crucifix and other Christian symbols?. Maybe ever so we could get stuck to get involved and then come to believe that the reason the shaman a shaman is using the Bible and other Christian attributes, but we unknowingly manipulated by the shaman is the power of darkness. There are incantations, prayers, offerings, white water and others that led to the syncretism that we stumble on the trust of white shamans or other gods.Is a Christian family we have a sensitivity of spirit to be able to assess and distinguish the work which the Spirit of God and where the working spirit / power of darkness.It should be recognized at the time of the apostle Paul's ministry there are evil spirits in the form of spell / sorcery that affect the spiritual life of God's people. But no matter how big and strong that power will never be able to resist the magic power of God.This brief reflection papers or to remind us to remain consistent, loyal and obedient even cling to the faith. Whatever the problems and temptations that we face do not ever let yourself get involved in evil spirits, devils and demons, etc.. Because this will result in our polluted and His power will be our doubts in this life. Learn to become a Christian family who just want to entrust this life in his power. So after all our lives if we rely on God's power is his promise to defend and be with us who rely on God. Amen
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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Repentance, Call, or Paul Transformation?

4 continued ... 

     Some of the first story about crossing cultural boundaries, cultic, ritual, and was followed by ethnic Acts 9 that describes a tradition that the most radical: Paul's conversion or call. About which of the two terms are more precise, there is a separate discussion. Traditional exegesis is usually called repentance (conversion): The legality of a Jew who persecuted the church of Christ, Paul is seen to have been turned into a follower of Christ and warriors who built the church that he had been destroyed. The Pharisee and persecutor of the church is seen as a means of preaching the gospel of repentance to the Gentiles (9:15; cf. Galatians 1:23). But there is a problem with the interpretation of Paul as a change conversion : He considered turned away from Judaism are simultaneously viewed as synonymous with legalistic religion.  
     Recent decades a number of commentators have attempted to rehabilitate the figure of Paul in the Jewish religion. They do not interpret the change in Paul as a conversion but as a call. Paul is not considered to be converted; he just changed the flow of Jews, while still acknowledge their nation and live within its tradition. Interpretation of the call contains a call stating that the mission to be an apostle of the nations. 
     If the debate "repentance or call" is viewed from the context of our multifaith, The second interpretation is more sensitive in showing respect for the Jewish religion. But the two interpretations that are both less sensitive to the people of other faiths, for they see repentance / Paul calls in perspective that is proselitisme mission. That vision can not will not create tensions with other religions. 
     Related to that, Sugirtharajah not stay on these data Acts that may be impressive conversion, Fixed-Cs-digging stendahl exceed what was said by Paul's own letters on this topic (1990:12-16). In these letters there is no expression or the shadow of Paul's conversion. Said that according Sugirtharajah more precisely reveal the changes experienced by Paul is metamorphosis, Transformation, a term also used by Paul in an invitation to the Romans (12:2), "was changed by the renewal of your mind."; Or symmorphosis, "Be conformed to the" (Philippians 3:10 and Romans 8:29). The turning point in Paul's life is a transformation in which he was to be like Christ. 
     Which led to the transformation that Paul is "the revelation of Jesus Christ" (Galatians 1:12) ... Jesus Christ reveals God as merciful. When the Pharisees saw God as the Holy, who encouraged Israel to separate themselves from the unclean nations, he returned declare God as "merciful and gracious" (Exodus 34:6), where it also pushed him past Paul to accept each other , especially those excluded. Thus, since the revelation of Jesus Christ, Paul underwent a transformation from Judaism who became a Jew exclusive to an inclusive and thus can accommodate other nations in the new people of God. 
     If a turning point in the life of Paul is seen as a transformation, then it opens the perspective for a more dialogical approach in our context that multireligious. First of all, there is no repentance in the sense of moving the idea of religion or belief change. Second, other religious people are not viewed as objects in the sense of a mission call proselitisme. Sugirtharajah this interpretation opens the perspective for an interfaith dialogue in which, first, Both sides can accept each other as God's people without having to place a religious movement; and second, The dialogue partners can help each other to open yourself to the forgotten aspects of the religion itself. 
(Main sources: Biblical Forum Popular Scientific Journals, writings of Martin Aaron "Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture: Review and Reflections on Acts)
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Reaching The people of Samaria and the eunuch (Competition Inter-Denomination Church)

3 continued ...  
     Stephen's death and persecution of the church in Jerusalem did not stop the revolutionary movements of the Hellenistic, but instead led to their activities "scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria" (8:1) to exceed the limits of Jerusalem. Kee (1990:46-48) warns that the Samaritan is not just another region in Palestine, such as Judea and Galilee. The Jews and the Samaritans to compete because they think that they are the real heirs of the agreement (Shechem, Samaria center, had been the center of the renewal agreement). Similarly if the shrine as a symbol of God's presence (the temple on Mount Gerizim, the Samaritan sacred place to this day never been destroyed by the Jews). They also compete again by claiming that the version they were the true law of Moses (the entire contents of the Hebrew Bible, the Samaritans recognize only the Torah, but in its own version, while in the eyes of the Jews, the Samaritans and the law has been perverted worship of God, so forbidden when dealing with them). 
     In contrast to the hostility, the Hellenist Christians who were expelled from Jerusalem precisely convey the gospel to the Samaritans. Those who had been regarded as an offender despised the covenant, it was invited by Philip to take part in the composition of the new covenant people. When the Apostle Peter and John came to see these new developments and laid his hands on the Samaritans, the Holy Spirit came upon them, as a sign of confirmation. Full support of the Jerusalem church seems from the record that Peter and John "preached the gospel in several villages of Samaria" (8:25). 
     If we read in the context of the church and our denomination still compete with each other and accusing each other of "stealing members', we are reminded that the proclamation of the Gospel in Samaria, not the tactics of the Christian community to add members of another church fare, but as the momentum for the people of Israel are divided so that can bepeaceful back. Reunion story of God's people are not just interesting inspirator materials, such as to the cause of PGI (Communion of Churches in Indonesia), but also provides a new perspective for the actual streams of Christianity that was alive in the competition and the 'hostility' . 
     Similar openness toward people who are considered despicable - albeit involving geographic regions and other ethnic groups - is described in Acts 8 continued, the story of the eunuch and Ethiopia (verses 26-40). However much appreciated in the royal palace, but in the law of Moses (Deuteronomy 23:1) persons who are prohibited from joining castrated with God's people. This eunuch came to Jerusalem only to experience rejection. However, it was despicable the way people read the Book of Isaiah in the carriage on his way home to show himself as a figure of a percari extraordinary God. By starting from Isaiah 53, and Philip could convey the Gospel to him. Because the belief in Jesus Christ, he then baptized, the despised who seek God, we can be part of God's people which has been updated.  
     Acceptance of this man's story raises the question why our evangelism is now "less" reach out to people who truly believe and vibrant spirit but does not meet the demands of ritual "unlawful" under the terms of the size of the church and our society (eg the status of marriage is wrong, that life as gay or lesbian, etc.).  

(Main sources: Biblical Forum Popular Scientific Journals, Aaron Martin article "Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture: Review and Reflections on Acts of the Apostles")
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The Hellenic involving

Continued 2 ...
     The first step is found by the defection limit Kee (1990:43-44) in Acts 6. In churches which are all Judeo-Christian, there are differences in language and culture, ie between those who speak Hebrew and Greek (the Hellenized). Disputes arise because of the unequal distribution of food to the poor of the Hellenic minority. The problem was answered not by insidential but by organizing the division of responsibilities: the seven deacons chosen all have a Greek name (Acts 6:5). Redistribution of responsibilities that will impact this far, not only for food issues, but also to preaching the gospel to the Hellenistic world (cf 11:19-21).
     It was immediately clear from the speech of Stephen in Acts 7 (Kee, 1990:44-46). The main point is that the location or a particular place is not the basis of God's relationship with his people, as the understanding of Judaism is oriented in the temple of God and tried to defend Palestinian land and culture. Abraham's relationship with God has begun in Mesopotamia (7:2), and after arriving to the promised land, Abraham had given no inheritance. Pathway did not (paragraph 5). Conversely Abaraham descent "into newcomers in a foreign country" (paragraph 6). Joseph sold into Egypt, he was accompanied by God. Then he saves Jacob and his descendants in there too (verse 19). In the desert Sinailah God revealed himself to Moses, and the signs of His power-His are shown in the Red Sea (paragraph 30.36). Throughout the history of ancient Israel, the tabernacle as a sign of God's presence among his people to move around in the wilderness and in the country. Only then David decided to give him a permanent place in Jerusalem, Solomon built a house for God (verse 45). Right in the part, Stephen decided her story by quoting Isaiah 66:1-2, the prophecy that challenges the idea that the Supreme Being silent in the temple made by human hands (Acts 7:48). Quote Isaiah was preaching a presence as well as the universal rule of God. Stephen was murdered, but his colleagues will bring the news to the other side, while overcoming various obstacles geographic, ethnic, cultural, and religious. Pembangian responsibilities among the Hebrews and the Hellenists in Acts 6 is something for the actual state of our congregations are generally multi-cultural (cultural pluralism). The extent to which our church jumble of material that divides not only fairly, but also share responsibility in proportion between the various cultural groups, in the belief that such division will extend the reach and impact of our preaching?.
     Stephen is opposing efforts to dominate prophetic presence of God in a particular residence. To what extent is this criticism for wearing appreciation of our religion in Indonesia?. Many Christians, particularly Catholics excessive sponsor certain places (the church building, a place of pilgrimage, the holy land) or time-period (Day Sunday worship, Novena, a lucky day), either as a sign of identity that distinguishes them from people who are considered less superior; or as a place / time refugee from the middle of a world that valued the dark, or as a kind of alibi or even a means of deception in the eyes of a professional life lived without God and without conscience. Monopoly where / when the sacred is not only alienating people of other beliefs, but also to exclude God from our world. If in our society into an increasingly secular, God has not witnessed and were found everywhere and anytime, in the end he did not aka tone at all.

(Main sources: Biblical Forum Popular Scientific Journals, writings of Martin Aaron "Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture: Review and Reflections on Acts)
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Friday, June 04, 2010

Starting from Jerusalem

1 continued ........
Starting from Jerusalem

     Early preaching of the Gospel by the apostles was the scene of the events of Pentecost outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem in the presence of Jews from all over the world who heard the apostles communicate the gospel in their own language. This symbolic story full of anticipation of a hoist spread of the gospel and the expansion of God's people who are not only geographical. This scene anticipates a rearrangement of the people of God in such a way as to bridge the differences in ethnic, social, cultural, and religious; anticipate a movement that contrast the transformation of the legacy of Israel but on the other hand also leads to an inclusive fellowship.

     This movement started from Jerusalem (Acts 1:4, 8), the place where God is believed to be present in the temple. In this place the Jewish people to receive an explanation of the Torah of Moses and seek forgiveness and reconciliation in the cult. There, in the temple, in Solomon's Porch (Acts 3:11, 5:12), the apostles preached the Gospel to the people of Israel, the church covenant. Meaning of the Gospel for Israel is explained by the apostles in front of the supreme court: "God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you hang on the cross and kill you. He who has been exalted by God himself with his right hand a ruler and a Savior, so that Israel can repent and receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 5:30). " Preaching the Gospel which started from Jerusalem, does not aim to start a church the other, but "re-establish Israel who repent and believe" (Krodel, 1986:23). Rearrangement of God's people will walk in a way that people will reach the entire human race. But in moving toward the end of the earth, will continue to be maintained relations with the church in Jerusalem, where the launching of this movement (11:2, 12:25, 15:2,22, 16:4, 18:22, 19:21, 20:16,22, 21:4-17).
(The main source of this article: Biblical Forum Popular Scientific Journals Aaron Martin : Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture: Review and Reflection on Acts)
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Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Culture

Review and Reflection on Acts
(Main source: Martin Aaron in the book "Popular Scientific Journals Biblical Forum")

"Church regard the Bible not only as a collection of historical documents ... but primarily as the Word of God is addressed both to himself and to the entire world today. This fact raises faith efforts actualization and inculturation of the biblical message and also the various attempts to use biblical texts in worship, in lactio divina, pastoral ministry, and in the ecumenical movement".

     The opening sentence of the last chapter of a Catholic Church document on the interpretation of the Bible in the church, the Bible interpretation placing of science in the context of broader business and major. This effort addressed by two complementary terms:-actualization and inculturation (also called contextualization). This business takes place not only in theological reflection, but also in various pastoral praxis. Important note also that this business is not viewed as an internal activity for the sake of the church alone but as a task for the entire world today.
    Below is the author wanted to show that the contextualization of the Word of God is no longer new, having been started by the Bible itself. This prompted us to perform similar actions. We are moved by the story continues to hold the Bible to reinterpretation about the word of God into new contexts. Contextualization effort illustrated the beginning of the easiest is from the Acts of the Apostles, the book is perhaps less attention in the study of theology today. With a very interesting book describes how the first century of preaching the gospel constantly crossing the boundaries of culture and religion. This crossing of the more interesting story because it illustrates again the beginning of a small mission church in the middle of the wider community of the Roman Empire, a mission similar to our mission as a small minority in the middle of a large Indonesian community. However, this mission will also differ when viewed from the angle of religious environment. Environmental Hellenistic polytheism and syncretism is not the same world with the environment of Asia's great religions present in our society. Such differences should be considered in re-reading of Acts in our situation.
     In understanding the Acts of the Apostles as a cross-cultural stories in religion, the author was assisted by Howard C. Kee's in his book Theology of Acts. The author uses the fourth chapter of the book entitled "Reaching out Across Religious and Cultural Boundaries" (Kee, 1990: 42-69). While tracing some of the Acts of the Apostles from the point of contextualization of the Gospel in the world of Hellenistic news, authors will also propose some points of reflection about its meaning for us in the context of Indonesia today. In this case we also owe a publication of the WCC, spirit, the Gospel, Cultures (Langerak et al., 1996), and articles of theologies of Asia / Indonesia, which will be called at the time.
"As a final note, please read the next posting which is a continuation of this writing some of them are: Starting from Jerusalem, Hellenistic Involving People, Reaching the Samaritans and the eunuch, Repentance, call, or the transformation of Paul?, Reception nations began through Peter, Reaching further, geographic, ethnic, religious, and cultural, agrees on the principles, encounter the gospel with the Graeco-Roman society and dialogue between the Gospel with Greek philosophy".
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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Enabling the People of God Him Overcome Any Problem (I Corinthians 6:1-7)

My brothers ...
    As long has the money and can afford to pay something, definitely will get what they want. So that the impact many people trapped in the court and make some people a negative view of world justice. Therefore Paul says if any one of you who disagree with others, so do not find a solution to people who are not true, but look for the saints to complete. What is meant by the people who are not true here are the people whose lives have not been faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, not immoral and did not do good, but often not wise to insult and oppress Christians. Even denying the power of the Lord Jesus and His presence will sue and prosecute human. My brothers ...  
    In fact that people who live only selfish, family, hobby itself, the work itself, etc.. What if the ends contemplated only lead to pleasure themselves and for themselves so that there are matters such as disputes, fights, physical fights, quarrels regarded as common. But in paragraph 3 says that should not affirm ordinary matters in our daily lives, which meant in this verse that the lives of believers (church) in Corinth faced with a matter of life where the church has become damaged due to the atmosphere of strife, sue-sue each other. More severe problems that occurred in the church instead diverted to the settlement of outsiders who have not believed. 
My brothers ...  
Currently we are competing with advances in technology and science so that we are often dealing with the logic that often conflict with the Word of God. Human wisdom through science and technology is often controlled the decision, even a sad there are people who dragged the greatness and praise yourself, so forget the Lord God in making decisions. "Is there not one among you is wise who can take care of matters from his brother?". Apparently the Corinthian brothers who believe in seeking justice because there are some people who are still influenced by their habit, they boast of their spiritual and material. So in worship frequent noise, because they expect as Christians will be free from slavery and in their worship as a fellow who wanted to be treated equal, but in fact not the case, that's because conflict. 
My brothers .... 
From time to time until the modern era even today many ways people treat the followers of the Lord Jesus is by: humiliate, tortured, humiliated, persecuted, even killed, but the world view that this is something that is mediocre. In many countries not a few people who are victims of injustice because of faith in God Jesus. They are willing to live a life in prison, suffered disability because of being tortured, children who have lost their parents due to be killed, etc.. The Apostle Paul said, "Why do you not like to suffer injustice?", "Why do ye not rather suffer?" the point why you do not want to sacrifice for the Church of Jesus Christ goodness ?. Loyalty someone to the Lord Jesus and the purity faith will prove where the person is willing to be faithful to the end of his life. Requires faith and belief to do anything to defend the faith and belief. It must be realized that there is no belief that just as surely as belief in the Lord Jesus and no expectations equal to the beauty of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. So do not hesitate because there is no certainty of life.  
My brothers ...
      We must remember that: 
1. Denial of the power of the Lord Jesus and His presence as a fair judge is a sin. Therefore came to the saints in the sense of people who believe in the Lord Jesus, who was given wisdom so that they may solve persolan with the wise and prudent. Because it is not always success must be paid by way of compromise with sin.  
2. Paul reminds the saints to not be easily deceived and jatu in sin. Because it was necessary sincerity and cooperation among Christian friends. No time anymore for every Christian selfish. Thus we also present, if a job-any job in order to service, that work was not possible to be alone, so need help and a loving helping hand from fellow brethren.
3. Christians who have the wisdom and knowledge must not be lost and there will be no conflict would even be happy because all decisions in life comes from Him. 
4. Currently we are the ones who survive and be faithful until death, we will be blessed with the crown of life. So do not be afraid to lose their lives because the Lord Jesus, because we'll get it back, let alone suffer from injustice. Only the Lord Jesus the true source of justice and only He is the real victory. God always keep and bless us. Amen
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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Miraculous Healing Water (Series 2 ) : Soaking Arm And Legs In Hot And Cold Water

Soaking the hands and feet in hot water and cold alternately.
1 . Blood circulation locally and totality.
2 . Accelerate the healing of ulcers that have not recover.
3 . Accelerate spending in body.
4 dirt . Eliminate the oppressed and swelling after severe injury.
5 . Enhance oxidation and expenditure bakteri.
6 poison . Increasing calcification in the healing of bones cracking .  
1 . Sprain , sore and wounded 48 hours after injury .
2 . Tight in the head .
3 . Circulation of blood in the arteries behind substandard, " cold feet " .
4 . Wound infection that swells .
5 . After the gypsum in the case cracked open with a stiff and swollen joints .
6 . Swelling due to severe injuries or bruises .
1 . Two large buckets or cans of kerosene.
2 . One bucket to draw water from the bucket.
3 . One towel or clean cloth to wipe your feet.
4 . Seserat boiling water .
5 . Ice or cold water .
6 . guava leaf decoction water guajava s epiderm if wound infection. Use salt water . Comparison: 1 / 2 cup salt to 12 liters of water .
1 . Boil the water until boiling.
2 . Lepeskan liners and covers if any.
3 . Fill a bucket or tin oil 1 / 4 full with hot water , as hot as can be detained . Fill a bucket or a can of oil again with cold water and ice chips , if any. Water must be deep enough to soak the injured body part , but do not too much to spill at the time of immersion .
4 . Sit the patient in a chair and enter the injured foot or hand into hot water for 3 minutes.
5 . Remove the feet or hands from the hot water and put in cold water for 1 minute .
6 . Continue this way to change it in turns for 25 minutes , with six times each immersion in hot water and cold water . End immersion This in cold water .
7 . Drain well, especially the gaps toes and hands .
8 . Wrap the joints with a napkin if that ankle sprain . Apply ointment and cover with gauze as a cover if the wound is open . Wear a prescription drug .
9 . Repeat 3-4 times a day until the situation was getting wound recovered .
(Source : Herminia de Guzman - Ladion "Water Healer Magic . ").
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Water Healer Magic (series 1 ) : Rubbing Body With Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol into the patient by using their bare hands .
1. Stimulate blood vessel.
2. Lowering body temperature.
3. Reducing perspiration.
4. Keeping the body not cold.
5. Refreshing the patient if he had not bathed .
6. Protecting the blood of the oppressed with the effect of downsizing on the skin.
1. A bottle of alcohol ( 50-70 % ) .
2. bath towels .
3. Sheeting or blankets to cover the patient.
1. Open the patient's clothing and cover him with a cloth or blangket .
2. Open the side arm and place a towel underneath.
3. Pour alcohol into the palm of the hand curved to prevent the patient in order not to cold.
4. Rub alcohol on the arm from the bottom up , then returned with sweep around to cover the entire surface . Repeat as necessary .
5. Use both hands to rub her arm gently until dry .
6. For soothing , use short strokes back and forth to help the evaporation of alcohol . Complete with three gentle strokes from the shoulders hand , using both hands to reach out entirely . Check the patient's body. Whether it is dry .
7. Do the same way on the arm and the next pour .
8. For the chest : Rub alcohols with one long sweep . Starting from the shoulders up to the middle of the chest around the chest with last strokes on the edge of the chest.
9. Repeat the same strokes on the chest as much as three to five times or until all alcohol has evaporated .
10. To the abdomen : Use rotating brush , starting from the line the middle part of the stomach , then down to the bottom covering the entire section . Flex your knees to relax the abdominal muscles. Repeat sweep was necessary .
11. To back :
1. Help the patient to turn around in a prone position or italics , and the lower chest and abdomen propped with a pillow .
2. Rub alcohol from buttocks to shoulder with the second hand . Rub with a rotating brush buttocks , ribs , scapula and the hard shoulder . Repeat as necessary .
3. Complete with a gentle sweep from the shoulder to the buttocks with use both hands to cover the surface . bone rub the back of the neck to the buttocks with a switch - hand turns. 12 . Help the patient to wear the clothes and let him sleep resting.
1. Do not pour alcohol on the table or on top of a painted lacquer furniture .
2. Close bottle after use .
3. Make a strong move but gently and not rush .
4. Take care not to hurt the skin .
5. Remember that the patient was a private one , open only the parts body that will be rubbed with alcohol .
( source : Water Magic Healing : De Herminia de Guzman - Ladion )
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