Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pluraslisme and Dialogue

     Descriptions of exclusivism and inclusivism has enough shows the long journey and struggles of Christian Churches to exit the exclusivism of the past. Struggle involving good basic theological view and attitude. Although the problem seems theology of religions as a path of righteousness and salvation continued to be elaborated - except maybe that was a little long at Roman Catholic Church's official doctrine , but it seems pretty clear that the Church Christians from the "main currents" positive attitudes towards pluralism and in view of the importance of formal has consistently called inter-religious dialogue. 
     The essential thing is that plurality is recognized, and inter-religious dialogue is seen as a way of religious life for expressing the true Christian faith. In short, the dialogue is considered as an important element of identity became a Christian.  But what became the official doctrine, and discussed in scientific forums , not yet would necessarily be practiced in everyday life people or congregation . Consistency Bishops' Conference of Indonesia ( KWI ) in called for and encourage Catholics to rally in Indonesia dialogue and take care of true brotherhood in Indonesian society can referred to as an indicator that the views of the Catholic Church since the council Vatican II on interreligious relations are still in the "process of becoming" and yet to take root . In fact, the real disappointment, the rulers Church services in the field has not always understand insights to church about interreligious relations and also did not directly put dialogue as part of the true Christian way of life. Conversely, sometimes we find the attitude of opposition leader race towards openness and dialogue - an indication the presence of exclusivism the past is still strong roots.
( source : DR . Yong Ohoitimur , MSC )
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Church , Theology and Pluralism ( Exclusivism or inclusivism )

     In the Indonesian context, beliefs about God 's goodness childbirth preaching missions or tasks which accurately formulated with sub - themes : "Together with all components realizing Indonesia's plural society civilized , inclusive , equitable , peaceful and democratic society . "One concrete manifestation of faith in the goodness God is witness to all people through attitudes and good deeds for all regardless of Indonesian society may face truly become an inclusive society , fair , peaceful and demikratis . 
1. Christianity as a Plurality the real title of this post is too large for a small sign and simple like this. Moreover, the competence of the author certainly limited enough to present all the intricacies of Christian Churches and his views on pluralism. In fact Christianity itself is identical to the plurality , although not all have explicit views or beliefs about pluralism. Generally recognized that the Roman Catholic Church is the first master of Churches Christians, in addition to the Eastern Orthodox Church . Then came the Church Protestant ( Lutheran and Calvinist Reformation ) , Anglican , Church Menonit ( Anabaptists ) , Adventist Church , the Salvation Army , the Mormon Church , Pentakostalis churches , and so on . Data June 2005 states that in Indoneis course, besides the Roman Catholic Church , 86 Protestant Church Synod gathered together in the Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia ( PGI , founded in 1950 ) , and 91 also take shelter in churches under Fellowship Gospel Indonesia ( PII , founded in 1971 ) . Not yet included in two large umbrella organization , the Adventist Church Seventh Day, Pentecostal Fellowship of Churches , the Orthodox Church Indonesia , the Salvation Army , and the Communion of Churches Tionghoa Indonesia . Can be said that Christianity in a single house , plurality is a fact that must be give and experience .
2. Christian Identity All members of the Churches of the above call themselves " people Christian " , following the tradition of the church in Antioch who first called "Christians " ( Acts 11:26 ) . Although details berdesa different , but all the churches that have a similar belief , that is to believe in Jesus Christ's Personal . Christian has special relationship with Jesus of Nazareth. The title " Christian "refers to on the belief that Jesus is " Christ "or " the Anointed "; and that He is Lord ( Kirios ) which means "one who 's leading and respectable " . So Christians believe that Jesus is The Christ and God, the Son of God and God. Jesus is principal source of faith and a Christian . Through Jesus , the work safety God accomplished for the world . For a Christian, Jesus not only " teach the way of salvation " , but first he " committed or implement it "through life , suffering , death, and resurrection. So , Jesus did not just "deliver the revelation of God, " more than that , "Jesus himself is the divine revelation " that. In that context, " faith " means that Jesus gave life on Yourself Christ and relying on Him as the strength , the basis and purpose of life humans . Christians rely on God as stated in preaching and deeds of Jesus Christ . Essence of preaching and deeds of Jesus is "the kindness and love of God "which stated to all people especially the poor , to those who miserable , despondent person , the person was captured, imprisoned people , those who are grieving , the sick , sinners , those who dropped out despair, and so forth . Christians believe that through kindness and God love it , everyone is withdrawn and collected in the kingdom of God . Repentance is a radical life change because of experience goodness of the love of God. That is, the experience of living Jesus and the goodness of God , precedes repentance ( cf. Luke 7:41-43 and 19:1-10 ) . Baptism is a sign of repentance , the and the rite of Christian baptism signifies a " kinship with Christ " , which is " alive to God in Christ " (Romans 6:11 ) . " Believe it and repent, " which is expressed in baptism is the work of God, not man's effort , because it is called a sacrament. Meaning The same baptismal rite was given a form different by each of the Christian Church . Personal Jesus as a " road safety " known by Christians through the Bible. 
3. Institutionalization and Religisiositas Outline the main points of Christian faith of the above gain diverse forms as the set of people who believe to Jesus Christ institutionalized . In fact the meaning of " church " and the " church " the same course ( Greek : ecclesia ) . But the emphasis on style institutional fellowship of believers concerning the formalization of doctrine faith leads to a " Geraje " to get the narrow sense as an institution . It also involves the institutionalization of formal rites or liturgy , and various regulatory and organizational structure . From perspective that we find the first split between the church Katolok Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the year 1054 simply because "the dispute the boundaries of Western and Eastern Church " , but also because of the problems particular theological . The split which occurred in 1517 when the following Martin Luther rejected the Catholic Church attitudes and practices that emphasize human actions in achieving salvation. In the year 1520 Martin Luther was excommunicated by Rome , thus paying Reformed Church Protestant . Then in 1534 the Anglican Church ( England ) separating themselves from the Roman Catholic church , because marriage is the second king Henry VIII rejected Rome , but slowly characters Protestants strengthened the Anglican Church . Such cleavages would going further and more extensive in the 19th century and 20th century . Born lot of Christian communities that the new , and all that obtain independently of the institution . Undeniable that It reinforces the split institusionalitas Churches , especially regarding the claims about truth and salvation . Each Church institutions claim to have a doctrine of truth , and only his church who became " via salutis "or road safety . 
4 . Exit Exclusivism Christian churches have a very lengthy sejaran exclusivism . In third -century theologian Cyprian of Carthago writing that "Outside the Church there is no salvation . " these words intended as a warning to Christians in order not to leave the Church . With these words Cyprian also states that baptisms performed by heretics , heretics are not producing safety .... When Christian churches began to disintegrate , These words are used to attack each other and claim that the there is no salvation outside the Church altogether, and that only in communion with the Catholic Church one can enter heaven ( Council Florence , 1351 ) . safety restrictions within the Catholic Church " dissolved " by Martin Luther , Protestant church reformer , with teaches that those who wish to obtain safety must to meet Christ in the Church. But the Church is meant , of course not Catholic Church or an institution , but " the fellowship of people believe it . " Where are allied because people believe in Christ , there is the Church, and there too they earn salvation. 
5. Inclusivism Awareness about the importance of the ecumenical movement and change of attitude formally to the religions of non-Christian first bloom among the Protestants than Catholics. As seen by Paul F. Knitter , about attitudes toward other religions , churches evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants flow to survive with exclusivism . They argue that Revelation and Truth in Jesus Revelation of replacing all other religions . Whereas Christian churches "main streams" such as Roman Catholic , Greek Orthodox , Lutheran , Reformed, Anglican and Methodist more open and saw Christianity as a "fulfillment" or "perfection" against other religions. Paradigm " replacement " limits of truth and universal love of God in Christianity , while the paradigm of "falsifies" open boundaries so that religion others had experienced the truth and love of God , but in particular only in Jesus After all that refined stub street .... New by the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965), the Roman Catholic Church consistently develop theological ideas about the relationship interreligious . 
( source : DR . Ohoitimur Yong , MSC ) .
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Friday, May 21, 2010

How long is Jesus Christ Serve ?

     Some of my previous writings include : Chronology of Life Jesus part 1 to part 3, which seeks to explain how Jesus Christ since birth, serve, and arrive at crucifixion. In this paper to review about ' length of service Jesus Christ '. Based on the source I found the Bible Encyclopedia that:  Knowing the length of Jesus' ministry more important than to know the number of services that begin and end. 
There are three main theories about the length of service.
(i) The theory of one years .
     The first supporter of this theory assume that strong affirmation , that he has applied to himself the verse of Isaiah proclaimed ' year of grace of God ' ( Isaiah 61:2 , Luke 4:19 ) . This theory widely accepted in the days before Nikea . renewed attention against this theory comes from the 17th century . In between the presentation - presentation interesting theory is that the presentation of Van Bebber , " Zur Chronologie des Lebens Jesu , Balser in 1898 and his contributions to " Biblische Zeitschrift " , 1 , 1903.2 . 1904 . 
( ii ) The theory of two years .
     Supporting theory This includes Apollinarian of Laodicea maintain that during the hose from his baptism Jesus' crucifixion the Passover which was celebrated only there are three , called in John ( 2:13, 6:4 , 11:55 ) . In the century mid very few followers of this theory , but now gets many followers . 
( iii ) The theory of three years.
     Its earliest supporters and is known to Melito of Sardis . but the broad acceptance in the days after Nikea and during the Middle Ages , basically caused by the influence of Eusebius . He rejected a literal interpretation of the word ' years ' in the phrase ' in God's grace ' , and convincing showing that only the service of three years ' full- satisfy the demands of the Fourth Gospel . In our time this theory also got a lot of followers . Because he called the Passover in John 6:4 , a paragraph that has a lot of prestige script , then the theory ' one year ' should be rejected. 
     To make a decision between two theories year and three years , then the time interval between 2:13 and John Easter Easter John 6:4 it should be researched carefully. Because there is usually a six -month period between sowing and harvest periods , then the words ' four months' time comes the harvest ' (John 4:35 ) is not can be regarded as the expression goes, but it must be pointed at circumstances of time the words were spoken. the return of Jesus to Galilee referred to in John 4:43 therefore must occur in the winter . That the feast of Purim , as maintained by many supporters theory of two years ( which follows Kepler ) , seems impossible . Day Feast of Purim is celebrated in February / March , so of course immediately after Jesus returned to Galilee . But the words ' after that ' (John 5:1 ) indicated that there was a long lapse of time between his return to Galile and his subsequent visit to Jerusalem . The Feast of the not mentioned by name is more likely is the following Passover in March / April or Tabernacles . 
     Certain supporters of the theory two years , although it agreed that the feast is the feast day Easter, but equate it with the Passover in John 6:4 . There are maintain that in John 6:4 the word ' is near 'should mean ' just happened ' , while others say that John 6 should be read immediately before John 5 . But the ' word has been ' in John 6:4 can not mean ' just happened ' , because as evident from the words ' after that ' in John 6:1, there long time lapse between the events of John 5 and John's six events .  Anyway there is no evidence of manuscripts that support the rearrangement of the chapters of the proposed it . 
     There seems to be between Passover Passover in John 2:13 and 6:4 with the result that the length of Jesus' ministry lasted three years management . According to the first of the theories mentioned above , Easter 's first and last of the ministry of Jesus is Easter - Passover in the year 29 and 30 , while according to the second Passover It fell in the year 28 and 30 . Finally, according to the third Passover fell in 30 and 33 .
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Chronology of the Life of Jesus part 3

End of The Ministry of  Jesus 
     Jesus was crucified when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea . Therefore crucifixion occurred in one year between 26-36 . Various attempts have been held to determine the year which is most likely . 
(i) FromLuke 13:1 and 23:12 may be concluded that Pilate has been a trustee of the country some time before the crucifixion , and by because crucifixion was almost unable to occur as early as 26 and 27 . 
( ii ) By many authors , the crucifixion set occurred in the year positions Gemini, ie year 29 . But the calendar is completely not accepted everywhere else in the early Church , and there is no evidence, although some people think that the opinion that the realization of a tradiri that can be trusted. The authors who bring it , such as Tertullian is the earliest , most including Western Church Latin . March 25, date of the crucifixion which is given by Hippolytus , Tertullian , and many others, fell on the day Friday in the year 29 . But the crucifixion took place at the Passover full-moon , and in 29 moon almost certainly fall on April. 
(iii) When Pilate became guardian country, he hurt Jews by placing some persisai Nasar in a palace in Jerusalem . Herod Antipas took part in leading forwards the request to Tiberius to move shield Nasar 's . According to some experts , this is what explains hostilities mentioned in Luke 23:12 . Tiberius granted request. The experts who together maintain , that Tiberius will not be doing this for him under the influence beliefs , Sejanus , who became the main enemy of the Jews . Concluded that penyeliban must occur after the death of Stephen on October 31st, so no earlier than 32 . But hostility between Herod and Pilate was probably caused by the murder mentioned in Luke 13:1 , or for any disputes Untold history. 
( iv ) Keim in his ' Geschichte Jesu von Nazara , ET 2, page 379 , says ' big year in the history of the world 'on the addiction to the statement of Josephus , that defeat of Antipas against Aretas on year 36 by some people seen as ' from God , and that very true, as punishment for what she has done over John , called the Baptist ' . Keim concluded that judgment death of John must have occurred just two years earlier, in the year 34 , and the crucifixion in the year 35 . But the punishment does not constantly immediately following the crime . Being the origin of hostility between Antipas and Aretas is probably due to Antipas berserai by children Aretas . Instructions in Josephus says the time interval between the divorce and war in the year 36 . 
(v) The attempts to determine the year of the crucifixion , the most successful is that effort is called with the help of astronomy . According to four Gospels , the crucifixion occurred on Friday . But according to gospel Synoptic Friday that falls on the 15th of Nisan , in John's Gospel on the 14th of Nisan. Then the problem to be solved with help of astronomy is , determining between years 26-36 that year Which is dated 14 and 15 tombstone fell on a Friday ?. Because in New Testament times the months Jews follow travel months, and the beginning of the month determined by observation ' month new ' ( dated one) , then this problem basically is the problem to determine the number of ' new moon 'is visible . 
     By studying this issue Fotheringham , and Schoch each reaching a formula that if applied they found that 15 Nisan fell on Friday found only in year 27 and December 14 Nisan which falls on Friday found only in year 30 and 33 . By because in 27 it is not possible in the crucifixion , then election lies between the years 30 (7 April) and 33 (April 3 ) . In the chronology of the Gospels Synoptic for weeks miserable and events given a place on the 15th of Nisan , which seems unlikely, because that day is a day of meeting a saint. Chronology of John about a week It seemed to him more likely , and at least until at the beginning of the century 3 appears to have been more commonly accepted throughout the church . Attempts to reconcile the Gospels in this matter does not reach general satisfaction and discussion of this issue took place continue . But it is worth noting , that the calculations of astronomers do not pointing to a year for the crucifixion , which, on grounds other acceptable , in which 14 Nisan falls on Thursday . 
(Source : Encyclopedia of the Bible )
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chronology of the Life of Jesus part 2

Early Ministry of Jesus 
     In between the birth of Jesus and the early His ministry there was a period of about '30 years old ' . Thus Lukas 3:23 . But the beginning is called there may not be the beginning of his ministry , and is not known how broadly the word ' about ' may be interpreted . The question is unequivocal: ' Your Age had not yet reached 50 years ' (John 8:57 )gives the impression that during his ministry Jesus age 40 years , and according to Irenaeus among elderly Asian traditions that have says so. But the Jews may refer to the enter retirement age Levites ( Numbers 4:3 ) . It means ' if Jesus still serve God (as his demands ) , he is not biased to at the age of 50 years ' . 
     Jesus began his ministry after John the Baptist began his service . Because ministry of Jesus was not earlier than the 15-year reign Tiberius ( Luke 3:1 ) . Based on strong reasoning , dihutung view that this year from the time of Tiberius became government servants in August , is now generally rejected. August death on 19 August 14 , the second year reign of Tiberius began October 14 at 1 in the Syrian calendar , on a Nisan 15 in in the Jewish calendar . So in Likas 3:1 , 15 th year rule means : or 27 ( October 1 ) -28 , or 28 ( 1 Nisan ) -29 . The last calendar is more likely , presumably because here Luke wearing an environmental source taken from the Baptist , and many of the writings of those non - Jews , Jews and Christians , mentions that his 15 years covering the years of Tiberius 29 . Luke 3:21 shows that during the interval between calls Baptism and the baptism of Jesus , but its length can not be determined . 
     Baptism Jesus was followed by 40 days in the desert , calling the disciples first , the wedding at Cana , and whereabouts in Capernaum for temporarily. After these events , the least covers two months , went to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter His first ministry (John 2:13 ) . The date appears to be given by the claim of the Jews ' Forty- six years, people have established This temple ' (John 2:20 ) , plus the statement of Josephus ( Ant. 15 . 380 ) that Herod on his 18 year reign ( 20/19 before AD ), ' began working on the development ' of this temple . But Herod must collect a lot of building materials before construction starts, and the time spent was probably not included in the 46 that year. Moreover , the statement that Jews may contain the idea that the building had been completed some time before Easter this .
(Source : Encyclopedia of the Bible)
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chronology of the Life of Jesus part 1

Jesus was born before the death of Herod the Great ( Matthew 2:1 , Luke 1:5 ) , therefore not later than four years before the Christian era. According to Luke 2:1-7 Jesus was born residents held at the time of registration , when Quirinius became guardian of Syria . Quirinius was not possible ruled Syria before he was appointed consul in the year 12 before CE. Though it is no news in the writings of Josephus , or in Roman historians writing about Quirinius ruled between the 11th up to 4 BC. But he became the guardian of Syria in the year 6 or 7 AD , which was then entered into a registration population of Judea that caused the rebellion of Judas the Galilean.Case This causes some people think that enrollment in Luke 1:2 , held when Jesus was born to be confused with registration more then this , which is more commonly known . But perhaps that Quirinius memereintah Syria from the year 11 BC to Titius 's arrival as a guardian his country in the year 9 BC and that in August decided to hold a registration after consulted with Herod when Herod visited him in the year 12 BC. Thus the birth of Jesus may have occurred in the year 11 BC. Attempts to determine the month and day are not member real results . About " Star of the East " (Matthew 2:2 ), then Halley's comet that seemed in the year 12 BC to a very wonderful vision , which fits into a pioneer the way for him , which became the World Light . Although the ancient summons tailed stars are usually seen as a sign of evil , but the Italian astronomer , Argentieri concluded , that the comet This is the star of the Magi . This conclusion is based on two allegations is doubted by many, namely, that Jesus was born on day Sunday and on December 25 . By recognizing that the word which is translated " Star " in Matthew 2 that refers only to one star , then the followers of the theory that it is a star in the East combination of Saturn , Jupiter , has been divided into two streams : one maintain that the star is Saturn and the other is that Jupiter star. But it appeared unlikely that merging of these two planets will have significant meaning for astrologers astrologers - east of the birth of a king. 
( source : biblical encyclopaedia ) .
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Agony And The National Education Goals

     You believe that the goal of education in our country has not fully achieved , do you believe you that there are still many children as the successor of the nation experienced a " status quo "in education and do you believe you that there are children should suffer because they want smart ? . Agony is a word that refers to the reality of life a person in difficulty , hardship and distress . In other words unpleasant circumstances or conditions that are not desired by anyone . This is a view for describing the word " suffering " in this paper.National Education Goal in the State which is the intellectual life of this beloved nation. That means the word "nation "refers to all people , all religions , all ethnic - indigenous , all languages and anyone who recorded an Indonesian citizen in the Republic of Indonesia . 
     All the citizens of Indonesia have the same rights and obligations in order to progress and prosperity of this nation . Progress and welfare is a job that must be implemented by all layers or elements of the nation . This is a preliminary for us to understand the relationship between the word " suffering "and the phrase " National Education Goals . " This article will provide material for the contemplation of our very concerned about the realities of development and progress of this nation's education . Not to mention in the national education dipacuh to reach the international education standard . 
     The question for us to ponder is " Is this standard can be achieved until at remote places far from the advancement of education in the cities grow and prosper ? " . Here the author will present the reality of the suffering children of elementary school there in the village of Hamlet in particular Airbanua III and IV Wawunian Talise Island , precisely in the District of West Likupang - North Minahasa regency , North Sulawesi , Indonesia . Wawunian profile can be read by the visitors of this blog in the category Profiles and History . Within those categories can we imagine how this Wawunian children fighting for one goal which is to study despite suffering. The authors will describe how the pain returned Wawunian kids and the future of education . Hamlet III and IV- Wawunian until today do not have the means and the pre - education facilities are adequate , although since a few years ago has been attempted by people who cooperate with the government that makes SCHOOL Maid that although in an emergency situation , but until today SCHOOL Maid is jammed or not working. Obstacles encountered is that no teacher (teachers ) and teachers' housing facilities . 
     This situation is so that children withdrawn to attend the parent school in the village Airbanua that can be achieved by walking approximately three Kilometres or by sea transport ( boats ) . Can we imagine that children aged 6 to 12 years old must travel two miles through the coastal edge or the beach ( can only be passed when the condition of the tide is low , but in the storm / rain then dismiss the children themselves ) for their studies . This situation is thus not uncommon to many children who are sick and even dropouts. This educational reality has long been even decades , in other words do not experience the development and any effort ( this is what is meant by the status quo ) . Obviously we are concerned about the condition of education like this, because it was written into our contemplation of the material and what comments, suggestions, feedback and solutions for all the joy our children in the village Wawunian in achieving their goals . This is the struggle of children who, although suffering Wawunian but want intelligent. .
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Saturday, May 08, 2010


Meditation Self And Directing Mind To God
( retreat for the servants of God )
(each of worship leaders to follow instructions )

(Respectively to find a suitable position in according to existing conditions )
Worship Leader : We present here, to isolate themselves from the various activities and our busy while we ponder what we call meaning as a waiter and servant of God. Let us worship the Lord our God in His holiness the exalted and feel His presence here today and as we look forward to his words. 
Singing : " HEART as a servant " 
I did not bring anything when I came into the world . 
My stay all in the end When to go back to heaven . 
Reff : 
This is what got my heart as a servant . 
Who would be obedient and loyal to thy Father. 
Wherever I take heart that worship in spirit and truth forever.

Worship Leader : Take a deep breath slowly and try to calm myself , to calm himself before the Lord our God, Navigate our attention on one object before us , and realize that we are in the presence of God . Feel as if he were talking directly to us and even he was familiar with our conversation . 

Worship Leader                       : be at this place Lord! 
Members                                 : Be with thy victory O Lord Jesus Christ 
Worship Leader + Members    : be in between us 
Worship Leader                       : Let all the thunder , conflict and contrary to everything that is in our hearts Members                                 : set aside all the turmoil we desire 
Worship Leader + Members    : so only you, who speaks in us , and only your voice is heard in our inner hearts . We longed to talk with thy Lord , we want to find in the silence of thy ... Come to us O Lord God who is Father , Son and Holy Spirit .... 
Worship Leader                     : Amen. 

( sung with half votes) 
No collection of spiritual songs . 19 " Hand " 
Give your life to Him 
Hand over all your problems 
For in His name is no guarantee eternal In all things 
Reff : 
Cried out to Jesus , 
surrendering to Jesus 
Believe He's able to help you ! 
     Cried out to Jesus , 
     surrendering to Jesus 
     He will give eternal peace . 

( looking for a suitable position so as not to distance - adjacent ) 
Worship Leader + Members : ( internalized in private ) 
Meditation is the way a person reaches perfection in spiritual life . 
Meditation is also a means to achieve inner peace . 
By meditating we : Empty yourself to not obey the voice of our own hearts , but seeks to hear God's voice whisper that always greeted us .... 
In the process of this meditation is that we must consider is how we breathe , that we must regulate how we breathe is breathing as you breathe normally . 
Concentrate fully on our objective that we want to communicate with God . 
We 've left the busy work and away from the hustle and the world to communicate with God merjumpa.
     1 . biological and feel His presence,
     2 . feel inner contact with God .
     3 . and imagine that God is in the air and were questioning God greet you like Moses when he was at Tent Meeting
Would you be a faithful church people ? 
Would you be a faithful disciple of Jesus ? 
Would you like to be the servant of God who truly devout , faithful and glorifying God in our words and our deeds ? 
Would you like to be a good example and role model for many people ? 
Would you like to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ who loves to do good ? 
                1 . Reflect 
                2 . Empty our hearts today 
                3 . Say to God 
( This meditation process is led by worship leader ) 
Submission to GOD SONG
" O Lord God Almighty " ( sung with half votes) 
           O Lord Almighty , we come to You Confess our sins with all my heart 
           We often neglect guidelines thy Lord! 
           We only obey their own hearts 
           a loving God , have mercy on us Give us understand. 
           Your love always . Now step out, O God on the right path, 
           according to your will, now and forever .

Worship Leader       : Let us read the Word of God in mutual contained in Psalm 139:1-24 

( In this stage the leader directs the participants retreat to each giving recognition through a written denial in a blank paper by reading the Psalms. 139 :1 24th. Recognition and self-denial is also directed through the questions forwarded to all participants , with the hope through reading Psalms and these questions of each candidate can provide proper recognition and self-denial truly to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) . 
Singing . 149 "I leave AT THE LORD " 
I give it to God , body , soul , my soul ; 
I just want to live for Thee my Lord! 
Chorus : Body . my life , spirit and soul I give it , 
             God welcome your servant 

Worship Leader         : Read Isaiah 50 : 4-6 
-Would you be in this reading ? 
-What should you make by reading this section?
-Does God command of God for you after reading this passage ? 
-Can you be a witness to the truth of God ? 
-Can there to sacrifice for the world? 
1 . Say to myself in order to live up to this symbol , 
2 . Write in brief what a piece of paper and the promise of your vows to the Lord Jesus Christ 

Prayer of thanksgiving and worship 
Singing Kj.No. 428 . "Look around " 

Worship Leader : And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen . 
( shaking hands with each other )
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Chicken and Lamb

     Certainly we know that both types of animals , namely chicken and lamb . Second These animal species have many differences in a very clear one Chicken , were two-legged and has a wing while the Sheep four-footed and do not have wings and stout again differences owned both types of these animals, but certainly we are very know the differences that are owned by two animals these . At one time a chicken is laying eggs and incubate for twenty-one days .That means that when the fullness of twenty-one days then the chicken eggs will hatch and the children born chicken as a new generation . 
     It is highly preferred by humans on sheep is wool . Because fur Bomba is one of the important benefits that are used by humans as the need for clothing and others. So did the chicken used by humans in terms of food ( and clothing ) . At one point in the field is overgrown with green grass Walk thousands flock of sheep that have developed the habit of eating well multiply. Flock of Sheep - herd is led by a chief who called " Head of Sheep " . In another place which was situated not far apart with a flock of sheep that eat grass while paddocks, there was a mother hen that while incubating eggs. On a mother hen when it came out and left the eggs. Parent this chicken forget that he was out searching for food is another day twenty- one in which the eggs will hatch . At the almost the same eggs that will hatch was found by a sheep and then also all the chicken eggs to hatch and this was witnessed by a sheep . 
     After the eggs hatched chickens , This chicken children assume that their mother is a sheep. After that the chicks will follow the lamb which is regarded as the mother or their parent is gone wherever sheep . This is highly undesirable by sheep because he was embarrassed to be followed or are friends with the kids chicken . Many plans , business and how that is done by sheep, so that he was not followed by the chicken children . Yet how much plans , business and the way the sheep to stay away from the chicks but all was in vain , in other words do not succeed because Just keep the chicks followed. Hens come home and go back to where he was brooding eggs. But he did not find the eggs but he found the shells of eggs ( eggs former has hatch ) . Hens have been looking everywhere but not discover where her children are. Hens are very sad because all the resources and effort he did but he did not succeed find her children . Hen told all his grief to be ready all she met with one hopes he can meet and reunited with her children . 
     This effort also failed and he was almost desperate , but he remained determined to find missing children . Various information he got and collect so that eventually she found her children missing . Parent This chicken find her children were together with a sheep. But oddly enough the chicks do not want to come with mother ( hen ) . diletakanlah Then the chicks are between mother hen and sheep. It is with the intention that the children of this chicken choose whom they would follow . The world is upside down " why ? " , chosen by the chicks are not the real mother hen their mother , but that they chose is the only sheep by kebetulah witnessed the birth of these chicks . How way so that the chicks follow the mother hen who is them and not follow the sheep who are physically different and that really not a parent of these chickens . How to order that the chicks follow the mother hen this is took the reed sheep , made clothes and fit to the parent chicken . It turns out it works and live chicks with mother. This hen thank the sheep who have been give up and sacrifice of your hair with beauty crown one purpose of the chicks are able to return and unite hiudp returned with his mother . Despite this sad loss of sheep rabut as a crown of beauty , but she was grateful because it can do whether that is by re- unite mother hen and her children separated since birth . 
     Brother of believers are sometimes in our lives , we are required to choose between two competing interests , that our interests or interests of others (many people) . Can we sacrifice our interests and give priority to the interests of others? . To sacrifice for something positive and a blessing to corpulent person for me it is something that should and need to be made . But sacrifice to obstruct, impede , turns off many people , or harming others is something that does not sacrifice received an award but the humiliation and punishment of God God . God did not put a man on this earth to destroy , kill and give death to other human , but human the one placed by God because it is needed by the human another . In other words, humans are one can not live without other human differences and talents possessed. Do not be like a mother hen was the lack of attention to the blessings and trust , but be like sheep relah even though he sacrificed himself to lose something very precious. This is the salt and light of the real world , like the Lord Jesus Christ is our sacrifice for mankind. Because the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins we are human and to provide safety for us.
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