Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mystery: Man as the Image of God and the Arts

     In the life of faith of the believer from the first even to this day, there are various kinds of conversations about people from various viewpoints. There also are talking about human beings and their origins in the writings of books, articles, papers and others. This conversation continues to be, and various writings continue publication, even this debate so far seems unfinished. From the various conversations that apparently was filled with a myriad of human question mark or in other words, the man many mysteries. On the one hand, humans are creatures full of love and affection, but on the other side turns out humans are creatures who like to hurt, hate, slit, swearing, fighting and killing. 
     There was a period of time or, where there are human beings who want peace but at the time or the other there are people who want to fight and kill. This is a mystery that will never be answered or done on humans. Diverse viewpoints and a good assessment of science, technology, education and culture, which until now discuss and review of gestures human lunge and soccer . Similarly, we as Christians where the mystery man has been expressed and witnessed by the Bible. On the other hand testimony of the Bible to support what was found by the Science, culture and so forth. But otherwise, what is witnessed by the Bible as the Word and the Word of God can not be accepted and recognized by Science, culture and others. 
     Is this discussion need to always question? It should not, because of the way or point of view based on the biblical witness very different from the way or the other viewpoint. seen from the standpoint of biblical theology (God), while others wore their own perspective. As a good Christian and a believer of course we are not affected by various problems that never end about the mystery man from outside the biblical standpoint. What was witnessed by mankind in the Bible about the Old Testament (Genesis 1:1-28) that humans are the most special creation of God, because man is created by God according to God's image and the Arts (to show similarity in terms of man with God Pictures and Arts). 
     The similarity of the Divine should be expressed by humans in various forms, including: Obedience to God of human life and human work makes the divine work of God, the human effort to make better, because everything is good God's creation (Genesis 1:31), human efforts to perform all the duties and responsibilities given by God to him (Affairs of power which the people must rule, shall establish and maintain the earth, the family business in which men were given the right to live as husband and wife and have offspring, where the business needs of human life and be given sufficient rights to work in work in adequate necessities of life, business culture in which men should strive to help each other and love one another).
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

The authority of the Bible part three

     On the other hand is often the verses in the Old Testament prophecies and was quoted as subject to Christ despite the imposition of the original looks completely different. It was concluded that, this freedom proves an understanding of inspiration is far more lenient than those typically associated with the Bible and writers. The aim is to provide a translation of the actual intent and not to provide translations of words. Because of these differences, which certainly is due to differences in structure and origin of language, it is often a more liberal translation closer to the original meaning rather than literal translations.
     The question of quote the Old Testament prophets is more complicated, for here the whole meaning and its application somewhat changed. Indeed there is the idea, that with or without conscious verses have been charged incorrectly, because the authors seek detailed evidence from the books of prophecies about the Messiah from the office of Christ. Viewed at first glance this idea is understandable, because many of the verses quoted apparently in connection with the original text does not refer to the Messiah is not at all. But the Bible is a book even includes many writings. Because it's in the Bible there is a wider context than immediately. Can be said, the whole history of Israel centered and fulfilled in the history of 'Israel proper', and this can be seen in the history of the ways God works. For example the name of Rachel, who seems without foundation connected with the events in Matthew 2, reminding us of how often an attack, death and exile. If we look at this quote as the only direct evidence, this quote is not convincing. But if we see them in the broader relationship, the relationship with the aims and work of God, the last quote shows us the symbols and patterns which were fulfilled in the History of Jesus Christ. 

     We must be careful, do not interpret what the Bible says in the guidelines themselves, which are broader than the Bible itself. For example about the author and his time is often more is said by tradition than by the Bible. Sometimes surprising that the Bible does not say anything in this regard. We know very little about the collection of books containing the history of the Old Testament. We do not read about the timing and circumstances of the writings of some prophets (for example: Malachi). We do not know who the author of many of the Psalms and the Book of Job. We were not told that the author of Hebrews is Paul. The script itself does not say that Luke wrote the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, or that John who wrote the fourth Gospel, although the view that Luke and John, who wrote his book, can be accepted by common sense. testimony of the Bible itself must be distinguished from the evidence of tradition. If not, we're easy to equate the authority of the Bible with the historical realities of the power provided outside the Bible. After all the above mentioned, it is necessary to say also, that the Bible clearly states it's from God, nature and the divine authority. By the light is said in Scripture that the word is from God. Stated that the authority of the Holy Spirit through human beings. Admittedly, that in the words of the prophets and the historical events that are told there is an influence from God. Not far-fetched a distinction between content and form of God's Word. Testimony of the Bible that the Bible is the written Word of God that requires us to believe it or not. If we are faced with the Bible there may be other reasons that may arise, but these basic guidelines can not be circumvented. 
Main Source: Writing the first part up to the third part of this is inspired by the book "The New Bible Commentary, 1999"
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The authority of the Bible the second part

This paper is a continuation of the article titled " The authority of the Bible the first part." 
     Many sayings such as this. Everything with a light show, that Jesus himself acknowledged inspiration and authority of the written Word, especially the prophetic witness of the death and resurrection of His own. From the Gospel of John 14:26 and John 16:13 bright and promising that he expects the same inspiration in the testimony of the apostles who at that time was not kept. The testimony of the apostles of the divine authority of Scripture is equally bright. In all the Gospel of the heavy pressure put on the prophecies that have been inspired about the work or the Person of Christ. The Apostle Paul was a lot of quoting the Old Testament and preaching to their own people is proof of many of the Old Testament and the prophecies that Jesus is the Messiah. Expression in 2 Timothy 3:16 says with all the attitude of Paul's brief. Any translation that we choose, in paragraph 15 is manifest that the apostle Paul meant the Old Testament and the Old Testament, he said, that it was inspired by God. Writings of other apostles also frequently quoted the Old Testament, and in 2 Peter provided testimony on the inspiration of the Bible, is very similar to 2 Timothy. In 2 Peter 1:21 says, that the giving oracle is basically the Holy Spirit of God, 'because no prophecy ever produced by human will, but by the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, the people speak in the name of God'. Furthermore, in 2 Peter seems to have written instructions to the Bible as the authoritative word of which must be met with respect and humility. The last verse is attracting attention, especially because here is connected with the letters of other books. This plainly shows, how the apostles realized that they add and completes the Old Testament canon is authoritative. If we review the evidence in the Bible then we admit that the verses that say about the inspiration of the Bible is a little direct. And indeed there is no information about the nature or authority of any book in particular. but on the other hand we can remember, that all Old Testament books are directly quoted in the New Testament except Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Obadiah, Nahum, Zephaniah. And if we remember the attitude of the New Testament of the quotations were so manifest, that, words of the prophets 'So the Word of God' is considered applicable to the records of deeds of the prophets are also not only for spoken words in certain events. written word is recognized as a form of the inspired and authoritative revelation of God to give and continue. 
     Second, when we asked about the effect of this testimony arose several important issues. First: it can be noted that no one theory being taught about inspiration. Gospel of John 14:26 and 2 Peter 1:21 seems to say that there are two parties to work: namely the human who wrote, and the Spirit who inspires and watched. By itself can be no doubt, that ultimately the Spirit who has initiative and is mastered . But it also did not cause the impression, that omitted the writer himself and character. Moreover it can be noted, that inspiration is connected especially with the understanding the Old Testament writers about the work of God in the days to come. It certainly is a herald of a prophet, but the size of a proclamation is to determine whether it fits with the understanding the events that will come under the command of God, and that's the prophecy. Even in the Old Testament, a prophet who preached the prophecies that one must not be trusted. And the principal value of the New Testament from the Old Testament is, that the Old Testament prophesies of Jesus Christ. Testimony of the prophets strengthen guidance of Jesus, that he is the Messiah. Work of Jesus as the Messiah, the guidance also confirms the Old Testament as a prophecy. Much of the Old Testament quotations in the New Testament revolves around various forms of prophetic witness it. 
     The third thing is that history as expressed in the Agreement truth long recognized by the entire New Testament. For example the Lord Jesus never questioned the relationship of Moses and the law, or that David was the author of Psalm 110. The apostles received all the important events in the history of the Old Testament from Adam and his fall into sin (1 Timothy 2:13, 14) until the crossing of the Red Sea (1 Corinthians 10:1), events with Balaam (2 Peter 2 : 16), the fall of Jericho (Hebrews 11:30), salvation under the judges (Hebrews 11:32) and the miracles the prophet Elijah (James 5:17). Associated with this evidence never have thought, that the Lord Jesus and the apostles only accept the common view of the age and use of Old Testament events just to give an example for their theological teachings. But there is no denying, that the trust agreement covering long really trust the truth of his writings on history other than the truth of his writings on religion or dogmatic. Keep in mind also that if the Bible believed in the supervision and intervention of Almighty God, then there is no more tangible evidence and determine the oversight and intervention of God, instead of the central events in the Gospel, namely: life, death and resurrection Jesus Christ. 
This paper will still be continued in the following article entitled "The authority of the Bible the third part."
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Friday, July 16, 2010

The authority of the Bible the first part

     Our thinking about the authority and inspiration of the Bible must always start with the fact, that the Bible itself everywhere, demanding that the Bible is God-given right news. In this first part of our main tasks is to emphasize this fact and discuss its consequences. But there are some questions to be answered before. If we recognize the unique authority of the Bible , whether we should use the testimony of Scripture itself to strengthen the recognition of it ? If we make the Bible the first and final judges in their own problems, is not that obvious way to avoid that question? Do not we already assume that we have to prove ?
      The answer is that in this case we do not read the Bible to solve the problem, but to seek enlightenment. Perhaps rational reasons can be advanced to maintain the uniqueness of biblical authority, but ultimately the authority of the Bible we accept by faith. We accept all the Bible itself in him. In other words, we just accept it because the inspiration and authenticity of the Bible is an (absolutely necessary) in the revelation of God. And just because we recognize that the Bible is the supreme rule for faith and life. If the Bible does not emphasize it earlier, we would not have believed it, and we also do not believe in general to all the teachings of the Bible . But if we are faced with the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, which demands the authority of the Word itself, then as well so we have to respond, so we can receive the Word was with his authority, or reject it.
     Is there a tutorial on the authority of the Bible will it ? If so, what its meaning? The answer to the first question in such breadth, so that the difficulty was short-solid. In the Old Testament and New Testament authority contained guidance will which exceeds the authority of man, even in many places it is said with a straight and light. For example, Prophet Moses received from God's moral law but also commands a more detailed, until about the making of the Tabernacle. The prophets have always said, that they did not say their words alone, but the message given by God to them. Lord Jesus Christ spoke with authority, because he realized that he was not the only teacher from a time of course but the Son of God is eternal. The apostles did not hesitate going to the authority of their words, both when they quote the word of the Lord Jesus, and if they express and explain the Christian proclamation under the leadership of the Spirit that has been poured. 
     Maybe it could be objected, that authority is often required only for the publicity given, so it was not for the written notes which continue preaching it to us. It may be true of the prophets or Christ himself spoke with divine authority, but we have their word only through others. Even prosecuted for their inspiration does not mean that it is also being sued for people who collect records of deeds and their teachings. Thus there is no guarantee that the statements in the Bible is the statement that 'word for word' about the publicity that has been given. So that objection. 
     Against this objection we can say, especially in the New Testament by referring to the Old Testament, the authority actually prosecuted on which is written in the Bible. This is obvious in many places from the teachings of Jesus himself. He answered the devil three times with 'is written'. On top of the mountain where He is glorified He told His disciples, has written that the Son of Man must suffer and be killed. One whom the Jews who search the Scriptures He showed, that the Bible actually testify about Him. After he got up he explained to His disciples everything about himself from any holy book . He indicated that all things must be fulfilled' is written about me in the Torah of Moses and the prophets and the Book of Psalms. 
This paper with the title "The authority of the Bible the first part", not just end here, but will continue in the article titled "The authority of the Bible the second part."
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Human Reason by Bible

     Expression of reason with all forms of this happen, can be found in dozens and dozens of verses in the Bible, particularly in the biblical standard. This expression is the translation of various words in Hebrew and Greek, which refers to the human ability to understand, comprehend, explore, and even can also mean a true thought or action. Conversely, as can be understood, said the same Hebrew or Greek, often translated in other words, in accordance with the context. 
     Below we will examine the meaning of "reason" in accordance with the context in the Bible
     "Therefore, my lord let Pharaoh look for one who understands and wise, and made him the authority over the land of Egypt (Genesis 41:33)." 
This is the proposal of Joseph to Pharaoh how to confront hunger that threatens the land of Egypt. The Hebrew word translated as "understands" here is "nabon", with the basic word "biyn". This word means "bright", "intelligent" and has a deep understanding. Accordingly, BIMK translate "intelligent mind and wise" to be "intelligent and wise." Here intelligence is the ability to think to make the right decision to face the natural situation, which in this case is dry and the danger that threatens starvation. 
     "But until now the Lord has not given you reason to understand or eyes to see and ears to hear (Deuteronomy 29:4)." 
Reason in this verse is translated from the Hebrew word that is different than the above mentioned words. The Hebrew word here is "leb" which means "heart". In Hebrew "heart" has a very broad sense. Hearts are not just regarded as the center of emotions or feelings, but people also think in his heart. So, in this context of reason or "heart" can be translated as "the ability to think". In accordance with these terms then this verse can be translated as: "But until now the Lord has not given you the ability to think to understand about what you see and hear." 
     "But to the man he said: Behold, the fear of God's wisdom and intellect that is away from the crime (Job 28:28)." 
Words of reason in this paragraph is also translated from the same basic words contained in Genesis 41:33; but here in the form of the noun (biynah). If in the context of Genesis 41:33, which meant the mind is the intelligence to deal with earthly problems, namely drought and famine, then here, in the context of Job 28:28, mind is the intelligence in the field of morals. Reason would not be able to stand alone, but as they say at the beginning of this paragraph, is people who have the intellect. Thus, this verse can be translated as "The wise are those who fear the Lord; smart people are those who avoid evil." 
     "Love the Lord your God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all thy mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30)." 
Parallel to this verse in the Old Testament is Deuteronomy 6:5, but without words thy mind. Reason here is translated from the Greek word "dianoia" which means mind or thinking ability, understanding, will, attitude. So, this verse says that in addition we must love God with all your heart, soul, and strength, we also must love Him with our brains, that is with all this potential can be achieved by our thinking abilities. 
     "Because if I pray with tongues, then my spirit was the one who prays, but my mind did not participate in prayer. So, what does this mean? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind ... ( 1 Corinthians 14:14-15b). 
" The Greek word translated as mind, here are the "nous", which in Louw and Nida Lexicon placed in the same category with "dianoia". That means that both words have similar meanings. What did the Apostle Paul says in this verse is that if he prayed with tongues (literally language / tongue), his spirit just kind of praying, but his mind was not, because unintelligible tongues. So there are benefits to his prayer, the Apostle Paul said, but pray with the spirit, he also prayed with his mind, with his mind, that is to pray in a language that is understandable. That means that when we pray should not utter the words that indiscriminate that there is no meaning for us and others. The New Testament in the Indonesian version Simplified translate this verse as follows:
"If I pray in a language that magic, the spirit of it was I who pray, but I myself do not know what I'm saying. So, what should I do? I will pray with My spirit and also with my mind. " 
Main Source: Forum Biblical "Popular Scientific Journals", Indonesian Bible Institute, the number 20-2006
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Last punishment in the version of the trust and the Christian Faith

Last punishment in the version of the trust and the Christian Faith 
 (Last Judgement, New Heaven, New Earth, and the New Jerusalem according to Revelation 20:11-22:5)
     Another way to translate, for example, "God judges the world for the last time" or "...the world in the End Times." 
     In this vision, John sees God sitting on the great white throne, and all mankind together in His presence. They all are judged according to their deeds. Nature's creation gone missing, and deaths and destroyed the Death of Nature. 
In the Bible it is said that the standard translation 20:11:
Then I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away and no longer found in its place
(cf. Bible translation Indonesian version of daily said that: "After I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it. The sky and earth disappeared from his presence, so do not look again.)
A great white throne the same as in 1:4 and 4:2; the difference here is huge throne and white. John describes God as He, who sat on it. So, the first sentence of this translation can be: "Then I saw the Lord sitting on a big white throne." 
     From before him show that the presence of God was so intense that the natural creation vanished. See this similar phrase in Psalm 114:7. 
     Heaven and earth covers the entire world or universe. In language that does not distinguish between the sky and "Paradise", the translation must clearly indicate that the sky here does not include dwelling place of God. 
     Nothing found another place means the same as gone, so was never seen again (see 21:1 which says that the new world replacing the old world; see also 12:8). 
     Example of this translation to the second sentence, for example: 
"When he appeared, the sky and earth disappeared and no one ever saw him again." 
"When He comes, heaven and earth disappear forever disappear." 
Raw translation of the Bible says that 20:12 : 
And I saw people dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And books were opened. And also a book opened another, namely the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, based on what is written in the books
(Compare translation Indonesian translation of the Bible according to the daily, saying that:  And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. The books were opened. Then another book was opened, the Book People Living. Then the sentencing to a top of the dead, according to the worth of their deeds recorded in the books.) 
     People are dead, great and small It means all of the dead was an important person or whether ordinary people (see 11:18, 13:16, 19:5, 18 ). They are" the rest of the dead" of paragraph 5, which all die except the martyr who had been raised. 
And books were opened or "...all we opened" perhaps by the angels who were present. The books may contain records of deeds of all people. In language that is not familiar with the passive voice, the translator may need to translate it into "them (some people) opens the books", without mentioning who they were. 
     Regarding  A book of another, namely the book of life see 3:5, 13:8. 
     Judged according to their deeds, based on what is written in the books were a rearrangement of the structure literally" judged on the basis that written in the books, according to their deeds.  
     Compare according to their deeds with acts according to each of you (Indonesian Everyday) at 2:23. In languages that do not use pasuf form, the translator could say:" God judges them according to their deeds (according to what they have done ), as he noted in the books". 
     Part of this verse can be translated as follows: 
...Then the books containing the records of deeds of all the people were opened. Then the other books were opened, the book containing the names of people who will live forever with God. All the dead were judged according to his deeds, as has been noted in the books.
...Then they opened the books in which God recorded the deeds of all people. They also opened another book. This book contains the names of people who will live forever with God . Then he judged all the dead according to what they have done, as he wrote in those books.
The Bible says that the standard translation 20:13: 
And the sea delivered up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave the dead is in it, and they were judged each according to his deeds
(in Indonesian Bible Everyday, Says: And the sea gave people die in it. Death and Death of Nature was handed people die with him/her. And people were all sentenced to death by their actions accordingly.) 
     Marine handed people die in it Sea creatures here described as a life that allows people who die at sea facing God, along with other people. People who die at sea is considered not go to Sheol, the world of the dead, but to remain in the deep seabed. If such translation is difficult to use in several languages, the translation can be arranged into: "Then those who died at sea will also be facing God (went to Allah ) to be judged by Him. This method can also be used in translating the death and Hades gave the dead in it". On "Death and of Hades" see 1:18, 6:8, Both also discussed as if it is a living thing (as in 6:8). 
     Another example for the translation of this paragraph, for example: 
Then the people who die at sea are faced to God, because He will judge them. Death and the World of the Dead handed people die in it, and God will judge them all by their own deeds. 
The Bible says that the standard translation 20:14-15: 
Then death and Hades were dilemparkanlah into the lake of fire. That is the second death: the lake of fire. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  
(compare the Indonesian translation of the Bible Everyday: Then Death and Death of Nature thrown into the lake of fire. (Ocean this fire was the death of the second stage.) 15 The people who are not written his name in the book of life, thrown into the lake fire.) 
Death and Hades were also suffered the same fate as the beast and false prophet,  thrown into the lake of fire (19:20,20:10). 
     A description of the  second death look at 2:11, 20:6. While the explanation of the sea of fire see 19:20. The death of the latter  is the last death of the wicked, and this happens for all eternity. Regarding the "first death" is not mentioned here, but it is clear from this context that it is a temporary death experienced by all humans. On the contrary,  the second death can be translated as "the last death," or "death at the end of time", if it is more easily understood. 
Every person who was not found written in the book of life can be translated as, "anyone whose name was not in the book of life", or "all people whose names are not written...".  
The main source of this paper is Dr. Robert G. Bratcher and Howard A. Hatton in the guide book of Biblical Interpretation: Revelation to John, Indonesian Bible Institute and YKBBI, Jakarta 2009
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Heavenly worship

Heavenly worship 
The cult of the word is compiled from texts of the Book of Revelation, chapters 4-11 ESPECIALLY, Which describes a model of worship in heaven as a church worship. 
Chants opening (...) 
Greetings (Revelation 1:4b-5a
Blessings and peace be with you, from Him Who is and WHO was and Who is coming, and from the seven spirits before his throne Who Are, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the WHO first rose from the dead, And that power over The Kings of this earth. 
Opening words 
Liturgy of the Word (Revelation 4:1-8:1 and 11:15-18)
First Worship Leader
After that I saw: Behold, a door opened in heaven and the first voice I heard, said to me like the soundof the trumpet, 
Second Worship Leader
Come up here and I'll show you what must take place after this.
First Worship Leader
Immediately I was in the Spirit and behold, there was a throne in heaven, and sits on a throne. He who sits on the throne, seems like a jasper gems and jewels of sardis; and a rainbow encircled the throne like a Emerald brilliant. Around the throne were twenty four thrones, and on the thrones were seated twenty-four elders who wore white garments and golden crowns on their heads. From the throne came out lightning and thunder that roared, and seven torches burning before the throne: That the seven Spirits of God. In front of the throne a sea of glass like crystal; in the middle and around the throne were four creatures full of eyes, in the face and on the back. The first living creature like a lion, and the second living creature like the calf, and the third creature had a face like a human face, and the fourth living creature like the vultures are flying. The four living creatures each of the six wings, around and on the inside are full of eyes, and without ceasing day and night they cried, 
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God, the Holy One who was and who is and who will come.
First Worship Leader
Every time the creatures bring praise and honor and thanksgiving to Him who sits on the throne and live for ever, and fell on the twenty- four elders before him who sits on the throne, and they worship him who lives forever and ever. They threw his crown in front of the throne, saying, 
O Lord and our God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things; and because of your will,they existed and were created. 
Second Worship Leader
Then I saw in the right hand of him who sits on the throne a scroll written inside and the outside and sealed with seven seals. I also saw a handsome angel , who shouted with a loud voice, The cult leader of the second: Who is worthy to open the scroll and to open its seals? 
First Worship Leader
But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth, which can open the scroll or to look at it. I cried very sad, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look at it. Then said one of the elders told me, The cult leader of the second: Do not cry! Look, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has won, so he can open the scroll and to open the seventh seal. 
Second Worship Leader
Then I saw in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a Lamb as was slain, seven horns and seven eyes : That's seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne. When he took the scroll we were, fell down four living creatures and the twenty-four elders before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense : That the prayers of the saints. They sang a new song, saying, 
You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals; because thou hast slain and with Thy blood Thou hast redeemed us to God and of every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them into a kingdom, and to the priests to our God, and they shall reign as kings of the earth.
First Worship Leader
Then I saw and heard a lot of angels around the throne, creatures and the elders; number of them and hundreds of millions, he said with a loud voice, 
Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and praise! 
First Worship Leader
Then I heard a creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and sea and all that lies within, say, 
To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, Blessing and honor and glory and power forever and ever! 
First Worship Leader
The four living creatures saying, 
First Worship Leader
and old's man fell down and worshiped. 
Second Worship Leader
Then I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice of thunder, Come! 
First Worship Leader
Procurer see: Actually, there is a white horse and the people who rode it had a bow and gave him a crown. Then he advanced as the winner to snatch victory. When the Lamb opened the second seal , I heard the second living creature saying, 
Both worship leaders
Come !
(and so on
Safety is in our God who sits on the throne and to the children of God 
(and beyond
We thank thee, O Lord, God Almighty, who is and who was there, because you have taken your great power and has become the King and all nations have been angry, but thy wrath has come and as for the dead to be judged and to provide wages to thy servants, prophets and saints and to those who fear thy name to the little people and big people. 
First Worship Leader
Be thankful and make it known and Thank to God by giving offerings. 
(Song Offerings
Prayer Cover 
Second Worship Leader:.......... 
(Closing Song
Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26): 
First Worship Leader: 
LORD bless and protect you. Amen 
LORD shine His face you and give you a gift. Amen
LORD His face is turned to you guys and give you peace. Amen 
(Amen, Amen, Amen) 
This is just a concept of the liturgy, still need to be developed according to the situation and condition of the church or your church. God bless us. Shalom (hopefully useful and usable)
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love : A possibility of life from God (Reflections on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Love : A possibility of life from God 
Reflections on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 
Church of God in Jesus Christ! 
1. Love is a path or a possibility of life comes from God! Without love, all we're looking for and we undertake no meaning! Without love, we are with all our abilities are nothing! So first of all expressed by the Apostle Paul in "Song of Love" in 1 Corinthians 13. 
2. What is said by the Apostle Paul with this statement?. 
     That man at the peak of their religious life, without love, all that useless as well! Everything that is aspired to and was being chased through the prayers of the religious man, worship and spiritual discipline...useless, if you were not there!
     That was said by the Apostle Paul to members of his congregation in the city of Corinth first. Indeed they are really religious, but inside it enthusiasm religious, in habits, they pray, worship, and train himself spiritually...they actually underestimate the reality of their daily lives, they care less what's really needed his brother, they became angry, if disturbed by people who ask for his help, they are not touched his heart to see others being treated unfairly, because maybe they felt from the beginning of human life it was so. And the Apostle Paul pointed out to them that it's everyday life; precisely the relations with your neighbor's need. There are the prayers and religious believers must be real, fruit, and a blessing! 
     What good is all the craft and devotion to pray, worship, and what point of all spiritual exercises are you doing, what's the point all the ideals of your religion, if in fact your life every day it does not taste, do not change, not a blessing, but Instead: 
1. You get angry to people who do not like you 2. You legal people who do not like you 
3. You're just happy with yourself 
4. You feel yourself more and you're jealous of someone more capable than you. 
     And now the apostle Paul to show others the way of life that the Corinthians, Which comes from God himself, that is the way of love. Street love is what must they live: 
1. And love is patient;
2. Love is benevolent (giving space to others);
3. Love is not jealous (while many of you, as religious people burnt by jealousy, spiritual);
4. Love is not boastful nor arrogant. Advanced Labih Apostle Paul declares that love is not rude and do not seek profit yourself, not angry and does not save people's mistakes. 
     With that, Paul also warns how religious people do things they should not do to fellow human beings - how religious people also like to look for its own benefit, just a subtle way, how many religious people happy to record and calculate sin the mistakes of others only. 
     And again the Apostle Paul says: Love is not possible to let other people were treated unfairly; you will that is always the truth that controls your life together. In contrast to what is like to be "religious people" that is expose someone else in his mistake, punish and beat up those who fall into sin and tends to throw them in hell, the Apostle Paul shows the path of love, where people know restraint in the face of all things, willing to trust others; always have hope, and endures all things. 
     Gentlemen what is said by the Apostle Paul told the believers in the church at Corinth, it also can be said to us today, in the natural reality of our lives in the country today: 
1. We are also religious people and a number are very diligent and persevering even religion; give much time to fix our relationship up.
2. But we also too often underestimate our neighbor ; not really pay attention to their needs; not give time for them .
3. We are too pleased with ourselves and we are too confused just take care of our own state of sheer.
4. We also really like recording of another person; punishing others; let others in their own fate. No less than the Corinthians first, we also need to have a road that brings us to love our neighbor who asked for our time, ask for our hearing, our hearts, our solidarity, and our responsibility is real! 
Brethren Church of God ! Back at the beginning of our reflections this: Love is a road, a possibility that God creates life now! Without love, all we're looking for and we undertake no meaning !
Without you, we with all our abilities are nothing! Let us live, the road indicated by the Apostle Paul. Roads that God creates human life as the emergency road originally willed by God himself for everyone to experience peace with prosperity! 
     Let us live this love that we live amid the reality in which many people lack everything and where too many human greed is rampant; where many people only find himself alone, also in religion; and where not a few people displaced and die because there is no love. To be in the middle of our life together was luminous light of eternal life, and the name of the Lord is glorified by all people in our country. 
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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Calendar of the Jewish people according to the context of the New Testament

     Dates in the New Testament is sometimes calculated by referring to the governments of non-Jews. The most typical example is Luke 3:1, where the beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist was given the date is not only 'in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (ie 27 years until 28 AD according to the calculations used the Seleucid era that preceded it, in which year reign new mildew seen in September/October), but also pointed to figures which ruled at that time, the secular or not, in Judea and in neighboring areas. Compare the calendar that points to the emperor in August (Luke 2:1), and Claudius (the story of the Apostles: 23), provincial land guardian Quirinius (Luke 2:2) and Gallic (Acts 18:12), and Herod, king of the nation Jews (Matthew 2:1 ; Luke 1:5). 
     But the biggest part of the New Testament writers measure time in terms commonly used in the calendar (or calendars) Jewish. They pointed at the feast of the Jews and to other sacred events. This is specifically mentioned in the Fourth Gospel (Easter, New Year's, Booths, Feast of Ordination altar, Passover and Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, the day of fasting or atonement. In between the days of the week, the Sabbath is often referred to in Luke 6:1 many Jewish texts by "sabbato deuteroproto" (first to second Sabbath), which probably is a technical term, which means it is now unknown. Indonesian translation only call 'on a Sabbath day'. Friday is 'preparation day', meaning' the day before the 'Sabbath', Passover preparation day 'means' Friday of Easter weekend'. 'The first day of the week' finds new meaning because that day is the day of resurrection; compare stories about the resurrection in Gospels ). 
     In general, New Testament times the Jewish calendar (at least before the year 70 BCE) following the calculation of the Sadducees, for the Temple services were regulated according to the calculations. Then the day of Pentecost is calculated as the fiftieth day after offering the first fruits is clear, that the fiftieth day (inclusive) was calculated from the first Sunday after Passover (cf. Leviticus 23:15); because it always falls on the day of Pentecost Sunday, as in the Christian resurrection. Calculation of the Pharisees, which became standard after AD 70, interpreted 'sabbath' in Leviticus 23:15 as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, not the weekly Sabbath; in that Pentecost always falls on the same day of the month (a view that important for those who think of Pentecost as a gift marking the anniversary of the Torah), but not on the same day in the week . Even more important than small differences in the area of dating that exist between the Sadducees and the Pharisees on the one hand and those on the other hand , following the calendar 'heretic', known from the Book of Jubilees , which now also known from the literature of Qumran. If Jesus and his disciples follow the lunar 'heretic' is, it can explain why they were celebrating Easter before he was arrested, was great priests and their followers celebrate Easter only after the crucifixion of Christ (John 18:28 ).
 (main sources: the Bible Encyclopedia CONTEMPORARY, seventh printing in July 2002)
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