Meditation Self And Directing Mind To God
( retreat for the servants of God )
(each of worship leaders to follow instructions )
(Respectively to find a suitable position in according to existing conditions )
Worship Leader : We present here, to isolate themselves from the various activities and our busy while we ponder what we call meaning as a waiter and servant of God. Let us worship the Lord our God in His holiness the exalted and feel His presence here today and as we look forward to his words.
Singing : " HEART as a servant "
I did not bring anything when I came into the world .
My stay all in the end
When to go back to heaven .
Reff :
This is what got my heart as a servant .
Who would be obedient and loyal to thy Father.
Wherever I take heart that worship in spirit and truth forever.
Worship Leader :
Take a deep breath slowly and try to calm myself , to calm himself before the Lord our God,
Navigate our attention on one object before us ,
and realize that we are in the presence of God . Feel as if he were talking directly to us and even he was familiar with our conversation .
Worship Leader : be at this place Lord!
Members : Be with thy victory O Lord Jesus Christ
Worship Leader + Members : be in between us
Worship Leader : Let all the thunder , conflict and contrary to everything that is in our hearts
Members : set aside all the turmoil we desire
Worship Leader + Members : so only you, who speaks in us , and only your voice is heard in our inner hearts . We longed to talk with thy Lord , we want to find in the silence of thy ... Come to us O Lord God who is Father , Son and Holy Spirit ....
Worship Leader : Amen.
( sung with half votes)
No collection of spiritual songs . 19 " Hand "
Give your life to Him
Hand over all your problems
For in His name is no guarantee eternal
In all things
Reff :
Cried out to Jesus ,
surrendering to Jesus
Believe He's able to help you !
Cried out to Jesus ,
surrendering to Jesus
He will give eternal peace .
( looking for a suitable position so as not to distance - adjacent )
Worship Leader + Members : ( internalized in private )
Meditation is the way a person reaches perfection in spiritual life .
Meditation is also a means to achieve inner peace .
By meditating we :
Empty yourself to not obey the voice of our own hearts , but seeks to hear God's voice whisper that always greeted us ....
In the process of this meditation is that we must consider is how we breathe , that we must regulate how we breathe is breathing as you breathe normally .
Concentrate fully on our objective that we want to communicate with God .
We 've left the busy work and away from the hustle and the world to communicate with God merjumpa.
1 . biological and feel His presence,
2 . feel inner contact with God
3 . and imagine that God is in the air and were questioning God greet you like Moses when he was at Tent Meeting.
Would you be a faithful church people ?
Would you be a faithful disciple of Jesus ?
Would you like to be the servant of God who truly devout , faithful and glorifying God in our words and our deeds ?
Would you like to be a good example and role model for many people ?
Would you like to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ who loves to do good ?
1 . Reflect
2 . Empty our hearts today
3 . Say to God
( This meditation process is led by worship leader )
Submission to GOD SONG
" O Lord God Almighty " ( sung with half votes)
O Lord Almighty , we come to You
Confess our sins with all my heart
We often neglect guidelines thy Lord!
We only obey their own hearts
a loving God , have mercy on us Give us understand.
Your love always . Now step out, O God on the right path,
according to your will, now and forever .
Worship Leader :
Let us read the Word of God in mutual contained in Psalm 139:1-24
( In this stage the leader directs the participants retreat to each giving recognition through a written denial in a blank paper by reading the Psalms. 139 :1 24th. Recognition and self-denial is also directed through the questions forwarded to all participants , with the hope through reading Psalms and these questions of each candidate can provide proper recognition and self-denial truly to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) .
Singing . 149 "I leave AT THE LORD "
I give it to God , body , soul , my soul ;
I just want to live for Thee my Lord!
Chorus : Body . my life , spirit and soul
I give it ,
God welcome your servant
Worship Leader : Read Isaiah 50 : 4-6
-Would you be in this reading ?
-What should you make by reading this section?
-Does God command of God for you after reading this passage ?
-Can you be a witness to the truth of God ?
-Can there to sacrifice for the world?
1 . Say to myself in order to live up to this symbol ,
2 . Write in brief what a piece of paper and the promise of your vows to the Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer of thanksgiving and worship
Worship Leader :
Singing Kj.No. 428 .
"Look around "
Worship Leader :
And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .
( shaking hands with each other )
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