Friday, July 16, 2010

The authority of the Bible the first part

     Our thinking about the authority and inspiration of the Bible must always start with the fact, that the Bible itself everywhere, demanding that the Bible is God-given right news. In this first part of our main tasks is to emphasize this fact and discuss its consequences. But there are some questions to be answered before. If we recognize the unique authority of the Bible , whether we should use the testimony of Scripture itself to strengthen the recognition of it ? If we make the Bible the first and final judges in their own problems, is not that obvious way to avoid that question? Do not we already assume that we have to prove ?
      The answer is that in this case we do not read the Bible to solve the problem, but to seek enlightenment. Perhaps rational reasons can be advanced to maintain the uniqueness of biblical authority, but ultimately the authority of the Bible we accept by faith. We accept all the Bible itself in him. In other words, we just accept it because the inspiration and authenticity of the Bible is an (absolutely necessary) in the revelation of God. And just because we recognize that the Bible is the supreme rule for faith and life. If the Bible does not emphasize it earlier, we would not have believed it, and we also do not believe in general to all the teachings of the Bible . But if we are faced with the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, which demands the authority of the Word itself, then as well so we have to respond, so we can receive the Word was with his authority, or reject it.
     Is there a tutorial on the authority of the Bible will it ? If so, what its meaning? The answer to the first question in such breadth, so that the difficulty was short-solid. In the Old Testament and New Testament authority contained guidance will which exceeds the authority of man, even in many places it is said with a straight and light. For example, Prophet Moses received from God's moral law but also commands a more detailed, until about the making of the Tabernacle. The prophets have always said, that they did not say their words alone, but the message given by God to them. Lord Jesus Christ spoke with authority, because he realized that he was not the only teacher from a time of course but the Son of God is eternal. The apostles did not hesitate going to the authority of their words, both when they quote the word of the Lord Jesus, and if they express and explain the Christian proclamation under the leadership of the Spirit that has been poured. 
     Maybe it could be objected, that authority is often required only for the publicity given, so it was not for the written notes which continue preaching it to us. It may be true of the prophets or Christ himself spoke with divine authority, but we have their word only through others. Even prosecuted for their inspiration does not mean that it is also being sued for people who collect records of deeds and their teachings. Thus there is no guarantee that the statements in the Bible is the statement that 'word for word' about the publicity that has been given. So that objection. 
     Against this objection we can say, especially in the New Testament by referring to the Old Testament, the authority actually prosecuted on which is written in the Bible. This is obvious in many places from the teachings of Jesus himself. He answered the devil three times with 'is written'. On top of the mountain where He is glorified He told His disciples, has written that the Son of Man must suffer and be killed. One whom the Jews who search the Scriptures He showed, that the Bible actually testify about Him. After he got up he explained to His disciples everything about himself from any holy book . He indicated that all things must be fulfilled' is written about me in the Torah of Moses and the prophets and the Book of Psalms. 
This paper with the title "The authority of the Bible the first part", not just end here, but will continue in the article titled "The authority of the Bible the second part."



Anonymous said...

its a good...verry nice

Anonymous said...

its verry nice...and verry important for the christian faith..l i like this posting.....

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