Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The disintegration of the Church and misdirection

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ...
     Recent years found that the church was experiencing difficulties, misery and destroyed because of the disunity caused by the misdirection. Many of deviations of faith and truth of Christianity occurred here and there, so the Christian community must be more vigilant and careful about doctrines and dogmas of the false and heretical. In other words, Christians must continue to make the Bible as the main guide. The emergence of heresies or false is not just lately, but since the early Christian community. In other words, the emergence of heresy or false is not something new or something that was born without us knowing it, but the false teachings and false at any time to prey on us. If we pull way back, the conflict between Judaism that began in Antioch, which encourages the Apostle Paul to struggle a variety of hazards that can be experienced by church and fellowship. Disagreement about the "resurrection of the dead" (see 1 Corinthians 15:12 ), some Christian communities at the time said that there is no resurrection of the dead or they deny the existence of bodily resurrection after death (something that is less important). But for the Apostle Paul that "the resurrection of the dead" The most fundamental is the core of the Christianfaith. 
     If we read in Acts 20:29-30 that there are deceivers, deceivers will come to deliver and preach the false testimony and even attract students to follow them. In a letter to Timothy and Titus, the Apostle Paul gives affirmation to the truth of biblical doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1). For Paul, the church will be able to experience deterioration of trust in which the church will no longer accept sound teaching , but the teachings of which only satisfy the ear, the church would turn away from the truth to the tale (2 Timothy 4:3-4). This assumption comes from the Apostle Paul's first century, even this can we feel today. Christians should be sensitive to see where the sound doctrine and where false teaching. Fellowship of the church not to be entered by the heretical teachings that are not something with the teachings of Christ. Christians must remain pure in keeping the faith and exhort, and rebuke when there are teachers who preach the Bible is not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. 
     We always hear that "the Church is not a determinant for the believers go to heaven or salvation." Indeed this expression is correct, because the determinant of a trust obtain salvation is Jesus Christ. Church is just an introduction to the Jewish people to God the Father. But the church should clean and free of heresies or false, this is because if the church astray and preach what is false then its members will become members of a misguided and false. The fact of Christianity is now in-country Asian countries especially in Indonesia, many churches were born with the basic teaching is "in accordance with the teachings of the Old Testament or New Testament, in accordance with the Way of Christ or other principal who focuses on the proper safety when they follow the church". 
     The presence of churches with various excuses and principal teachings lead to the break in each of the bodies of the church (old church and new church). There was a breakaway from the church because the question of origin : Baptism is not true, lawful and unlawful, the law and not a matter of law and piety. This situation is so many evangelists feel tender and tasty ransacked churches (Christianity as a majority ) in a place, rather than carrying out evangelistic work in a place which has little or no Christian community (Christians as minorities). 
For the Christian community who read this paper, I invite let us keep the promise and uphold our commitment as a people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is witnessed in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), let us not go in and stuck to things astray or false teacher (reporter-herald) false and false.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happier you become a waitress?

     The first question to be posed in this paper is "Are we happy to serve our neighbors?. Why is this question should be posed?. Indeed, in principle, serve others is a noble job or jobs that do not expect retribution. To be honest many people often say to serve, but in practice is not the same expectations with reality. In this modern world many of which serve not because they want to serve with sincerity, but served to expect something. Whether the scope of the church and outside the church a lot of people love to talk about service, but to talk about service often becomes blurred or unclear. Serving means we do something voluntarily, without us to expect something when we finish doing the service work. For example, there is a pastor asked his congregation to collect funds for the continuation of construction of the church building and there were several congregations respond to the answer: "We must support what requested by the Pastor, because to continue development of our church." Here we can say that this is the role of serving in the case of donation. Therewas an Old Law in a village asking residents to clean drains in the village square. These villagers responded by following what they were requested by the Old Law. Here we can see that the villagers do voluntary work to serve because of their impact is also their health. 
     There is also a treasurer of the church asked for a teenager to buy something for the work of the church service, after the teenager was carrying what was requested by the Treasurer of the church he wanted to give money as fees or transportation costs, but the teenager replied: "No, it's also for church service." This situation can we say that a teenager was doing volunteer work or serve without expecting a reward. Actual service is synonymous with seriousness. A person who is doing a job with great earnestness and sincerity, without expectation of reward is what we call service. The word "serving" is a word that is widely used by society in general. Both people in the field of religion and society in the field is not a religion, still wearing our "ministry". Deacon, priest and all the components mentioned in the life of the church ministry as a servant and leader of the government (president, governors, regents and mayors) are also said to be a public servant. But is it true of the various jobs services have made a sincere and earnest or executed by expecting something (not voluntary). 
     If we consider from the standpoint of biblical for Christians, the word "serving" in the Old Testament also has many meanings. In the Gospel of Luke 22:26,27 Jesus gave new meaning to "serve", that is to serve people is lower than the position and our degrees. The word "serving" is also defined as the charisma to serve the interests and good of many people. The Apostle Paul also understand the word "serve" as the attitude of a servant of Christ (cf. Galatians 4:1-20). It is so extraordinary that was witnessed by Philippians 2:5-7, which is Jesus himself who first served us mankind "...the image of God but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant." Testimony in Philippians is proving to us that the Lord Jesus Christ also had to do the work, let alone we human beings are always invited by the Word of God in the Bible to do good and serve fellow human beings. 
     It turns out the soul of Christ is the soul that serves. That is also our souls of believers who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world. We as followers of Christ must have the soul of a servant who likes to serve others. People who want to walk with Christ is a person who would serve sincerely and faithfully. But this is not something easy, so take responsibility and sacrifice even ready for the challenges, struggles, suffering, even though the risk of death. Being a servant does not lie solely on lifestyle, status and respect but it is located on what is created and performed by a servant of Christ for many people (evil or good). 
     Serving is not just working there and the here, not just doing well there and do here, but the serving is alienated or emptied himself who put the interests of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church and many people from the self-interest. Because the fact is many people who prioritize self-interest instead of the interests of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church and many people. Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke once said that: "But I'm in the midst of you as a servant." This expression means that we Christians should be consistent and responsible in putting our lives as servants who give priority to the desire of the Lord Jesus Christ than we desire. 
Congratulations to serve the Lord's work
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Theology authority

     Theology does have such a vast movement for theology comes from God, from the Word of God. Thus, theology has the authority and power. Theology has the power to heal, to forgive, to assess and has the power to love. However, theology is something that is humane. Why say theology is something that is humane?, Why are people using theology to give teaching the Word, preach and explain the Word of God to other human as the target of preaching the Word of God. Preaching the Word of God is part of efforts to theology, so that with this theology of human effort will be more familiar with what the Word of God and the God who works in the totality of human life. God's Word also has a strong authority and the authority to assess the human understanding and how to apply God's Word in the context of everyday human life. Therefore, often it is the divine union with the humane thing or things that are God's authoritymingled with human authority.
     In doing so, the authority of theology in practice through the works of the power of God that is by understanding, words, and actions of human beings. But people are always trying to interpret, and apply the Word of God in the manner and style of their own limited and even mundane. Is there a question in theology spoken and preached by man is truly pure theology of the Word of God?. Must be aware that human beings should not assert something that he said is not mixed with natural theology or claiming that he utters is a hundred per cent coming from God theology. In actualize the Word of God as the product of interpreting the Word of God must be true comes from the Word of God is not the word of man or the world. Definitely something that God himself would claim and decide whether spoken man in a theology that is true, good and true. But we realize, through a man's decisions and the will of God is actually carried out or reported in the reality of human life. 
     A concrete example of these dynamics, which tended to humans in preaching the Word of God is always saying the words such as the "gift of God" by His power and also the expression "Law". In the news people are always taught "we will obtain the blessings God both on earth or in heaven" for those who faithful to God, but "we will go to hell" for failure to faithful to God. The hazards to be generated from these expressions is a manipulation. Danger here is that there is manipulation of churches asserts that only through the church that one's sins can be forgiven. These expressions will be consecrated in church sermons given divine authority. Human and earthly things will be declared a saint and the sacred. If this really happens, then theology has been mixed human theology, religion, power politics even. 
     To avoid many of the above, the believer in Jesus Christ must always remember that the "Authorization" has been depicted and described in the Bible and through the expressions of the Lord Jesus Christ. Power that exists on earth is not something that ruling but as servants of God's Love. Existing power of the Christians is not the power to govern but a willingness to serve despite having to deal with suffering. Willingness to serve is an attitude to serve more people and even for the "Glory of God." Theology must say by all theologians of contextual theology, is intended to be preaching the Word of God as an effort to theology was really touched and accepted by the various realities of human life. 
Good theology, good theology is that we speak through so many people will believe and follow Jesus Christ.
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Filling the role of the Church in Nation 's Independence (Corruption , Collusion , Nepotism and Terrorism )

Indonesia Past and Present Context (Overview)
     The Indonesian nation formerly fought against the colonizing nations that robs everything that belongs to both the nation 's natural wealth, pride and dignity of the nation. In this struggle of the Indonesian nation faces not just one or dozens of years, but faced with hundreds of years. It was only in 1945 precisely in the months August 17 Indonesian nation gain independence. The Indonesian nation is currently filling the independence of the various efforts, hard work and efforts to achieve a prosperous and affluent countries. Conscious or not, hope to prosper certainly something that is not easy, but something that is very difficult to achieve. Why do I say as something that is very difficult, because Indonesia is a large country is currently faced with various problems both in government and the religious. In government was faced with various problems of corruption, collusion and nepotism and even preached today's hustle is the problem of terrorism. Terrorism is like a very scary monsterand anytime, anywhere even anyone can be affected. State terrorism in Indonesia is like a time bomb that could explode at any time and can take some victims are not just hundreds but thousands or millions of people. 
     Terrorism is like a grown -thousand dead expression meaning something that is difficult to be destroyed because of one person arrested will be born more than one person. Two major problems, namely corruption and terrorism that is currently being fought by the entire people of Indonesia. Both corruption and terrorism that is the colonizer who not only robs all things belong to the nation but also the people who killed unarmed and helpless (cf. moment which divides the nation against the invaders themselves with various tools of war such as bamboo spears). But now we as a nation Indonesia is not against the corrupt and the terrorists by doing the same thing , but beyond that is just as ordinary people. Terrorism and corruption should be fought by the whole community whether ethnic, or Tribe. In other words there is no interest and any religion that requires actions that lead to the Corruption and Terrorism , every tribe and religion calls for peace and tranquility. How does the role of Christians in the independence? As the nation's independence from colonial shackles of other nations, has been fitting for us to appreciate and give meaning to independence. 
     Christian community to understand that the independence of Indonesia on the occupiers is a blessing and gift from God. What should we make of these blessings and grace? Church in which believers must stay on the real goal of independence. Something that must be avoided is about corruption and about terrorism. Both the Corruption and Terrorism are two things that can not be approved or justified. Be a Christian who truly responsible for this country, or against God. As the church must foster fellowship among all men so that most small and great, rich, poor, masters, servants, respected, able to participate despicable thankful God-given freedom to all people. The believer should fight for the common life that upholds justice and truth and also be a light to the darkness, straightened what is crooked or give forgiveness. It is very unfortunate when the church as an institution or individual is the bottleneck of the independence. 
     Churches in Indonesia live in the midst of the nation's independence, the independence of the church deserves to be a blessing, a light and a good salt. The Church can not affirm his people to do acts of corruption, collusion, nepotism and terrorism. It must be questionable if there are people who believe in doing the actions described in this paper, which is not only the independence but hinder or deny the nature of freedom itself. Lord Jesus Christ commands us believers in Him to be a blessing or a hindrance rather than a thorn. Indonesian Church of God on earth shall be responsible in directing the entire life of the nation, so that year after year in the life of our nation and state will be more dignified and humane.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Church's witness and to preach in the unity call

     Every church that is on this earth has a mission as a responsibility towards its members and to God. The church must become a witness in preaching the love of God for this world that are designated in a concrete to human or believers in Jesus Christ in an absolute expectation that someday there is salvation and life eternal. Whatever things that should be performed and observed by the church for the sake of success and success in preaching the word of God?. One of the main factors to be considered by the church in evangelism is all about love. When implementing the preaching in the evangelical church to draw in as many people outside the church without love, the preaching and the mission fails because it is not desired by the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
     There is no telling which is mandated by the Lord Jesus Christ which was conducted not on the basis of love. Or in other words there is no preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who is independent of love. Love is something that unites, for the love that unites the church where it serves. Preachingabout the love of serving can we read in James 2:14-17 (cf. 1 John 4:20, etc.). Certainty in the life of a church or Christian community should do everyday accurately, correctly, clearly and concretely. In the life of believers (of believers in Jesus Christ as Savior) is meant as a concrete reality of life of people who experience hardship, suffering, pain, hunger, poverty and others. 
     When the church discovered there are people who are experiencing a spiritual hunger, then this is where the church to feed. This way the church gives meaning to life, so hungry people can be fed spiritually beyond material satisfaction. In addition, the church also faces the reality of social life in society which include: injustice, oppression and other discriminatory. This condition required the church to not only voice but the church seek liberation, equality, conciliation and Conditioning.
     Everything we do whether we are the church as an institution or individual in terms of feeding the spiritual to those who hunger and thirst for spiritual, whether we fight politically to fight for justice and a human rights, or whether we as a preacher who always voiced and called people to believe and back onto the right path. Let this be done within the framework of responsibility for the integrity of human life. In other words, the church can not claim anything for the sake of truth and its own interests, because it is often sparked disunity among the churches. But the Church is a witness of truth is the church who let the Holy Spirit to control us to struggle for the sake of problem issues in all aspects of human life for the safety of humans and all creation in accordance with the will of God himself.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Want to Share the Love To Be Salt And Light of the World

     Church Institutions and individual efforts are called to proclaim the mighty deeds of God is a task that must be accepted and obeyed. When we heed the call given by God to Abraham, then of the Christian community is where the soul meets his call. In which the church is the collection of the fellowship of believers called to be a blessing to the community or another human. This we read in Genesis 12:3 which says: "I will bless those who bless thee, and curse those who curse you, and ye all people on earth will be blessed." 
     In the Old Testament book, blessings always associated with wealth and happiness, which is also associated with the existence of a good relationship with God, so that something good happens in human life. For example, people who become God's chosen will produce the fruit of blessing of life. The fruit of blessing can we read in John 15:16 that says: "You did not choose Me, but I chose you. And I have set you, so you can go and bear fruit, and your people were still ..." 
     Being a fruit is to be salt and light of the world it is also a witness, blessing and seeds. Divide love to be salt and light of the world encompasses several things, which among other things : to witness , be a blessing and a seed. Divide love to be a blessing is a good fruit , then the church in which the believers should continue to grow in faith to Jesus Christ. Things that must be observed by believers and churches among other things: 
1. Grow in spiritual life, meaning the church as an institution and as individuals should be more loving and being loved by the Lord God in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world. 
2. Grow in wisdom, meaning believers and the church must become more intelligent, wiser and more intelligent minds. 
3. Growing in social life, meaning believers or churches should be able to attend, actively participate and be productive in the midst of community development. 
4. Growing in facilities and infrastructure, meaning the church and believers must be able to develop existing sources of power to him either, funding and manpower. 
     This is done within the framework of kindness and responsibility. A blessing indeed requires a process and not directly happen. Being a blessing is not derived directly from heaven, but both the church as an institution of the church as individuals (believers) should continue to develop existing potential of her self. Hard work that must continue to be developed will provide the desired results which continue to be salt and light of the world.
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