Thursday, October 07, 2010

Piece of Word to save the world (Efforts theology)

The canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke &...
     Any person from time to time until now, consciously or unconscious and intentional or unintentional conduct an act of theology. In other words that everyone until now theology. One simple example that when a phrase or the spoken life to bring change for the better or generate a blessing to other people then that's theology. Theology is not simply take from the Bible, but lifestyle, speech, thought and action both for themselves and other people's theology. Various sections of the community include: educated, uneducated, rich, poor, civilian, officer, not the theology or theology, children up to adults and so forth have the opportunity to theology. 
     Theology is not just certain circles within the Church, nor only those who have formal theological education, not only those who have theological literature, not only owned by a church or church leader and which is more dangerous that the theology of the church is not forordinary citizens. Some of it may have the truth, when theology is seen only as science. The term "theology" comes from two Greek words are: "THEOS" and "LOGOS", which means: "the human words about God." Theology can also be interpreted as the human effort to speak about God. As a human endeavor, it is natural that one day or the future of theology is to serve as a science subject scientifically, deliberate, critical and logical. 
     Theology is nothing more than an effort to learn the man himself. There is also a theology interprets as a human effort to give direction and basic provisions of the Lord according to his faith., As long as people can accept and understand it. Theology as a human effort to understanding the how the role of God in human life, but also how the role of human to another human being in accordance with his faith in God. The phrase "human effort in doing theology", gives us an understanding that humans are referred to in this expression is a universal human. In the theology of human effort can’t be restricted in terms of position, status, social status, gender, culture, language and others. 
     Theology is the human effort in terms of faith to understand and do God's will in the context of human life itself. Thus also be said that the effort does not belong to theology or theology, or specifically for the clergy or a formal theological background only. But as the efforts of the believers in Allah in order to receive, understand and practice the word of the Lord in the context of human life itself. All the actors are the faithful efforts of theology (church people). 
     When a person tells experience of life and faith to others, then this is where he has been carrying out a theology of work or effort. Endowed with reason and the human mind to express his faith experience as an effort to theology. The experience of faith as part of efforts to theology, can be described by way of writing and expression. With these efforts of others will also do the same thing as part of a theology of work and effort. 
Happy to be a blessing to others around you or that there is much with you as part of efforts to theology.


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