Thursday, February 18, 2010

Church congregation that makes adult and Missionary

     Church congregation that makes adult and Missionary Growth church today is like mushrooms in the rainy season, in which growth so quickly even uncontrollable. This gives benefits where many people who called from the dark to in the light (of which do not yet know Jesus Christ become familiar with and believe), but is it really so?, lest the who already know" re-converted to Christianity" (meaning this is not a healthy growth but a split). 
     In I Corinthians 11 : 18.19 says: For the first I heard that if the you come together as a congregation , there are divisions among you, and things some extent I believe. Because of you must have split, so real Who among you who will be disqualified. The split is the root of all difficulties, whether caused by individuals, churches or congregations. On the other hand there is something that is not beneficial to the existence of divisions according to The Apostle Paul had heard about" disunity "in the Christian period it. The split did not build, but in certain limits is something that can not be avoided. The split is a the reality of Christianity which by itself gives the exam about obedience and faith of the people who have been summoned from darkness into the light of Jesus Christ. 
     The split on is essentially due to dissatisfaction, to gain a power / position, the inability to understand the Word of God right and true and many more reasons, so that one (congregation) separate themselves from others. This is one factor either inhibiting or arising from a church that does not make adult and missionary congregation or whether the community itself which no longer aware that he had been living in the light of Jesus Christ. An article by " Widi Artanto "with the topic" MISSION IN CRISIS " saying that: "The church then became the Church of the actual when the church was carrying out God 's mission in the middle of the world or where It became the Church Missionary Church. However, the concept and understanding about the nature of the Church and the Mission as well as how to be Church Missionary is not clear...In LPP RIP Synod was stated that purpose of fostering and cadre is that the Christian Church congregations Java and Java Christian Church Central Java became Missionary congregations. Diligent study of Scripture and Putting in the reality of our lives. 
     The church members diligently study the Bible and be able to realize them in life situations they are concrete, so they can recognize the will of God they must obey. It can therefore appreciate and bring in Faith. So the church can become a mature faith and church missionary, where the members of his faith and be able to appreciate turn into real actions (a blessing and a light for others). Faith is living up to the essentials, while the effort to realize the real action is a form of service to the Lord. Able and willing to serve not only on worship routine, but every adult member of the congregation and missionary must realize that he as a community (personal/institutional) being in this world not for himself but for the world , which is to serve God's plan of salvation for this world. Willing to Perform Duty as a message of God's call, willing and dare to participate in implementing the tasks that the Church calls not changed in all places and times throughout are: Witnessing, Realizing God's love in service and Achieve unity as Body of Christ and ecumenical vision. Active Participation in Social life, the missionary church members must be willing and dare to participate in a realistic, critical and creative in national development. The missionary church members realize that they are constantly obliged grow toward maturity and fullness in Christ and realize that as the people who were on the way (people exodus) they always moving forward. Believe in the fulness of the Kingdom of God, The compulsory missionary church members realize that the destiny of the church is a triumph of faith, fullness, and the coming of the Kingdom of God. Leaders who have the Active and Creative where church leaders should be aware of and felt as a devoted member and are called to always be a driving force in mobilizing and equip other church members understanding and doctrine...". 
     The Church can not guarantee the Church itself becomes a missionary, but to become a missionary church needed a concept or understanding. In crisis situations described above, understanding Church missionary contextually relevant and should be built with a reconstruction of understanding the Church's mission. A reconstruction presupposes the existence of a construction or old buildings that are not must be completely torn down and thrown away because there is no pointless. Building construction is still needed and long may used, but must be disassembled again. Similarly, the understanding mission of the Church's heritage of the past need to be reconstructed contextual understanding of the new mission. Understand the explanation above, then can be said that if the church becomes the church that adult and missionary as a result of the positive (good) from the efforts and hard work Church in building the church, it means very little cleavage in a church fellowship . Why the " division? " Could it be :
1. Congregation of less trained or train themselves in study the Bible and do it ?. 
2. The Church is less/no His faith in applying the real action ?.
3. Congregation to understand life this for themselves and closed to the outside world ?. 
4. The Church does not want to carry out duties as a person who has been calling saved by Jesus ?. 
5. The Church did not participate in life of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia?. 
6. Congregation really immature in terms of mindset, attitude and faith?. 
7. Church less believe in the fulness of the Kingdom of God? Or could it be ? 
     CHURCH led by a leader who is not active, creative and a leaders who do not know the lead ?. The integrity of a communion of the Church is hope and something to be grasped, the occurrence of divisions within a fellowship of the church (institution) perhaps we as a leader less to position ourselves as leaders real or less gave themselves into the life of concrete church, so the church which is the sheep that actually should guarded and not united into a single one instead fragmented with the other. Do not be no more divisions among us. 
Hopefully this article useful
....God bless us...Shalom Peace......
"Peace to you and me".


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