This paper is a continuation of the article titled " The authority of the Bible the first part."
Many sayings such as this. Everything with a light show, that Jesus himself acknowledged inspiration and authority of the written Word, especially the prophetic witness of the death and resurrection of His own. From the Gospel of John 14:26 and John 16:13 bright and promising that he expects the same inspiration in the testimony of the apostles who at that time was not kept. The testimony of the apostles of the divine authority of Scripture is equally bright. In all the Gospel of the heavy pressure put on the prophecies that have been inspired about the work or the Person of Christ. The Apostle Paul was a lot of quoting the Old Testament and preaching to their own people is proof of many of the Old Testament and the prophecies that Jesus is the Messiah. Expression in 2 Timothy 3:16 says with all the attitude of Paul's brief. Any translation that we choose, in paragraph 15 is manifest that the apostle Paul meant the Old Testament and the Old Testament, he said, that it was inspired by God. Writings of other apostles also frequently quoted the Old Testament, and in 2 Peter provided testimony on the inspiration of the Bible, is very similar to 2 Timothy. In 2 Peter 1:21 says, that the giving oracle is basically the Holy Spirit of God, 'because no prophecy ever produced by human will, but by the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, the people speak in the name of God'. Furthermore, in 2 Peter seems to have written instructions to the Bible as the authoritative word of which must be met with respect and humility. The last verse is attracting attention, especially because here is connected with the letters of other books. This plainly shows, how the apostles realized that they add and completes the Old Testament canon is authoritative. If we review the evidence in the Bible then we admit that the verses that say about the inspiration of the Bible is a little direct. And indeed there is no information about the nature or authority of any book in particular. but on the other hand we can remember, that all Old Testament books are directly quoted in the New Testament except Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Obadiah, Nahum, Zephaniah. And if we remember the attitude of the New Testament of the quotations were so manifest, that, words of the prophets 'So the Word of God' is considered applicable to the records of deeds of the prophets are also not only for spoken words in certain events. written word is recognized as a form of the inspired and authoritative revelation of God to give and continue.
Second, when we asked about the effect of this testimony arose several important issues. First: it can be noted that no one theory being taught about inspiration. Gospel of John 14:26 and 2 Peter 1:21 seems to say that there are two parties to work: namely the human who wrote, and the Spirit who inspires and watched. By itself can be no doubt, that ultimately the Spirit who has initiative and is mastered . But it also did not cause the impression, that omitted the writer himself and character. Moreover it can be noted, that inspiration is connected especially with the understanding the Old Testament writers about the work of God in the days to come. It certainly is a herald of a prophet, but the size of a proclamation is to determine whether it fits with the understanding the events that will come under the command of God, and that's the prophecy. Even in the Old Testament, a prophet who preached the prophecies that one must not be trusted. And the principal value of the New Testament from the Old Testament is, that the Old Testament prophesies of Jesus Christ. Testimony of the prophets strengthen guidance of Jesus, that he is the Messiah. Work of Jesus as the Messiah, the guidance also confirms the Old Testament as a prophecy. Much of the Old Testament quotations in the New Testament revolves around various forms of prophetic witness it.
The third thing is that history as expressed in the Agreement truth long recognized by the entire New Testament. For example the Lord Jesus never questioned the relationship of Moses and the law, or that David was the author of Psalm 110. The apostles received all the important events in the history of the Old Testament from Adam and his fall into sin (1 Timothy 2:13, 14) until the crossing of the Red Sea (1 Corinthians 10:1), events with Balaam (2 Peter 2 : 16), the fall of Jericho (Hebrews 11:30), salvation under the judges (Hebrews 11:32) and the miracles the prophet Elijah (James 5:17). Associated with this evidence never have thought, that the Lord Jesus and the apostles only accept the common view of the age and use of Old Testament events just to give an example for their theological teachings. But there is no denying, that the trust agreement covering long really trust the truth of his writings on history other than the truth of his writings on religion or dogmatic. Keep in mind also that if the Bible believed in the supervision and intervention of Almighty God, then there is no more tangible evidence and determine the oversight and intervention of God, instead of the central events in the Gospel, namely: life, death and resurrection Jesus Christ.
This paper will still be continued in the following article entitled "The authority of the Bible the third part."
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