Open , Close And Viruses
In a house there lived two families with the nature, character and different habits. Families with a family that is very closed, compared with one family who wanted and always open to families or people who live there and surround. Families who we call this a closed family Close and families that one family is also what we call Open. Family Open This always wanted to open the Close family, but any business Open family never managed to break down attitudes closed from the Close family. Efforts by the family Open never subsided or ceased to know the attitude closure of the Close family, which this is considered by Open as a form of family life that is not good or not normal. Ways for them will be done by the family to know the secrets of the Open what is in the Close family life.
Then the family Open find a way to find out background of family life Close by sending a Secret Agent in the life Secret Agent days of this less attention in the family, with In other words always be set aside.This we call the Secret Agent Virus. Way an accurate and precise to be done by the virus according to a family Open is to spy on all family activities Close. At one when the virus is carrying out its duties for spying activities Close family by looking through the keyhole of the door. Your know what was found by the virus when spying activities Close family through the door keyhole?. Virus seen in Close family there was a man who was ill with paralysis. sick man who is served by a family with a member to eat and drinking even accompanied by music. In my heart and mind, Viruses imagine that if he had served by the family with given food and drink without effort and certainly the music accompaniment This is very fun. The findings of this virus is not notified to Open family relative. But he decided to find ideas so that he can be served by his family as seen in the Close family .
The virus is found in ways make a doll made of plastic the size of human. This doll placed above the roof of the house and tied with a rope that can be drawn down to the bottom. The virus then the way forward to pull the doll house that he put on the roof of the house. Moment he pulled down the doll was, at that time he also visits by family Close. Virus pretend that the fall was not a puppet but he own. Close family lift and carry virus to the Hospital. The assessment and diagnosis of doctors that the virus does not hurt slightest. After doctors diagnosed the virus heard he was ashamed and fled from the hospital. Viruses are not home runs but met his end because it was hit by a car. Illustration of the Open, Close and virus reasons can explain some following:
1. Openness is needed in every relationship between human beings that exist under under heaven, so they are not inter-relationships there is suspicion, prejudice, not a good interpretation of human one against another human being, and this attitude is needed in the things in all areas of mutual tolerance, but openness is not good forever, right or true if it's only for openness hinder, impede or drop people around the existing us or in other words if the disclosure was only to achieve self-interest, arrogance and locate weaknesses of others.
2. Closure is something that should not be mastered totality of human life. This is because other people will not can understand what and how we, if we have the properties and a closed attitude. On the other hand it is necessary secrecy in order to avoid the conversations considered unimportant gossip especially about the issue and that is not necessarily truth. Closure of this attitude can also lead to irrational actions or actions for committing fatal various actions before asking.
3. Open, Close and Virus is a picture of the reality of life that is owned and lived by human beings from time to time. Eliminate immediate malicious viruses and these viruses do not be evil master our lives . Attitudes, the nature and character of what is present in you?, Are you has properties open or closed?, and Are you choose to always closed or open?. It all depends you choose it because both openness and secrecy each have a result or consequence, whether the consequences it is good or bad. Therefore be reasonable, use of conscience you and your common sense before acting. Last but hopefully mind, heart, words and our actions will always be a bright and peacemakers (blessing) for many people and that's when we be Salt and Light of the World. May the Lord Jesus Christ will always bless us always and wanted to share the love for the salt and the light of the world.
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