Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Way of peace or violence in the context of Indonesia

Cults and new religious movements in literatur...
     Every human being must have wanted a peace and not violence. For the peace that makes life haunted by humans without fear and anxiety. In other words, enjoying a life filled with peace is the dream and hope of all people. None of the people in this under heaven that does not like peace or none of the existing human being who wants or likes the violence that happened to him. Until now the relationship between countries always cultivated to keep the peace, it is because we are fully convinced that no single country in this world that affirm a violence. We need to know that peace will not be obtained through a force, but the violence will be defeated through love and mutual acceptance of living with each other. That violence will produce life that is not admirable or dishonorable. 
     There are views that might be a reason to achieve something with the street violence that is: "To master something through violence, then that's when peace was obtained." This is a view that is very wrong and inappropriate, because when the violence takes place, that moment of total peace of death. From the standpoint of Christianity that do not need to fight violence with violence. We see several examples in the Bible as the Gospel of Matthew 5:39-40 says: "Do you oppose those who do evil to you, but anyone who slaps your right cheek, give him also your left cheek. And if any man will sue thee because they covet your clothes, give your cloak as well. " 
     Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples to love their enemies. Order situation and the reality of life today that encourages and even forced a few people to do all the way even through the violence to achieve what is desired. Many also the reality and the present situation, where some people crying, wailing, grief and suffering experienced pressure or weight of a violence he had experienced. Perhaps the subject of violence would be proud, but the object of such violence will not be happy or proud of the facts and circumstances he has experienced. As a religious person who acknowledges that crime is not a way to achieve what is desired or to achieve a peace. But peace is the hope and dream alive every human being. 
     A harmonious environment, where human beings live, grow and work is determined by the peace. Peace will encourage mankind to continue to develop his senses, but the violence will diminish in using or developing the human senses. We also fully confident that there is not one of religion or belief that will say yes or justifies violence, but that every religion or belief in fighting crime and supporting the peace of it. Indonesia is a country that was inhabited by various tribes, religions, languages and different cultures. This country had hitherto struggled to continue to create peace for its residents. However there are certain people who do not want the hard struggle of this nation about a peaceful life. 
     On this occasion I would say that your religion is your religion and my religion is my religion, let us live peacefully and share together in love for the Indonesian nation which we love. We all have the same freedom to live, act and work for the progress of this nation. We're still working so that this nation will become a nation that smells good for other nations on this earth. 
     Differences for the sake of the differences existing in the country which we love, not as rivals or enemies to be destroyed, but the difference is the nation's wealth and power for the sake of progress together. Let us continue the fight against violence and struggle for peace without us differentiate from one another or with others. There is a proverb saying that: "Do not laugh at the suffering of your neighbor." But let us suffer in the midst of the suffering of our neighbors and let us rejoice in the joy of our neighbor.



Message in a Bottle said...

great post, thanks. It should be a notion for everybody to simply just talk about problems and resolve them peacefully without violence, the question remains if only everyone will learn to listen.

Cheers always.

ALEA said...

great post....
i like it

ALEA said...

good post.
ki$$ for this

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