In the Indonesian context, beliefs about God 's goodness childbirth preaching missions or tasks which accurately formulated with sub - themes : "Together with all components realizing Indonesia's plural society civilized , inclusive , equitable , peaceful and democratic society . "One concrete manifestation of faith in the goodness God is witness to all people through attitudes and good deeds for all regardless of Indonesian society may face truly become an inclusive society , fair , peaceful and demikratis .
1. Christianity as a Plurality the real title of this post is too large for a small sign and simple like this. Moreover, the competence of the author certainly limited enough to present all the intricacies of Christian Churches and his views on pluralism. In fact Christianity itself is identical to the plurality , although not all have explicit views or beliefs about pluralism. Generally recognized that the Roman Catholic Church is the first master of Churches Christians, in addition to the Eastern Orthodox Church . Then came the Church Protestant ( Lutheran and Calvinist Reformation ) , Anglican , Church Menonit ( Anabaptists ) , Adventist Church , the Salvation Army , the Mormon Church , Pentakostalis churches , and so on . Data June 2005 states that in Indoneis course, besides the Roman Catholic Church , 86 Protestant Church Synod gathered together in the Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia ( PGI , founded in 1950 ) , and 91 also take shelter in churches under Fellowship Gospel Indonesia ( PII , founded in 1971 ) . Not yet included in two large umbrella organization , the Adventist Church Seventh Day, Pentecostal Fellowship of Churches , the Orthodox Church Indonesia , the Salvation Army , and the Communion of Churches Tionghoa Indonesia . Can be said that Christianity in a single house , plurality is a fact that must be give and experience .
2. Christian Identity All members of the Churches of the above call themselves " people Christian " , following the tradition of the church in Antioch who first called "Christians " ( Acts 11:26 ) . Although details berdesa different , but all the churches that have a similar belief , that is to believe in Jesus Christ's Personal . Christian has special relationship with Jesus of Nazareth. The title " Christian "refers to on the belief that Jesus is " Christ "or " the Anointed "; and that He is Lord ( Kirios ) which means "one who 's leading and respectable " . So Christians believe that Jesus is The Christ and God, the Son of God and God. Jesus is principal source of faith and a Christian . Through Jesus , the work safety God accomplished for the world . For a Christian, Jesus not only " teach the way of salvation " , but first he " committed or implement it "through life , suffering , death, and resurrection. So , Jesus did not just "deliver the revelation of God, " more than that , "Jesus himself is the divine revelation " that. In that context, " faith " means that Jesus gave life on Yourself Christ and relying on Him as the strength , the basis and purpose of life humans . Christians rely on God as stated in preaching and deeds of Jesus Christ . Essence of preaching and deeds of Jesus is "the kindness and love of God "which stated to all people especially the poor , to those who miserable , despondent person , the person was captured, imprisoned people , those who are grieving , the sick , sinners , those who dropped out despair, and so forth . Christians believe that through kindness and God love it , everyone is withdrawn and collected in the kingdom of God . Repentance is a radical life change because of experience goodness of the love of God. That is, the experience of living Jesus and the goodness of God , precedes repentance ( cf. Luke 7:41-43 and 19:1-10 ) . Baptism is a sign of repentance , the and the rite of Christian baptism signifies a " kinship with Christ " , which is " alive to God in Christ " (Romans 6:11 ) . " Believe it and repent, " which is expressed in baptism is the work of God, not man's effort , because it is called a sacrament. Meaning The same baptismal rite was given a form different by each of the Christian Church . Personal Jesus as a " road safety " known by Christians through the Bible.
3. Institutionalization and Religisiositas Outline the main points of Christian faith of the above gain diverse forms as the set of people who believe to Jesus Christ institutionalized . In fact the meaning of " church " and the " church " the same course ( Greek : ecclesia ) . But the emphasis on style institutional fellowship of believers concerning the formalization of doctrine faith leads to a " Geraje " to get the narrow sense as an institution . It also involves the institutionalization of formal rites or liturgy , and various regulatory and organizational structure . From perspective that we find the first split between the church Katolok Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the year 1054 simply because "the dispute the boundaries of Western and Eastern Church " , but also because of the problems particular theological . The split which occurred in 1517 when the following Martin Luther rejected the Catholic Church attitudes and practices that emphasize human actions in achieving salvation. In the year 1520 Martin Luther was excommunicated by Rome , thus paying Reformed Church Protestant . Then in 1534 the Anglican Church ( England ) separating themselves from the Roman Catholic church , because marriage is the second king Henry VIII rejected Rome , but slowly characters Protestants strengthened the Anglican Church . Such cleavages would going further and more extensive in the 19th century and 20th century . Born lot of Christian communities that the new , and all that obtain independently of the institution . Undeniable that It reinforces the split institusionalitas Churches , especially regarding the claims about truth and salvation . Each Church institutions claim to have a doctrine of truth , and only his church who became " via salutis "or road safety .
4 . Exit Exclusivism Christian churches have a very lengthy sejaran exclusivism . In third -century theologian Cyprian of Carthago writing that "Outside the Church there is no salvation . " these words intended as a warning to Christians in order not to leave the Church . With these words Cyprian also states that baptisms performed by heretics , heretics are not producing safety .... When Christian churches began to disintegrate , These words are used to attack each other and claim that the there is no salvation outside the Church altogether, and that only in communion with the Catholic Church one can enter heaven ( Council Florence , 1351 ) . safety restrictions within the Catholic Church " dissolved " by Martin Luther , Protestant church reformer , with teaches that those who wish to obtain safety must to meet Christ in the Church. But the Church is meant , of course not Catholic Church or an institution , but " the fellowship of people believe it . " Where are allied because people believe in Christ , there is the Church, and there too they earn salvation.
5. Inclusivism Awareness about the importance of the ecumenical movement and change of attitude formally to the religions of non-Christian first bloom among the Protestants than Catholics. As seen by Paul F. Knitter , about attitudes toward other religions , churches evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants flow to survive with exclusivism . They argue that Revelation and Truth in Jesus Revelation of replacing all other religions . Whereas Christian churches "main streams" such as Roman Catholic , Greek Orthodox , Lutheran , Reformed, Anglican and Methodist more open and saw Christianity as a "fulfillment" or "perfection" against other religions. Paradigm " replacement " limits of truth and universal love of God in Christianity , while the paradigm of "falsifies" open boundaries so that religion others had experienced the truth and love of God , but in particular only in Jesus After all that refined stub street .... New by the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965), the Roman Catholic Church consistently develop theological ideas about the relationship interreligious .
( source : DR . Ohoitimur Yong , MSC ) .
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