Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jesus Christ is the source of the PEACE

Greetings and Love 
Jesus Christ is the source of the PEACE " Jesus Christ is the source of the PEACE - ness " 
Many people are looking where to- PEACE - an is situated. 
There is a search through the " wealth and wealth " ... but not the peace that is found but the arrogance and self-interest, there is a search via " position and power " ... but not the peace that is found but the load often makes the human "stress " , there is a search through the " war " ... but not peace find the burden of sin but rather a deep , and there is a search for through the " supernatural power " ... but not the peace that is found but the worries and fears that will never run out. 
We ask ........ The PEACE Where 's that real ? Let us See the following descriptions are some but all are dependent YOUR to vote ... JESUS CHRIST : - Prince of Peace - Giver of Peace - Source of all Peace - Peace for human Providers - Always say : "Peace I leave with you , My peace I give thee " . 
Let us say:  
Lord Jesus Christ help us to open our eyes and hearts , so we can see and find PEACE it , help us to open the door of our conscience so that we can free our hearts and invites the PEACE OF JESUS CHRIST actually go in and overshadow our hearts in this way .,,,,,,...... so we can make peace with : - God ( which we often denied ) - Others ( which we often hostile and fight ) - Natural universe and the Environment (which we were lied to and often less concerned ) Invite the Lord Jesus Christ for there is always yours , fill out and fill your heart with the Lord  JESUS CHRIST PEACE We hope this helpful ...... and our lives are always filled with heart , intention , words and actions are always carried our lives in peace and not in chaos, my world is peaceful , serene and peaceful country neighborhood ... .
"Life for Peace and Peace for Life " 
Shalom ........


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