End of The Ministry of Jesus
Jesus was crucified when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea . Therefore crucifixion occurred in one year between 26-36 . Various attempts have been held to determine the year which is most likely .
(i) FromLuke 13:1 and 23:12 may be concluded that Pilate has been a trustee of the country some time before the crucifixion , and by because crucifixion was almost unable to occur as early as 26 and 27 .
( ii ) By many authors , the crucifixion set occurred in the year positions Gemini, ie year 29 . But the calendar is completely not accepted everywhere else in the early Church , and there is no evidence, although some people think that the opinion that the realization of a tradiri that can be trusted. The authors who bring it , such as Tertullian is the earliest , most including Western Church Latin . March 25, date of the crucifixion which is given by Hippolytus , Tertullian , and many others, fell on the day Friday in the year 29 . But the crucifixion took place at the Passover full-moon , and in 29 moon almost certainly fall on April.
(iii) When Pilate became guardian country, he hurt Jews by placing some persisai Nasar in a palace in Jerusalem . Herod Antipas took part in leading forwards the request to Tiberius to move shield Nasar 's . According to some experts , this is what explains hostilities mentioned in Luke 23:12 . Tiberius granted request. The experts who together maintain , that Tiberius will not be doing this for him under the influence beliefs , Sejanus , who became the main enemy of the Jews . Concluded that penyeliban must occur after the death of Stephen on October 31st, so no earlier than 32 . But hostility between Herod and Pilate was probably caused by the murder mentioned in Luke 13:1 , or for any disputes Untold history.
( iv ) Keim in his ' Geschichte Jesu von Nazara , ET 2, page 379 , says ' big year in the history of the world 'on the addiction to the statement of Josephus , that defeat of Antipas against Aretas on year 36 by some people seen as ' from God , and that very true, as punishment for what she has done over John , called the Baptist ' . Keim concluded that judgment death of John must have occurred just two years earlier, in the year 34 , and the crucifixion in the year 35 . But the punishment does not constantly immediately following the crime . Being the origin of hostility between Antipas and Aretas is probably due to Antipas berserai by children Aretas . Instructions in Josephus says the time interval between the divorce and war in the year 36 .
(v) The attempts to determine the year of the crucifixion , the most successful is that effort is called with the help of astronomy . According to four Gospels , the crucifixion occurred on Friday . But according to gospel Synoptic Friday that falls on the 15th of Nisan , in John's Gospel on the 14th of Nisan. Then the problem to be solved with help of astronomy is , determining between years 26-36 that year Which is dated 14 and 15 tombstone fell on a Friday ?.
Because in New Testament times the months Jews follow travel months, and the beginning of the month determined by observation ' month new ' ( dated one) , then this problem basically is the problem to determine the number of ' new moon 'is visible .
By studying this issue Fotheringham , and Schoch each reaching a formula that if applied they found that 15 Nisan fell on Friday found only in year 27 and December 14 Nisan which falls on Friday found only in year 30 and 33 . By because in 27 it is not possible in the crucifixion , then election lies between the years 30 (7 April) and 33 (April 3 ) . In the chronology of the Gospels Synoptic for weeks miserable and events given a place on the 15th of Nisan , which seems unlikely, because that day is a day of meeting a saint. Chronology of John about a week It seemed to him more likely , and at least until at the beginning of the century 3 appears to have been more commonly accepted throughout the church . Attempts to reconcile the Gospels in this matter does not reach general satisfaction and discussion of this issue took place continue . But it is worth noting , that the calculations of astronomers do not pointing to a year for the crucifixion , which, on grounds other acceptable , in which 14 Nisan falls on Thursday .
(Source : Encyclopedia of the Bible )
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