Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The divisions and Peace October 31

Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach the Elder, pain...
     We all know that on 31 October is the date or day of the split between the Catholic and Protestant Churches. This date also is the date the peace between the two large churches. On 31 October, which took place in Augsburg, Germany, the Catholic Church and Protestant Church signed an agreement on the most disputed teachings or the source of dissension that caused the split in the two churches since 1517. Basic doctrine is a doctrine of justification. This issue is of course extremely complicated resulting in schism or separation from the Catholic Church as the Mother Church. 
     The doctrine of justification from crowded discussed and questioned in the 1500s. In this year, especially in Europe began to identify and implement some kind of charitable practices, is good deeds are believed to bring rewards and blessings from God. The act or practice has led to an impression that this practice is too excessive. It is with some notion that friendship with God can make and justify our God is pleased. These practices lead to unrest, particularly troubling heart of Martin Luther, a priest, seminary teacher and head of the monastery in the town of Wittenberg, Germany. 
     So on October 31, Martin Luther's 95 Theses pressed at the gates of Wittenberg, which generally ninth-five propositions are protesting the wrong assumptions about the doctrine of justification. Initially, controversy or issue discussed in an academic discussion, but in its development will lead to strife, violence and condemn each other from both parties. As a result of such a divisive dispute that there was the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Especially the Protestant Church in its development through many struggles, so that there and here is the break in the Protestant Church. Context and reality because it is understood by the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches did not anticipate the possibilities of divisions that can occur in the future. In other words seated problems that lead to ignorance, misunderstanding and even split is not contemplated together to seek and find a solution or solutions. 
     The dispute between the Catholic and Protestant Church which has lasted so long, reunited in a deal which was inaugurated on 31 October 1999. So start date is the second large church was at peace. Peace is preceded by exploring the Bible in an honest and open. The agreement is also evidenced by the "Joint Statement of the Doctrine of Justification" which consists of 44 chapters. 
Now history has recorded about two church meetings and peace in the conflict of the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches on 31 October 1999.


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