Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love : A possibility of life from God (Reflections on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Love : A possibility of life from God 
Reflections on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 
Church of God in Jesus Christ! 
1. Love is a path or a possibility of life comes from God! Without love, all we're looking for and we undertake no meaning! Without love, we are with all our abilities are nothing! So first of all expressed by the Apostle Paul in "Song of Love" in 1 Corinthians 13. 
2. What is said by the Apostle Paul with this statement?. 
     That man at the peak of their religious life, without love, all that useless as well! Everything that is aspired to and was being chased through the prayers of the religious man, worship and spiritual discipline...useless, if you were not there!
     That was said by the Apostle Paul to members of his congregation in the city of Corinth first. Indeed they are really religious, but inside it enthusiasm religious, in habits, they pray, worship, and train himself spiritually...they actually underestimate the reality of their daily lives, they care less what's really needed his brother, they became angry, if disturbed by people who ask for his help, they are not touched his heart to see others being treated unfairly, because maybe they felt from the beginning of human life it was so. And the Apostle Paul pointed out to them that it's everyday life; precisely the relations with your neighbor's need. There are the prayers and religious believers must be real, fruit, and a blessing! 
     What good is all the craft and devotion to pray, worship, and what point of all spiritual exercises are you doing, what's the point all the ideals of your religion, if in fact your life every day it does not taste, do not change, not a blessing, but Instead: 
1. You get angry to people who do not like you 2. You legal people who do not like you 
3. You're just happy with yourself 
4. You feel yourself more and you're jealous of someone more capable than you. 
     And now the apostle Paul to show others the way of life that the Corinthians, Which comes from God himself, that is the way of love. Street love is what must they live: 
1. And love is patient;
2. Love is benevolent (giving space to others);
3. Love is not jealous (while many of you, as religious people burnt by jealousy, spiritual);
4. Love is not boastful nor arrogant. Advanced Labih Apostle Paul declares that love is not rude and do not seek profit yourself, not angry and does not save people's mistakes. 
     With that, Paul also warns how religious people do things they should not do to fellow human beings - how religious people also like to look for its own benefit, just a subtle way, how many religious people happy to record and calculate sin the mistakes of others only. 
     And again the Apostle Paul says: Love is not possible to let other people were treated unfairly; you will that is always the truth that controls your life together. In contrast to what is like to be "religious people" that is expose someone else in his mistake, punish and beat up those who fall into sin and tends to throw them in hell, the Apostle Paul shows the path of love, where people know restraint in the face of all things, willing to trust others; always have hope, and endures all things. 
     Gentlemen what is said by the Apostle Paul told the believers in the church at Corinth, it also can be said to us today, in the natural reality of our lives in the country today: 
1. We are also religious people and a number are very diligent and persevering even religion; give much time to fix our relationship up.
2. But we also too often underestimate our neighbor ; not really pay attention to their needs; not give time for them .
3. We are too pleased with ourselves and we are too confused just take care of our own state of sheer.
4. We also really like recording of another person; punishing others; let others in their own fate. No less than the Corinthians first, we also need to have a road that brings us to love our neighbor who asked for our time, ask for our hearing, our hearts, our solidarity, and our responsibility is real! 
Brethren Church of God ! Back at the beginning of our reflections this: Love is a road, a possibility that God creates life now! Without love, all we're looking for and we undertake no meaning !
Without you, we with all our abilities are nothing! Let us live, the road indicated by the Apostle Paul. Roads that God creates human life as the emergency road originally willed by God himself for everyone to experience peace with prosperity! 
     Let us live this love that we live amid the reality in which many people lack everything and where too many human greed is rampant; where many people only find himself alone, also in religion; and where not a few people displaced and die because there is no love. To be in the middle of our life together was luminous light of eternal life, and the name of the Lord is glorified by all people in our country. 


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