Saturday, October 16, 2010

Humanity's sin and God's Love

Postcard - Christian Death - Sex And Drugs And...
Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 
     Sin is not something foreign to us as human beings. Sin is a term that is inherent in mankind. Even the word "sin" is a term that describes the nature of man, that man is imperfect because of sin. Sin is not something pleasant to talk about let alone to be done. But in reality there are people who like to sin and it is difficult to get away from the power and bondage of sin. Why do we believe people should try to avoid it? Sin is the transgression and rebellion of mankind against the will, wishes and commands of God. Violations of human beings against God that man is sinful, is to consciously and deliberately. If we read and look at the phrase King David in the Book of Psalms chapter 51 verse 6 which says: "Against you, you alone have I sinned and done what you think is evil ...." While the Apostle Paul explains that sin as enmity between God and man, it tells the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 8 verse 7 which says: "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God's will ,....” 
     Sin is not merely an evil act against the will of God, but sin as the fact that the whole life of mankind has lost the glory of God. The Apostle Paul also said in the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 23 that: "For all have sinned and have lost the glory of God." Context, situation and even the human reality is human sin that separated himself from God and man who gave herself to the powers beyond the power of God that is the power of darkness (evil). Human alienation from God, so that human beings live in various situations, including: 
1. Humans live in isolation from one another and their environment, so it is not uncommon humans live in envy, revenge, quarrels, disputes and even kill each other. 
2. Human life becomes damaged. Man seeks his own to find and meet every need. 
3. Because of human sin death. Because sin always produces damage, destruction, strife and even destruction. 
     As a Christian community which certainly believe in the power and love of God, we really know the background of the sin. One important question for us to ponder is: "Does God love sinners? Sin causes the termination of the relationship between man with God and with fellow human beings. Because of sin, and consequently, so that people living in misery, pain, fights, wars, famine, natural disasters and social injustice as well as various aspects of life in society. In the end, because of sin so that man to death and eternal death. Whether because of this sin, humans still have a way out or a chance to make peace with God? 
     Although the power of sin is death, but the grace of God, in the Lord Jesus Christ was more powerful than sin. The Apostle Paul said in the Book of Romans chapter 6 verse 23 that: "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The grace of God this happened because human beings are capable of up to God and receive salvation from God to the business or his own effort. The grace of God is answering every human effort to return to God through faith which is always a failure. This is because in the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 10, the Apostle Paul said: "No one is really to get to the truth of God." 
     Road safety is provided only by God and the origin of God, through His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ, who has come down from heaven into the world. This is confirmed in the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16, that: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. With the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the world, then dismantled and destroyed the power of sin. Humans are given time and opportunity to exit from sin for salvation and eternal life."
"Go for your faith has saved thee and sin no more."
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